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414 items found for "Jespers W"

  • Ep 68 with Dr. Matthew Eddy

    Matthew Eddy Matthew Eddy earned his BA in Chemistry from Oberlin College, where he trained with solid-state Eddy began learning and investigating human GPCRs while training in the laboratories of Professors Raymond Stevens and Kurt Wüthrich at The Scripps Research Institute. Matthew Eddy on the web Website Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 19 with Dr. Fiona Marshall

    One of her career path-defining moments came when she visited Dr. Chris Tate and Dr. Discovery and Head of Discovery UK, Global Head of Neuroscience discovery research leading teams in West Fiona Marshall on the web LinkedIn Twitter Google Scholar MSD UK Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 55 with Mark Schmeizl

    He has successfully built numerous global life science, leadership teams, & works closely with both clients Mark believes professional placement should be about matching talented people with companies where they will thrive, “when the match is right, the results are astonishing.” Mark Schmeizl on the web Website LinkedIn Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 69 with Dr. Stephen Ferguson

    Caron at Duke University (1994-1997), where he and his colleagues investigated the role of G protein-coupled Stephen Ferguson on the web Carlton University Canada Research Chairs Twitter ResearchGate LinkedIn Dr GPCR Ecosystem Great Lakes GPCR Retreat on the web 21st Great Lakes GPCR Retreat More about previous Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 140 with Dr Alix A J Rouault

    I spent two years working with Dr. Sebag as an exchanged scholar while my student visa was in the work, during which time I thoroughly reviewed While writing my thesis, I published another paper in the Journal of Biological Chemistry which described We were pleasantly surprised by the interest generated by our scientific session, Dr. We are very excited about this event.

  • Ep 58 with Dr. Juan José Fung

    His current work is mainly focused on screening and assay development to bridge the gap between in vitro Juan José Fung on the web LinkedIn GPCR Therapeutics Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 43 with Dr. Stuart Maudsley

    He then completed his Ph.D. at Leeds as well as the University’s Ackroyd, Brotherton, and Brown Scholar the Receptor Biology Section at the Medical Research Council (MRC) -Human Reproductive Sciences Unit within his scientific journey with the award of the highly-valued Odysseus Program Type I Program Grant to work Stuart Maudsley on the web Maudsley Lab LinkedIn Google Scholar ResearchGate Maudsley Lab on Facebook Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 108 with Dr. Kenneth A. Jacobson

    He completed postdoctoral training at the Weizmann Institute. Jacobson on the web NIDDK Web of Science Google Scholar LinkedIn Twitter Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 112 with Julia Gardner

    list Julia Gardner About Julia Gardner Julia is a senior undergraduate student at Duke University, where Julia has been working as a researcher in Duke's Rajagopal Lab since her first year as an undergraduate Last summer, Julia worked at as the first-ever summer intern at Septerna, the GPCR-based biotechnology Julia Gardner on the web Rajagopal Lab Google Scholar ResearchGate LinkedIn Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • GPCR Retreat 2023 - Part I

    In my role at Orion Biotechnology, I work at the intersection of science and business, which includes To that end, I'm grateful to be working alongside the very talented team at Orion who translate important GPCR research into novel therapies for patients. " Irfan Dhanidina on the web LinkedIn The Org DIBIZ While a postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Slosky’s work has been recognized through several travel and research awards, including the William James

  • Ep 10 with Dr. John Streicher

    John started grad school in 1999 and spent some time figuring out what he was interested in. It turns out that it was signal transduction, and he worked on the signaling cascades involved in heart his team focus on understanding how signal transduction cascades downstream of the opioid receptors work John Streicher on the web University of Arizona Department of Pharmacology Google Scholar Pubmed LinkedIn Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 30 with Dr. Elva Zhao

    Elva moved to Canada where she obtained her Ph.D. at the University of Western Ontario, working on the After her Ph.D., she moved to Australia and continues working on GPCRs. Elva Zhao on the web LinkedIn Monash University Pubmed Twitter Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 54 with Dr. JoAnn Trejo

    completed her postdoctoral fellowship at UC San Francisco under the guidance of Professor Shaun Coughlin where she worked on the newly discovered protease-activated GPCRs. Carolina in 2000 and then moved to UC San Diego School Medicine, Department of Pharmacology in 2008, where JoAnn Trejo on the web UC San Diego Trejo Lab Wikipedia ​​​​LinkedIn Google Scholar Orcid Twitter UC Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • A virally encoded GPCR drives glioblastoma through feed-forward activation of the SK1-S1P1 signaling axis

    Here, we showed that US28 increased the malignancy of U251 glioblastoma cells by enhancing signaling Classified GPCR News Call for GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • Chemokine N-terminal-derived peptides differentially regulate signaling by the receptors CCR1 and CCR5

    the largest group of CC-chemokines are the macrophage inflammatory proteins (MIP), which are promiscuous MIP chemokines, such as CCL3 and CCL5 are processed at the N-terminus, which influences signaling in Here, we investigate the signaling capacity of peptides corresponding to truncated N-termini. These 3 to 10-residue peptides displayed weak potency but, surprisingly, retained their signaling on GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • Ep 94 with Dr. Brian Shoichet

    Brian Shoichet on the web Google Scholar Shoichet Lab Twitter Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 125 with Dr. Gregory Tall

    They worked on the interactome of yeast and mammalian Rab5 homologs including identification of Rab5 Tall moved upstairs to conduct his postdoctoral work on heterotrimeric G proteins and the novel interactor The current goals of the Tall lab are to understand the basic mechanism by which Ric-8 proteins fold We found that adhesion GPCRs are activated by a tethered peptide agonist mechanism that differed from Gregory Tall on the web The Tall Lab University of Michigan Google Scholar Twitter Dr.

  • Ep 93 with Dr. Sri Kosuri

    He is passionate about developing more rational ways to understand and engineer biology. His lab has worked on building large-scale ways of empirically exploring questions in protein biochemistry Sri previously worked at the Wyss Institute and Harvard, where he built numerous technologies in gene He enjoys eating, getting outdoors, and traveling with his wife and two children. Dr. Sri Kosuri on the web Octant ​​​​​​Kosuri Lab ​​​​​​Twitter LinkedIn Dr.

  • Ep 80 with Dr. Andrew Tobin

    Funded through three consecutive Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowships Andrew established a reputation The vehicle by which Andrew is translating fundamental findings to commercial products is Keltic Pharma Andrew Tobin on the web University of Glasgow ResearchGate Google Scholar Twitter Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 20 with Dr. Jennifer Pluznick

    cardiovascular function, and identifying renal/cardiovascular olfactory receptor ligands, and relating them to whole-animal This work contributes to a better understanding of how the kidney helps maintain homeostasis in humans five years training as a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Michael Caplan at Yale University, where Jennifer Pluznick on the web John Hopkins Pluznick Lab Pubmed Ted Talk Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 53 with Dr. Timo De Groof

    Timo De Groof studied Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the University of Ghent where he graduated in his Ph.D., he used these nanobodies as research tools, to investigate different GPCR conformations, while Moreover, he is closely involved in multiple projects where he focuses on the generation of nanobodies Timo De Groof on the web LinkedIn Researchgate Twitter Medical Imaging Group Google Scholar Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 128 with Dr. Ilana Kotliar

    "Ilana Kotliar is a postdoctoral associate in the lab of Tom Sakmar at The Rockefeller University, where She is a recipient of the prestigious Women in Entrepreneurship Award, an NIH T32 Training Grant, and Outside of the lab, Ilana is a leader within her community, spearheading several outreach initiatives Ilana Kotliar on the web Google Scholar LinkedIn Twitter Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

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