GPCR Retreat Program

Targeting adenosine signaling for immuno-oncology
Date & Time
Friday, November 3rd / 4:35 PM
"Adenosine (ADO) signaling through A2A and A2B G protein-coupled receptors is increasingly recognized as an important immune checkpoint in the generation of anti-tumor immunity. Potent inhibitors of ADO signaling are currently being tested in cancer patients, including in randomized Phase 3 trial. I will present our recent work on adenosine-producing ectonucleotidases and adenosine signaling and discuss unexpected links between the adenosinergic pathway, DNA damage response and metabolic regulation."
Authors and Affiliations
Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal; Faculté de Pharmacie. 900 St-Denis, Montréal, QC, H2X 0A9.
About John Stagg
"John Stagg is a Professor of Pharmacy at Université de Montréal and researcher at the CHUM Research Centre. Distinguished immunologist, Dr Stagg is recognized for having identified the adenosine-producing enzyme CD73 as a new cancer target, and for his translational work in immuno-oncology. Dr Stagg has served as an expert consultant in the development of adenosine-targeting drugs, several of which now in clinical trials. Dr Stagg is a member of the Board of Directors of BioCanRx, Canada's Immunotherapy Network, co-founder and permanent member of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of Surface Oncology, a clinical stage company developing next generation immunotherapies, and member of the SAB of Domain Therapeutics, a biopharmaceutical company focused on GPCR in immuno-oncology."