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173 items found for "Chemokine receptor"

  • Receptor autoantibodies: Associations with cardiac markers, histology, and function in human non-ischaemic heart failure

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology Receptor autoantibodies: Associations with cardiac markers causal link between non-ischaemic heart failure (HF) and humoral autoimmunity against G-protein-coupled receptors Here, we use validated and certified immune assays presenting native receptors as binding targets. GPCR autoantibodies were determined in serum by IgG binding to native receptors or a cyclic peptide ( Autoantibodies against α1 -adrenergic (α1 AR) and angiotensin II type 1 receptors (AT1R) were decreased

  • Ep 46 with Dr Gunnar Schulte

    Gunnar Schulte Gunnar Schulte is a Professor in receptor pharmacology and research group leader for the section Receptor Biology and Signaling at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology. University, Melbourne Australia, GPCR pharmacology; 2006) before starting his independent research team "Receptor Most importantly my research team tries to understand underlying mechanisms of WNT-receptor interaction , the relevance of receptor dynamics, and receptor complex composition for signal initiation and specification

  • Ep 45 with Dr Ralf Jockers

    Strosberg AD in France, where he worked on the regulation of ß-adrenergic receptors. He is the Research director at INSERM with a specific interest in G protein-coupled receptors by developing He showed the formation of melatonin receptor heteromers in vitro and in vivo and their importance in He established the concept of ligand-independent functions of orphan receptors in heterodimers with other He discovered multiple rare and loss-of-function variants of the MT2 melatonin receptors that are associated

  • Ep 13 with Dr. Amynah Pradhan

    Paul Clarck , where she studied opioid receptors. AstraZeneca as a postdoctoral trainee, where she studied animal models of pain and sensory neuron sensitive-receptor Brigitte Kieffer , where she studied ligand-directed signaling at the delta-opioid receptor. Amynah studied how arrestins regulate ligand-directed signaling at delta-opioid receptors, and it is Andrew Charles that who specialized in animal models of migraine and delta-opioid receptors as a therapeutic

  • G protein-coupled receptors: A target for microbial metabolites and a mechanistic link to microbiome-immune-brain interactions

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology G protein-coupled receptors: A target for microbial metabolites demonstrated that small-molecules from gut microbiota act as ligands for specific human G protein-coupled receptors permeability of the small-molecules we elucidated their molecular interactions with specific human cell receptors Authors Gajender Aleti , Emily A Troyer , Suzi Hong Tags G protein-coupled receptors , Gut microbiota

  • Dopamine-Mediated Motor Recovery after Ischemic Stroke

    regulation of axonal transport by tricyclic antidepressants (M.Sc.) and molecular pharmacology of opioid receptors Marc Caron, where I cloned the dopamine D5 receptor gene and investigated the regulation of dopaminergic and adrenergic receptors. pursues the study of the molecular, structural, pharmacological and signaling features of dopamine (DA) receptors druggability potential of new signaling partners we identified that drive the formation of different DA receptor

  • Ep 01 with Dr. Paul Insel

    That summer, he used radioligand binding methods to dissect receptor function from the adenylyl cyclase From that point on, Paul was hooked and has since studied receptor function in human physiology, receptor Today, Paul and his team focus on previously unrecognized receptors with the hopes to use these as novel

  • Ep 33 with Dr. David E. Gloriam

    Gloriam About this episode David Gloriam is a Professor in Computational Receptor Biology at the University University in Sweden where he worked on the bioinformatic identification of 24 novel human G protein-coupled receptors He later identified physiological hormones of such under characterized ‘orphan’ receptors and functional probes for a range of receptors. Gloriam on the web LinkedIn ResearchGate Twitter Google Scholar Computation Receptor Biology- Gloriam

  • The orphan G protein-coupled receptor 141 expressed in myeloid cells functions as an inflammation suppressor

