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567 items found for "Cyclin D"

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News - January 9 to 15, 2023

    delivered to your inbox. environment to advance drug design. GPCRs in Cardiology, Endocrinology, and Taste Gender Differences in GRK2 in Cardiovascular Diseases and Deadline January 30, 2023. Novel P2y Receptor Ligands For Drug Discovery Explore Dr.

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News - January 2 to 8, 2023

    delivered to your inbox. s Director Stephen A. Deadline January 30, 2023. GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars 2nd GPCR-Targeted Drug Discovery Summit | February 21-23, Boston. Novel P2y Receptor Ligands For Drug Discovery Explore Dr.

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News

    Deletion of macrophage Gpr101 disrupts their phenotype and function dysregulating host immune responses A robust antibody discovery platform for difficult-to-express G protein-coupled receptors. , buying out a fledgling biotech for $255M+ Domain Therapeutics announces first patient dosed with DT Deadline January 30, 2023. Explore Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News

    Dynamic spatiotemporal determinants modulate GPCR:G protein coupling selectivity and promiscuity. Reviews, GPCRs, and more The diversity of invertebrate visual opsins spanning Protostomia, Deuterostomia GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars 2nd GPCR-Targeted Drug Discovery Summit | February 21-23, Boston. Progressive Technologies and Approaches Revealing Novel GPCR Biology and Drug Development Potential. Explore Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

  • Therapeutic validation of an orphan G protein‐coupled receptor

    autoimmune diseases. GPR84 has been additionally proposed to be a potential biomarker in different inflammatory diseases ( Among these ligands are orthosteric agonists such as alkylpyrimidine‐4,6‐diol derivatives (Liu et al. of ulcerative colitis although it did not demonstrate sufficient efficacy (Labéguère et al., 2020). #GPCR #DrGPCR#Ecosystem

  • Novel interaction between neurotrophic factor-α1/carboxypeptidase E and serotonin receptor, 5-HTR1E,

    "Protecting neurons from death during oxidative and neuroexcitotoxic stress is key for preventing cognitive dysfunction. in pro-survival protein, BCL2, during H2O2-induced oxidative stress. Importantly, knock-down of 5-HTR1E in human primary neurons diminished the NF-α1/CPE-mediated protection of these neurons against oxidative stress and glutamate neurotoxicity-induced cell death.

  • Integration and Spatial Organization of Signaling by G Protein-Coupled Receptor Homo- and ...

    recognition that GPCRs may physically interact with each other has led to the hypothesis that their dimeric Furthermore, the formation of GPCRs higher order oligomers provides the structural basis for organizing distinct compartments along the plasma membrane where confined increases in second messengers may be perceived and discriminated

  • Rhodopsin as a Molecular Target to Mitigate Retinitis Pigmentosa

    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of hereditary degenerative diseases affecting 1 of 4000 people worldwide and being the most prevalent cause of visual handicap among working populations in developed countries These disorders are mainly related to the abnormalities in the rod G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), rhodopsin reflected in the dysregulated membrane trafficking, stability and phototransduction processes molecule compounds that have been evaluated as rhodopsin modulators to be considered as leads for the development

  • Allosteric Effect of Nanobody Binding on Ligand-Specific Active States of the β2 Adrenergic Receptor

    a nanobody (Nb80) on the active-like β2 adrenergic receptor (β2AR) via enhanced sampling molecular dynamics Dimensionality reduction analysis shows that Nb80 stabilizes structural features of the β2AR with an Besides, ligand-specific subtle differences in the conformations assumed by intracellular loop 2 and Dynamic network analysis further reveals that Nb80 binding triggers tighter and stronger local communication discovery.

  • Bursicon receptor gene HLGR2 as a potential RNA interference target for control of the fall ...

    Results: The complementary DNA (cDNA) sequence and deduced amino acids of HLGR2 were obtained and analyzed After RNAi of HLGR2, distinct phenotypes were observed when HLGR2 expression was suppressed, indicating Unlike LGR2 in other insect species, HLGR2 was found to play a crucial role in the control of H. cunea during Conclusion: HLGR2 is essential for the growth and development and wing expansion and maturation in H.

