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414 items found for "Jespers W"

  • Ep 54 with Dr. JoAnn Trejo

    completed her postdoctoral fellowship at UC San Francisco under the guidance of Professor Shaun Coughlin where she worked on the newly discovered protease-activated GPCRs. Carolina in 2000 and then moved to UC San Diego School Medicine, Department of Pharmacology in 2008, where JoAnn Trejo on the web UC San Diego Trejo Lab Wikipedia ​​​​LinkedIn Google Scholar Orcid Twitter UC Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • A virally encoded GPCR drives glioblastoma through feed-forward activation of the SK1-S1P1 signaling axis

    Here, we showed that US28 increased the malignancy of U251 glioblastoma cells by enhancing signaling Classified GPCR News Call for GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • Chemokine N-terminal-derived peptides differentially regulate signaling by the receptors CCR1 and CCR5

    the largest group of CC-chemokines are the macrophage inflammatory proteins (MIP), which are promiscuous MIP chemokines, such as CCL3 and CCL5 are processed at the N-terminus, which influences signaling in Here, we investigate the signaling capacity of peptides corresponding to truncated N-termini. These 3 to 10-residue peptides displayed weak potency but, surprisingly, retained their signaling on GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • Ep 129 with Dr. Kaavya Krishna Kumar

    I work on understanding the activation mechanism of different Families of GPCRs." Dr. Kaavya Krishna Kumar on the web Journal of Biology Chemistry Stanford University Google Scholar LinkedIn Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 139 with Dr Silvia Sposini

    Silvia Sposini " I'm originally from Rome, Italy, where I studied Biological Sciences as a BSc student Still working on GPCR trafficking but this time in neurons. I am currently funded by a postdoctoral fellowship from Wellcome Trust, working on a collaborative project Silvia Sposini on the web Bordeaux Neurocampus LinkedIn ResearchGate X (Twitter) Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 45 with Dr Ralf Jockers

    Strosberg AD in France, where he worked on the regulation of ß-adrenergic receptors. He is a highly cited researcher – 2019 and 2020 identified by Clarivate Web of Science ™. Dr. Ralf Jockers on the web Jockers Lab WGDR-3545​​​​ Pubmed Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 63 with Dr. Khaled Abdelrahman

    William Cole at the University of Calgary in 2010 for his Ph.D. where he studied the molecular basis He has been also studying what aspects of GPCR signaling are regulated in a sex-selective manner and Khaled Abdelrahman on the web Twitter PubMed Google Scholar Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 46 with Dr Gunnar Schulte

    focus in the Schulte lab is on Frizzled signaling and pharmacology aiming to understand the role of WNT Most importantly my research team tries to understand underlying mechanisms of WNT-receptor interaction Gunnar Schulte on the web Schulte Lab LinkedIn Google Scholar Orcid YouTube Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 66 with Dr. Antony A. Boucard Jr

    Université de Sherbrooke (Québec, Canada) as a B.S. student of the Biochemistry program in 1994 from which It is then that his interest bloomed for the study of GPCRs while joining the group of Dr. Boucard ventured into the field of synaptic adhesion molecules which would eventually prompt him to investigate After a relocation to Stanford University where he pioneered work on ligand discovery for then orphan Boucard Jr. on the web Website LinkedIn Researchgate Loop Academia Pubmed Adhesion GPCR Consortium University

  • Ep 146 with Dr Michael Feigin

    When Dr. Muthuswamy moved to the University of Toronto, Mike joined the laboratory of Dr. Michael Feigin on the web Roswell Park Feigin Lab Google Scholar LinkedIn Twitter Dr. Yamina asked about his move from in vitro to in vivo work, and Mike explained that he wanted to use better Mike then transitioned to pancreatic cancer, questioning why genes are dysregulated in cancer, which Mike also mentioned how his team collaborates closely, with weekly roundtable discussions where everyone

  • Ep 72 with Dr. Stuart Maudsley

    He then completed his Ph.D. at Leeds as well as the University’s Ackroyd, Brotherton, and Brown Scholar the Receptor Biology Section at the Medical Research Council (MRC) -Human Reproductive Sciences Unit within his scientific journey with the award of the highly-valued Odysseus Program Type I Program Grant to work Stuart Maudsley on the web Maudsley Lab LinkedIn Google Scholar ResearchGate Maudsley Lab on Facebook Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 98 with Dr. GPCR Team

    Inês Pinheiro on the web LinkedIn University of Geneva Twitter Dr. Monserrat Avila Zozaya on the web Antony Boucard Lab Dr. GPCR Ecosystem About Yamina Berchiche Dr. Her work focused on chemokine receptors, members of the GPCR family that control cell movement in the Yamina Berchiche on the web Website LinkedIn Facebook Twitter ResearchGate PubMed Google Scholar Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 47 with Dr Simone Promel Dr Ines Liebscher

    These extraordinary receptors, about which there was not much known other than that they are huge and on them when she started her own lab at Leipzig University. Simone Prömel on the web Prömel Lab Pubmed Researchgate Twitter Dr. GPCR Ecosystem About Dr. Her postdoctoral work leads her to investigate a whole family of orphan receptors: adhesion GPCRs. Ines Liebscher on the web Website LinkedIn Researchgate Dr.