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology The orphan G protein-coupled receptor 141 expressed in cells functions as an inflammation suppressor Published date April 29, 2024 Abstract "G protein-coupled receptors Here, we demonstrate that GPR141, an orphan GPCR belonging to the class A receptor family, suppresses Authors Atsuya Sawabe, Shogo Okazaki, Akira Nakamura, Ryo Goitsuka, Tomonori Kaifu Tags G protein–coupled receptor

  • AGPCR 24 Plenary Lecture

    Plenary Lecture Identification and Functional Characterization of Adhesion GPCRs As Steroid Hormone Receptors and Hearing and Balance Receptors Coming Soon < Previous Session Next Session >

  • GPCR Retreat 2023 - Part I

    With respect to GPCRs, I'm particularly interested in peptide/small protein receptors and the mechanisms With a special emphasis on G protein coupled receptors and receptor activity modifying proteins in vascular motivated behavior and how these receptors can be targeted for therapeutic benefit. These ligands stimulate receptor β-arrestin recruitment without activating canonical G protein signaling Because BAMs engage less well-conserved allosteric sites and exert pathway-specific effects on receptor

  • Enterococcus-derived tyramine hijacks α2A-adrenergic receptor in intestinal stem cells to exacerbate colitis

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology Enterococcus-derived tyramine hijacks α2A-adrenergic receptor Here, we identify α2A-adrenergic receptor (ADRA2A) as a highly expressed GPCR in ISCs. Enterococcus , IBD , ISCs , colitis , inflammatory bowel disease , tyramine , yohimbine , α(2A)-adrenergic receptor

  • Trainee Symposium II

    Symposium II Date & Time Thursday, November 2nd / 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Title: Linking Proteinase Activated Receptor Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, researching the molecular mechanisms of Proteinase-Activated Receptors GPCR Title: Balancing G Protein Selectivity and Efficacy in the Adenosine A2A Receptor About Louis-Philippe GPCR Title: Antibodies Expand the Scope of Angiotensin Receptor Pharmacology About Meredith Skiba "Meredith pharmacology, and structural biology to study how different types of ligands modulate angiotensin receptor

  • Ep 154 with Dr Badr Sokrat

    Yamina’s Podcast Journey and Career Advice Yamina discussed how her podcast on chemokine ligands led Yamina shared her experiences at Rockefeller, where she studied chemical receptors.

  • Ep 83 with Dr. Jean-Philippe Pin

    Jean-Philippe Pin Jean-Philippe Pin participated in the discovery of metabotropic glutamate receptors been studying the allosteric modulation and activation mechanism of this family of G protein-coupled receptors His studies led to new concepts in the GPCR field, such as the activation of cell surface receptors by

  • Ep 42 with Dr. Randy Hall

    graduate school at the University of California at Irvine, studying the regulation of ionotropic glutamate receptors , Oregon, to do a post-doctoral fellowship in the laboratory of Thomas Soderling studying glutamate receptor continued his post-doctoral training at Duke University, where he studied the regulation of adrenergic receptors contributions to understanding the signaling, regulation and in vivo actions of the neuroprotective receptors Randy’s lab has a special interest in studying disease-associated mutations to human GPCRs that perturb receptor

  • Ep 02 with Dr. Terry Hébert

    Today he and his team are working on understanding receptor signaling in specialized cellular environments to gain a better grasp of receptor function in pathophysiological settings with a special interest in His favorite GPCR is the angiotensin 1 receptor, especially for its ability to activate a large variety

  • Ep 114 with Dr. Robert F. Bruns

    doctoral dissertation was the first large-scale study of structure-activity relationships for adenosine receptors postdoc with John W Daly at NIH and Solomon Snyder at Johns Hopkins, he developed the first adenosine receptor He then joined WL/PD, where his lab demonstrated the existence of two subtypes of the adenosine A2 receptor In 1988, he joined Lilly as a receptor biologist in charge of a high-throughput screening lab.

