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431 items found for "Cyclin D"

  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • Ecosystem Contributor | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    Ecosystem Contributor - Coming Soon -

  • AGPCR 24 Closing remarks

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program

  • AGPCR 24 Session VIII

    Douglas Tilley Characterization of Phenotypes Associated with GPR110 Deletion Hee-Yong Kim The Adhesion Professional Background Since 2021 Group Leader, Institute for Diabetes and Cancer, Helmholtz Diabetes Centre, Munich 2018 - 2021 Project Team Leader, Institute for Diabetes and Cancer, Helmholtz Diabetes Diabetes and Cancer, Helmholtz Diabetes Centre, Munich 2012 - 2015 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of of developing neurons.

  • AGPCR 24 Leaving for City Center

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program

  • AGPCR 24 Registration & Welcoming Remarks

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program

  • AGPCR 24 Coffee Break with pastries annoucement of the aGEM award

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program

  • AGPCR 24 Plenary Lecture

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program

  • AGPCR 24 Session I

    Copenhagen, Denmark. 2. Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Denmark. Future work that dissects different activation mechanisms of aGPCRs in different physiological contexts Professor, Deputy Dean of the School of Basic Medicine, Deputy Director of the Center for Innovative Blacklow (Harvard Medical School)" About Andrew Dates "Drew Dates received his B.S. in Biological Chemistry

  • AGPCR 24 Session VI

    of patient-derived cells and Adgrv1-deficent mouse hippocampi. Finally, we show that ADGRV1 regulates the number of synapses during neurite development. Massive synapse loss in the prefrontal cortex is a hallmark of massive depressive disorder. I served as the Chair of the Neurobiology Department at UC San Diego from 2014 to 2017. My research focus is the mechanisms of neural circuit development, function and disease."

  • AGPCR 24 Session IX

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program

  • AGPCR 24 State of the Art Talk

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program

  • AGPCR 24 Lunch

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program

  • AGPCR 24 Session IV

    "Joseph Duman is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Neuroscience at Baylor College of Medicine Mihaylov " I am a postdoctoral researcher in the kinases and brain development laboratory led by Dr Sila developed. , Anne-Kristin; Ljaschenko, Dmitrij; Scholz, Nicole (Rudolf Schönheimer Institute of Biochemistry, Division in Dr.

  • AGPCR 24 Student Flash Presentations

    Authors & Affiliations "van den Boom, Vincent; Pereira-Martins, Diego; Sheveleva, Sofia; Huls, Gerwin Florida, where he researched early-onset Alzheimer’s disease in the lab of Dr. We are investigating the relevance of GAIN domain dynamics for aGPCR signaling in Drosophila melanogaster Detection of transcripts that do, and do not, contain multiple variable regions suggests expression of These data demonstrate that Adgrf5 transcript variants are cell-specific in the kidney.

  • AGPCR 24 Board meeting/General assembly

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program

  • AGPCR 24 Posters

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program

  • AGPCR 24 Coffee Break with lights snacks

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program

  • AGPCR 24 Session III

    discovery. conventional GPCR drug discovery methods. Following his doctoral degree Dr. bowel disease and small molecules drug discovery for polycystic kidney disease. Laurent is currently leading DTNA discovery group working on GPCRs in immuno-oncology to discover new

  • AGPCR 24 Session VII

    I initially became interested in GPCR signal transduction during my graduate training in the Department Gurevich and Dr. Tina M. Iverson. Ligand-induced GPR110 signaling stimulates neurogenesis and synaptogenesis during development, and the RNAseq data indicated significantly impaired developmental gene expression for neuronal differentiation in Washington, DC and her dual-title PhD in Neuroscience and Clinical and Translational Sciences at

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