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567 items found for "Cyclin D"

  • 4GPCRnet - International Symposium

    Four of the biggest European networks on GPCR research ( COST Actions Adher’n Rise and ERNEST plus DFG-funded Details

  • GPCR Signaling and mTORC1 Regulation

    The activation of mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) is typically observed in human disease and continues to be Understanding the upstream regulators of mTORC1 will provide a crucial link to targeting mTORC1 hyperactivated diseases In this review, we will discuss the regulation of mTORC1 by upstream stimuli, with a specific focus on Statement mTORC1 is a master regulator of many cellular processes and is often hyperactivated in human disease molecular underpinnings of these pathways will undoubtedly be promising to the mTORC1 field and human disease

  • Involvement of various chemokine/chemokine receptor axes in trafficking and oriented locomotion ...

    multiple sclerosis patients Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a specific type of chronic immune-mediated disease Despite intensive research, a known treatment for MS disease yet to be introduced. Thus, the development of novel and safe medications needs to be considered for the disease management MSCs have several sources and they can be derived from the umbilical cord, adipose tissue, and bone marrow chemokine receptors are of the most important and effective molecules in MSC trafficking within the different


    Coupled with their ability to respond to a highly diverse range of chemical stimuli, they represent the therapeutic targets for many existing drugs. The structural basis for GPCR activation of down-stream signaling and regulatory proteins; and 4. New approaches to GPCR drug discovery. and solutions in GPCR drug discovery.

  • SLAS2022 International Conference and Exhibition

    Don't miss the chance to present your innovative research at this year's conference.

  • Phenylalanine 193 in Extracellular Loop 2 of the β 2-Adrenergic Receptor Coordinates β-Arrestin ...

    These receptors are the most clinically productive drug targets at present. Despite decades of research on the signaling consequences of molecule-receptor interactions, conformational components of receptor-effector interactions remain incompletely described. altered regulatory outcomes downstream of this functional selectivity. These results provide new insights on the role of the extracellular domain in differentially modulating

  • Functional molecular switches of mammalian G protein-coupled bitter-taste receptors

    The experimental structure of these receptors has yet to be determined, and key-residues controlling We designed an integrative approach to improve comparative modeling of TAS2Rs. Using current knowledge on class A GPCRs and existing experimental data in the literature as constraints As a test case, we examined the accuracy of the TAS2R16 model with site-directed mutagenesis and in vitro sequence-function relationships and proposes functional molecular switches that encode agonist sensing and downstream

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