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Principles of Pharmacology in Drug Discovery II

Dr. Terry Kenakin

Dates: October 31 - November 7 to 21 - December 5, 2024

Course duration: 5 Weeks

Premium Members benefits:

- Subscribe and save 25% on every GPCR Course

- Early-bird access

- Recordings will be available

Dr. Terry Kenakin

Advanced Methods for the Optimization of Candidate Selection

This course continues with the basics learned in Course 1 and extends the ideas to apply GPCR utilization in drug therapy. Specifically, the ideas discussed cover the complex pleiotropic behaviors of GPCRs and how these may be exploited for new drug discovery.

Receptor data shows how GPCR control of cellular function goes far beyond simple second messenger production (i.e., calcium, cAMP), and these new behaviors are being used to create novel GPCR therapies. The five-lecture series describes essential additional elements to GPCR discovery programs that extend the discovery process and increase therapeutic opportunity.

Registrants will learn:

  • The powerful applications of new cellular assays to determine GPCR ligand

    behavior in different functional systems.

  • Understanding real-time kinetics to predict activity and in vivo target coverage.

  • New ligands and new GPCR behaviors that produce unique drug profiles (i.e.

    intracellular ligands and signaling, location bias, signaling bias).


  • Lecture 1: The Eyes to See- The Importance of Pharmacologic Assays.

  • Lecture 2: Drug Disposition in Physiological Tissues as a Therapeutic Variable.

  • Lecture 3: The Application of GPCR Ligand Kinetics to Candidate Design.

  • Lecture 4: Unconventional GPCR Ligands as Drugs.

  • Lecture 5: Unique Exploitable GPCR-Ligand Behaviors for Therapeutic Benefit.

Registrations start on Monday, July 15th, 2024

  • Classes will be live from Zoom on Thursdays from 10 am to 11:30 am EST.

  • Sessions will include a 1-hour live lecture plus 30 minutes of Q&A.

  • Every participant will also have a 1:1 meeting with Dr. Kenakin during the four weeks, scheduled according to the professor's availability.

  • Participants who complete the course will get an online certification signed by the professor and the Dr.GPCR Team.

A splendid time is guaranteed for all.

Early-bird registration is available for Premium Members

Your Instructor

Dr. Terry Kenakin

After obtaining a BS in chemistry and PhD in Pharmacology at the University of Alberta, Edmonton Canada, I did a post doctoral Fellowship with Sir James Black in London U.K. I then worked at Burroughs-Wellcome in Research Triangle Park, NC (7 years) and then GlaxoSmithKline in RTP for 25 years. I then moved to the University of North Carolina School of Medicine where currently I am a Professor of Pharmacology. My interests are in receptor theory, pharmacology applied to drug discovery and allosteric protein function.

Dr. Terry Kenakin
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