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CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25

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Full Agenda

Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024

CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico
October 23-25

Oct 23 - 9:00 AM

Registration & Welcoming Remarks

10:00 AM

Student Flash Presentations

Health and Disease, Metabolism, Nervous System, Proteomics and Transcriptomics, Receptor Structure, Signaling and Activation Mechanism

Abhishek Kumar Singh · Alex Torrelli-Diljohn · Emmanouil Kyrloglou · Vasiliki Karagiannakou · Lara-Sophie Brodmerkel · Rashed Rezwan Parag · Hailey Steichen · Tyler Bernadyn

12:00 PM

Coffee Break with lights snacks

12:30 PM

State of the Art Talk


Nicole Scholz

1:00 PM

Plenary Lecture

Identification and Functional Characterization of Adhesion GPCRs As Steroid Hormone Receptors and Hearing and Balance Receptors

Jinpeng Sun

2:00 PM


3:00 PM

Session I

Tethered agonist-dependent/independent activation mechanism in AGPCRs

Signe Mathiasen · Demet Araç · Yan Zhang · Andrew Dates · Frank Kwarcinski · Peng Xiao

5:00 PM

Leaving for City Center

5:30 PM

Mexico City Nocturnal Tour, Food and drinks

Oct 24 - 9:00 AM

Session II

AGPCR signaling pathways and trafficking

Yuling Feng · Monserrat Avila Zozaya · Erwin G. Van Meir · Pal Kasturi

10:30 AM

Coffee Break with lights snacks

11:00 AM

Session III

Molecular tools and biosensors directed at AGPCR signaling and function

Stephanie Häfner · Laurent Sabbagh · Ana Lilia Moreno Salinas

12:00 PM

Session IV

AGPCRs signaling in the nervous system

Joseph Duman · Simeon R. Mihaylov · Anne Bormann

1:00 PM


2:00 PM


3:00 PM

Session V

Structural mechanisms of AGPCR signaling and function

Fabian Pohl · Sumit Bandekar · Florian Seufert

4:00 PM

Dr. GPCR Community Presentation

Monserrat Avila Zozaya

4:30 PM

Board meeting/General assembly

5:30 PM

Leave for dinner reception

6:00 PM

Reception dinner

Oct 25 - 9:00 AM

Session VI

AGPCRs shaping the nervous system

Uwe Wolfrum · Yimin Zou · Suzanne Gross

10:00 AM

Coffee Break with lights snacks

10:30 AM

Session VII

Physiological and pathological roles of AGPCRs in the nervous system

Nicole Perry-Hauser · Mariam Melkumyan · Xianhua Piao · Beatriz Blanco Redondo · Willem Berend Post

12:30 PM


1:30 PM

Session VIII

Physiological and pathological roles of AGPCRs in the periphery

Tobi Langerhan · Anastasia Georgiadi · Douglas Tilley · Hee-Yong Kim · Alain Garcia De Las Bayonas · Gabriela Aust

3:30 PM

Coffee Break with pastries annoucement of the aGEM award

4:00 PM

Session IX

Technology capsule: Light on aGPCR signaling and function

Carlos Montero

4:40 PM

Closing remarks

5:00 PM


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