  • Ep 110 with Dr. G. Aditya Kumar

    at Hyderabad, India, where he studied the interaction of membrane cholesterol with the serotonin-1A receptor and its effects on receptor signaling and endocytosis. molecular pharmacology, subcellular trafficking, and membrane biology to better understand how the dynamic receptor

  • Ep 32 with Dr. Chris Tate

    basis of GPCR pharmacology through structure determination of the β1-adrenoceptor and adenosine A2A receptor Structures have been determined by X-ray crystallography of receptors coupled to either mini-Gs or mini-Go , and also by electron cryo-microscopy of receptors coupled to mini G protein bound to βγ subunits. a GPCR bound to a biased agonist and coupled to arrestin and also the first structure of a Class D receptor

  • Ep 70 with Dr. Stephen Ferguson

    Duke University (1994-1997), where he and his colleagues investigated the role of G protein-coupled receptor kinases and beta-arrestin in regulating G protein-coupled receptor endocytosis, trafficking, and signaling His research career has focused on the investigation of the regulation of G protein-coupled receptors Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) for his research investigating the role of metabotropic glutamate receptor

  • Ep 69 with Dr. Stephen Ferguson

    Duke University (1994-1997), where he and his colleagues investigated the role of G protein-coupled receptor kinases and beta-arrestin in regulating G protein-coupled receptor endocytosis, trafficking, and signaling His research career has focused on the investigation of the regulation of G protein-coupled receptors Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) for his research investigating the role of metabotropic glutamate receptor

  • AGPCR 24 Session V

    Structural Determinants Of GAIN Domain Autoproteolysis And Cleavage Resistance Of Adhesion G Protein-Coupled Receptors The GPCR autoproteolysis-inducing (GAIN) domain is a hallmark feature of adhe-sion G-protein coupled receptors We de-termined the crystal structure of the human ADGRB2/BAI2 hormone receptor (HormR) and GAIN domains domains which regulates signaling Sumit Bandekar Abstract "Cadherin EGF Laminin G seven-pass G-type receptors (CELSRs) are conserved adhesion G protein-coupled receptors; they are essential for embryogenesis and

  • G protein-coupled receptor-mediated signaling of immunomodulation in tumor progression

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology G protein-coupled receptor-mediated signaling of immunomodulation in tumor progression Published date July 31, 2024 Abstract "G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are

  • Activation of PI3K/Akt pathway by G protein-coupled receptor 37 promotes resistance to cisplatin-induced apoptosis in non-small cell lung cancer

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology Activation of PI3K/Akt pathway by G protein-coupled receptor Among eukaryotes, the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family stands as the largest group of membrane As a member of the GPCR family, G protein-coupled receptor 37 (GPR37) exhibits unknown functions in tumors

  • Metabolic crosstalk: Extracellular ATP and the tumor microenvironment in cancer progression and therapy

    In the tumor microenvironment (TME), purinergic receptors such as ATP-gated ion channels P2X1-5 and G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) (P2Y) interact with ATP and other nucleotides, influencing diverse explores e-ATP metabolism, its purinergic signaling, and therapeutic strategies targeting associated receptors Parameswar Dalai, Reena Agrawal-Rajput Tags Extracellular ATP (e-ATP) , Immunosuppression , Purinergic receptors

  • Ep 131 with Dr. Richard Premont

    York) in 1990 and 1992, working with Ravi Iyengar on regulation/desensitization of the liver glucagon receptor His initial project to identify and clone taste receptors was unsuccessful, but led to the identification For this, we have worked in three main areas: the regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling particularly by the G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) – beta-arrestin system, the coordination

  • Ep 78 with Dr. Stuart Maudsley

    Following this tremendous experience, he was recruited to be the Principal Investigator of the Receptor To broaden his biomedical skill-set Stuart next accepted the position of Head of the Receptor Pharmacology Stuart’s current research, in the Receptor Biology Lab, focuses on the development of novel GPCR-based Stuart Maudsley on the web Maudsley Lab LinkedIn Google Scholar ResearchGate Maudsley Lab on Facebook Receptor

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