  • Ep 103 with Dr Kathleen Caron

    Caron received a BS in Biology and BA in Philosophy at Emory University and a PhD at Duke University while Oliver Smithies at UNC-CH, where she was the first to discover the essential role of adrenomedullin peptide Caron has received numerous awards including a Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award in the Biomedical Caron on the web Lab Website Twitter Pubmed Google Scholar Orcid Thanks for listening to this podcast Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 64 with Dylan Eiger

    He received his B.S. in Chemistry from Duke University in 2016 where he worked in the lab of Dr. Dylan Eiger on the web LinkedIn Twitter PubMed Website Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 06 with Dr. J. Silvio Gutkind

    Silvio Gutkind sheds light on his work and life since the beginning of COVID restrictions. A large component of his work is centered around dysregulated signaling in cancer and the development how his past experience proves useful in current COVID times and potential benefits the changes in work Silvio Gutkind on the web Gutkind Lab – UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center Gutkind Lab publications More Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 11 with Genemode

    Although both went to the same college, Jacob and Jin choose different career paths. One day as they were catching up, Jacob shared his struggles of managing samples and an incredible amount Today, Genemod has built a freezer management tool and a project management tool where scientists can Genemode on the web Website Jacob Lee on LinkedIn Jacob Lee on Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 60 with Dr. Josephine (Pina) Cardarelli

    While at BMS and Medarex, she led programs from target ID to clinical development that included, CXCL10 She has extensive experience working with Biologics, and Antibody Drug Conjugates as well as experience Josephine (Pina) Cardarelli on the web LinkedIn Company Website Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 67 with Dr. Graham Ladds

    Biochemistry at the University of Birmingham before completing a Ph.D. in yeast pheromone signaling at Warwick He continued to work at Warwick as a post-doc studying pro-hormone convertases before securing a 5-year He progressed through the ranks at Warwick to become an Associate Professor before leaving in 2015 to join the Department of Pharmacology at Cambridge, where he is also a Fellow of St John’s College. Graham Ladds on the web Twitter ResearchGate LinkedIn Google Scholar PubMed Dr.

  • Ep 101 with Dr Caron Tribute Part 2

    the faculty of Laval University School of Medicine in 1975 and then returned to join Duke’s faculty, where beloved as a mentor and his relentless encouragement that shaped the careers of hundreds of scientists worldwide Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 27 with Dr. Robert J. Lefkowitz

    Bob, who, you might ask? Well, it’s the one and only Robert J. ., 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, which he shared with Dr. Brian Kobilka . call him Robert, especially when she was upset with him. trained in his laboratory and went on to pursue stellar scientific careers. Lefkowitz on the web A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Stockholm: The Adrenaline-Fueled Adventures

  • Ep 48 with Dr Nyla Naim Dr Michael Lemieux Dr Jason Nasse from Addgene

    Nyla Naim on the web LinkedIn Dr. GPCR Ecosystem About Dr. Beyond my interest in science, I am a strong advocate for graduate education reform and I love to write Michael Lemieux on the web Addgene Blog Dr. GPCR Ecosystem About Dr. Jason Nasse Dr. Jason Nasse on the web LinkedIn Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 68 with Dr. Matthew Eddy

    Matthew Eddy Matthew Eddy earned his BA in Chemistry from Oberlin College, where he trained with solid-state Eddy began learning and investigating human GPCRs while training in the laboratories of Professors Raymond Stevens and Kurt Wüthrich at The Scripps Research Institute. Matthew Eddy on the web Website Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 19 with Dr. Fiona Marshall

    One of her career path-defining moments came when she visited Dr. Chris Tate and Dr. Discovery and Head of Discovery UK, Global Head of Neuroscience discovery research leading teams in West Fiona Marshall on the web LinkedIn Twitter Google Scholar MSD UK Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 94 with Dr. Brian Shoichet

    Brian Shoichet on the web Google Scholar Shoichet Lab Twitter Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 125 with Dr. Gregory Tall

    They worked on the interactome of yeast and mammalian Rab5 homologs including identification of Rab5 Tall moved upstairs to conduct his postdoctoral work on heterotrimeric G proteins and the novel interactor The current goals of the Tall lab are to understand the basic mechanism by which Ric-8 proteins fold We found that adhesion GPCRs are activated by a tethered peptide agonist mechanism that differed from Gregory Tall on the web The Tall Lab University of Michigan Google Scholar Twitter Dr.

  • Ep 93 with Dr. Sri Kosuri

    He is passionate about developing more rational ways to understand and engineer biology. His lab has worked on building large-scale ways of empirically exploring questions in protein biochemistry Sri previously worked at the Wyss Institute and Harvard, where he built numerous technologies in gene He enjoys eating, getting outdoors, and traveling with his wife and two children. Dr. Sri Kosuri on the web Octant ​​​​​​Kosuri Lab ​​​​​​Twitter LinkedIn Dr.

  • Ep 80 with Dr. Andrew Tobin

    Funded through three consecutive Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowships Andrew established a reputation The vehicle by which Andrew is translating fundamental findings to commercial products is Keltic Pharma Andrew Tobin on the web University of Glasgow ResearchGate Google Scholar Twitter Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

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