  • G-protein-coupled receptors as therapeutic targets for glioblastoma

    Despite this, the prognosis remains poor, with an impacted quality of life during treatment coupled with brain tumour recurrence; thus, new treatments are desperately needed. To date, the most promising targets are the chemokine, cannabinoid, and dopamine receptors, but future receptor-4 (MC4R), adhesion, lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and smoothened (Smo) receptors to initiate new drug-screening strategies and targeted delivery of safe and effective GBM therapies.

  • Phospholipid Scrambling by G Protein-Coupled Receptors

    Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of opsin in a lipid membrane reveal conformational transitions Conformational changes that facilitate scrambling are distinct from those associated with GPCR signaling In this review, we discuss the physiological significance of GPCR scramblase activity and the modes of Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Biophysics , Volume 51 is May 2022.

  • Recurrent high-impact mutations at cognate structural positions in class A G protein-coupled ...

    structure and, signaling through a much smaller set of G proteins, arrestins, and effectors, activate downstream Because there are many more GPCRs than effectors, mutations in different receptors could perturb signaling We also discovered that no single receptor drives this pattern, but rather multiple receptors contain These data suggest that recurrent impactful oncogenic mutations perturb different GPCRs to subvert signaling The possibility that multiple different GPCRs could moonlight as drivers or enablers of a given cancer

  • Synaptic integration of subquantal neurotransmission by co-localized G protein coupled receptors in

    In presynaptic terminals, membrane-delimited Gi/o-mediated presynaptic inhibition is ubiquitous and acts through Gβγ to inhibit Ca2+ entry, or directly at SNARE complexes to inhibit Ca2+-dependent synaptotagmin-SNARE Train-dependent presynaptic Ca2+ accumulation forces frequency-dependent recovery of neurotransmission during 5-HT1B receptor activation. Their effects are profoundly different.

  • Engineered synaptic tools reveal localized cAMP signaling in synapse assembly

    The physiological mechanisms driving synapse formation are elusive. Here, we describe new tools, referred to as "SynTAMs" for synaptic targeting molecules, that enable localized perturbations of cAMP signaling in developing postsynaptic specializations. We show that locally restricted suppression of postsynaptic cAMP levels or of cAMP-dependent protein-kinase activity severely impairs excitatory synapse formation without affecting neuronal maturation, dendritic

  • A Model for the Signal Initiation Complex Between Arrestin-3 and the Src Family Kinase Fgr

    by both arrestin-dependent and arrestin-independent pathways. We report that arrestin-3 modulates Fgr activity with a hallmark bell-shaped concentration-dependence We further demonstrate using NMR spectroscopy that a polyproline motif within arrestin-3 interacts directly with the SH3 domain of Fgr. To provide a framework for this interaction, we determined the crystal structure of the Fgr SH3 domain

  • The sixth transmembrane region of a pheromone G-protein coupled receptor, Map3, is implicated in ...

    The sixth transmembrane region of a pheromone G-protein coupled receptor, Map3, is implicated in discrimination Next, we swapped individual domains of Mam2 and Map3 with the respective domains in SoMam2 and SoMap3 downstream signaling of pheromones and in the activation by the pheromone. important for discrimination of closely related M-factors. Thus, the differences in these two GPCRs might reflect the significantly distinct stringency/flexibility

  • Chemogenetic stimulation of the G i pathway in astrocytes suppresses neuroinflammation

    Engineered G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are commonly used in chemogenetics as designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs). study, we evaluated the role of the astrocytic Gi pathway in neuroinflammation using a Gi -coupled DREADD , as characterized by decreased levels of proinflammatory cytokines, glial activation, and cognitive downregulated LPS-induced expression of Nos2 mRNA and nitric oxide production.

  • Biphasic activation of β-arrestin 1 upon interaction with a GPCR revealed by methyl-TROSY NMR

    Our NMR analyses demonstrated that while the C tail-mediated interaction alone induces partial activation This plasticity of βarr conformation in complex with GPCRs engaged in different binding modes may explain

  • Allosteric ligands control the activation of a class C GPCR heterodimer by acting at the transmembra

    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are among the most promising drug targets. Specifically controlling the activity of GPCR dimers with ligands is a good approach to clarify their physiological roles and validate them as drug targets. The data support the inference that they act at the active interface between both transmembrane domains Overall, these data reveal the possibility of developing allosteric compounds able to specifically modulate

  • Lysophosphatidic Acid and Several Neurotransmitters Converge on Rho-Kinase 2 Signaling to Manage...

