October 2022
N-terminal alterations turn the gut hormone GLP-2 into an antagonist with gradual loss of GLP-2 receptor selectivity towards more GLP-1 receptor interaction
"Background and purpose: To fully elucidate the regulatory role of the GLP-2 system in the gut and the bones, potent and selective GLP-2 receptor (GLP-2R) antagonists are needed. Searching for antagonist activity, we performed systematic N-terminal truncations of human GLP-2(1-33). Experimental approach: COS-7 cells were transfected with the human GLP-2R and assessed for cAMP accumulation or competition binding using 125 I-GLP-2(1-33)[M10Y]. To examine selectivity, COS-7 cells expressing human GLP-1 or GIP receptors were assessed for cAMP accumulation."