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Dr. GPCR Podcast

Dr. Bruno Giros

About Dr. Bruno Giros

Dr. Giros' lab investigates how molecular changes at the nerve synapse might impact integrated behavior and what we might learn from these mechanisms to cure mental illness.

After doctoral training at the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris and a short internship at Genentech Inc. in South San Francisco, he joined the CNRS as a Research Fellow in 1987 in the INSERM Laboratory directed by Jean-Charles Schwartz in Paris, where he cloned and characterized dopamine D2 and D3 receptor subtypes.

From 91 to 94, he was an assistant professor at Duke University in North Carolina, working with Marc Caron and Robert Lefkowitz (2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry) to characterize several neurotransmitter transporters and kinases and establish the first knock-out for these genes.

In 1999, in France, Dr. Giros created the INSERM/CNRS laboratory on the "Neurobiology of Psychiatric Disorders," first in Créteil with Marion Leboyer, then at the University of Paris-Sorbonne with Hervé Chneiweiss.

Since 2008, he has arrived at McGill University as a Canada Research Chair. At McGill, his laboratory has two main axes of research:

1) Studying interindividual vulnerability to chronic stress and depression and;

2) Understanding the role of phenotypically defined subpopulations of striatal neurons in motor and cognitive functions.

Bruno Giros has trained 59 master's, doctoral and postdoc students, most of his trainees obtain positions in the academic or private sectors or are currently pursuing postdoctoral research training or have entered medical studies.

Dr. Giros has published more than 200 publications with an H factor of 79 and 32,000 citations (Google Scholar) and has received several distinctions, including the CNRS silver medal, the FRM "Young Researcher" prize, the ISI “Highly Cited” and F-1000 in Pharmacology, and recently received the Heinz Lehmann Award from the Canadian College of NeuroPsychopharmacology and the distinguished James B. McGill Professor Award.

Dr. Bruno Giros on the web

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