    Motoneuron Excitability Intrinsic membrane excitability (IME) sets up neuronal responsiveness to synaptic drive We hypothesized that isoform 2 of rho-kinase (ROCK2), acting as downstream GPCRs, mediates adjustment Microiontophoretically applied H1152, a ROCK inhibitor, and siRNA-induced ROCK2 knockdown both depressed AMPAergic, inspiratory-related discharge activity of adult HMNs in vivo , which mainly express the ROCK2 , TRH, and 5-HT, which are both known to increase MN IME by TASK1 inhibition, stimulated ROCK2, and depressed

  • Role of G Protein-Coupled Receptors in Hepatic Stellate Cells and Approaches to Anti-Fibrotic ...

    The prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is globally increasing. Gaining control over disease-related events in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), an advanced form GPCRs represent major drug targets, as indicated by the fact that about 40% of all drugs currently used of drugs that can improve hepatic fibrosis in NAFLD/NASH. , and finally speculate on the development of novel treatments for NAFLD/NASH.

  • Chemical signaling regulates axon regeneration via the GPCR-Gqα pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans

    Axon regeneration in response to injury is determined by the interaction between the extracellular environment elegans We find that the enzymes involved in ascaroside pheromone biosynthesis, ACOX-1.1, ACOX-1.2, and DAF -22, participate in axon regeneration by producing a dauer-inducing ascaroside, ascr#5. We demonstrate that the chemoreceptor genes, srg-36 and srg-37 , which encode G protein-coupled receptors SRG-36 and SRG-37 are GPCRs for the dauer-inducing ascaroside, ascr#5.

  • HDX-MS-optimized approach to characterize nanobodies as tools for biochemical and structural ...

    biochemical and structural studies of class IB phosphoinositide 3-kinases There is considerable interest in developing PI3Kγ is a critical component in multiple immune signaling processes and is dependent on activation by Here we describe the rapid and efficient characterization of multiple PI3Kγ binding single-chain camelid nanobodies using hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HDX) mass spectrometry (MS) for structural and biochemical work reveals insight into PI3Kγ regulation and identifies sites that may be exploited for therapeutic development

  • Free-Energy Simulations Support a Lipophilic Binding Route for Melatonin Receptors

    feasibility of this lipophilic entry route for 2-iodomelatonin, a nonselective agonist with a slower dissociation simulations and free-energy calculations. 2-Iodomelatonin unbinding was investigated with steered molecular dynamics simulations which revealed different trajectories passing through the gap between TM helices IV and The side-chain flexibility of Tyr5.38 was significantly different in the two receptor subtypes, as assessed by metadynamics simulations, and during ligand unbinding it frequently assumes an open conformation

  • Neuronal Gα subunits required for the control of response to polystyrene nanoparticles in the ...

    Some neuronal GPCRs (such as GTR-1, DCAR-1, DOP-2, NPR-8, NPR-12, NPR-9, and DAF-37) functioned upstream of GOA-1, some neuronal GPCRs (such as DCAR-1, DOP-2, NPR-9, NPR-8, and DAF-37) functioned upstream of GSA-1, and some neuronal GPCRs (such as DOP-2, NPR-8, DAF-37, and DCAR-1) functioned upstream of GPA Moreover, GOA-1 acted upstream of MPK-1/ERK MAPK, JNK-1/JNK MAPK, DBL-1/TGF-β, and DAF-7/ TGF-β, GSA- downstream signaling pathways during the control of PS-NPs toxicity in nematodes.

  • On-cell nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to probe cell surface interactions

    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy allows the determination of atomic-level information on intermolecular interactions, molecular structure, and molecular dynamics in the cellular environment This may be broadly divided into studies focused on obtaining detailed molecular information in the intracellular These techniques allow for quantification of binding affinities, competitive binding assays, delineation structuring and dynamics, and inference of distance constraints characteristic of the ligand-receptor

  • Coordinated transcriptomics and peptidomics of central nervous system identify neuropeptides and ...

    Taken together, these results will benefit further investigations to determine physiological functions and pharmacological characterization of neuropeptides and their GPCRs in G. molesta; and to develop

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