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276 items found for "Cell cycle"

  • Melatonin MT 2 receptor is expressed and potentiates contraction in human airway smooth muscle

    whether melatonin receptors are expressed on airway smooth muscle; whether they regulate intracellular cyclic ([Ca2+]i), which modulate airway smooth muscle tone; and whether they promote airway smooth muscle cell in native human and guinea pig airway smooth muscle and cultured human airway smooth muscle (HASM) cells MT2 agonist ramelteon (10 µM) significantly inhibited forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation in HASM cells acetylcholine-stimulated [Ca2+]i increases, stress fiber formation through the MT2 receptor in HASM cells

  • Illuminating GPCR Research: FRET and BRET-Based Sensors Shed Light on Cellular Signaling

    Front Cell Dev Biol, 2021. 9: p. 611443. 3.      ., Revealing the Activity of Trimeric G-proteins in Live Cells with a Versatile Biosensor Design.  Cell, 2020. 182(3): p. 770-785.e16. 4.      Galés, C., et al., Real-time monitoring of receptor and G-protein interactions in living cells.  Goyet, E., et al., Fast and high resolution single-cell BRET imaging. 

  • Canonical chemokine receptors as scavenging “decoys”

    The immune system depends on chemokines to direct cell migration during immune surveillance and inflammation CCR2 is an example of a dual-function receptor that directly regulates both cell migration and scavenging Scavenging allows cells to continuously migrate by remaining responsive to chemokines, it dampens the , and CCR5 switch purely to scavenging (D'Amico G. et al. 2000), becoming incapable of promoting cell migration, a phenomenon which is likely to be mediated by changes in the cell motility machinery with

  • Dynamic GPCR activation revealed through time-resolved Cryo-EM

    Human cells express over 800 G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to facilitate communication with the Capturing the dynamics of GPCR activation has always been a challenge because G protein activation in cells , scientists can better tackle diseases by targeting specific steps within the G-protein activation cycle

  • Chemokine receptor-targeted drug discovery: progress and challenges

    for the treatment of mycosis fungoides or Sézary syndrome in adults which are subtypes of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) (Lewis and Rook 2020). Redundancy can be exemplified by the tumor infiltration of Treg cells which can be driven directly by different chemokines are able to activate different pathways, which can also vary depending on the cell surface (Mack et al. 1998), CCR3 is partially restored to the cell surface and partially targeted to

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News, March 27 to April 4, 2023

    hypomineralization in mice by alteration of the expression of kallikrein-related peptidase 4 (Klk4) during pH cycling Statins inhibit protein kinase D (PKD) activation in intestinal cells and prevent PKD1-induced growth Dietary compounds activate an insect gustatory receptor on enteroendocrine cells to elicit myosuppressin A Vaccinia-based system for directed evolution of GPCRs in mammalian cells. FREE Symposium - IPI Surfacing (June 15, 2023) Training School on “Cell-based assays to study Adhesion

  • Murine bone marrow macrophages and human monocytes do not express atypical chemokine receptor 1

    ., 1950 ), also called Duffy-antigen/receptor for chemokines, or DARC ( Novitzky-Basso and Rot, 2012 Erythrocytes are terminally differentiated anuclear cells with no transcription and limited translation Additionally, ACKR1 expression characterizes venular endothelial cells (ECs) ( Pruenster et al., 2009 This well-established, distinctive pattern of cell expression has been directly challenged by a publication and ECs, suggesting that macrophage ACKR1 engages its non-cognate ligand CD82 on hematopoietic stem cells

  • CD28 and chemokine receptors: Signalling amplifiers at the immunological synapse

    September 2022 "T cells are master regulators of the immune response tuning, among others, B cells, macrophages and NK cells. To exert their functions requiring high sensibility and specificity, T cells need to integrate different of the cytoskeleton and lipid microdomains in controlling signalling compartmentalization during T cell Here, we discuss mechanisms responsible for signalling amplification and compartmentalization in T cell

  • The complicated lives of GPCRs in cardiac fibroblasts

    understood in cardiomyocytes and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). In VSMCs, stimulation of GPCRs also modulates contractile and cell growth phenotypes. on key signaling events involved in the activation and differentiation of these cells. signaling events driving the fibrotic response and the communications between fibroblasts and other cells Finally, we explore what such connections between the cell surface and nuclear GPCR signaling might mean

  • Identification of A2BAR as a potential target in colorectal cancer using novel fluorescent GPCR...

    We selected the adenosine receptor 2B (A2BAR), specifically expressed in cancer cell lines compared with stromal cells, to explore the use of fluorescent ligands that can be used for target visualization. Fluorescent probes allowed semi-quantitative receptor mapping in living cells and validated the specific expression of A2BAR in CRC cell lines. a potential pharmacological tool in CRC, using selective antagonists, finding a reduction in tumor cell

  • Extracellular signal-regulated kinases – a potential pathway for GPCR-targeted drug discovery

    ERK signaling, tightly regulated through feedback mechanisms and spatial localisation within the cell Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase: A Regulator of Cell Growth, Inflammation, Chondrocyte and Bone Cell Receptor-Mediated Gene Expression. Cells, 10(10), 2509. Volmat, V., & Pouysségur, J. (2001). Biology of the Cell, 93(1‐2), 71-79. Wei, H., Ahn, S., Shenoy, S. K., Karnik, S.

  • Dimerization of GPCRs: Novel insight into the role of FLNA and SSAs regulating SST2 and SST5...

    as in human melanoma cells either expressing (A7) or lacking (M2) FLNA. First, we observed the formation of endogenous SST5 homo-dimers in GH3, A7, and M2 cells. SST2 and SST5 can also form endogenous hetero-dimers in these cells. robust receptor internalization at shorter times than in A7 cells. In conclusion, we demonstrated that in GH3 cells SST2 and SST5 can form both homo- and hetero-dimers

  • Regulators of G-protein signaling: essential players in GPCR signaling

    RGS4 is expressed in various immune cells, including T cells and B cells, and has been shown to modulate immune cell activation and cytokine production. to T cell activation[6]. Cell, 1997. 89(2): p. 251-61. 2. Cell, 2021. 184(4): p. 931-942.e18. 6.

  • C3aR plays both sides in regulating resistance to bacterial infections

    product of C3 cleavage, which interacts with membrane-bound receptor C3aR to regulate innate immune cell Specifically, previous research has identified mechanistically distinct and cell type–specific roles for C3aR in regulating innate immune cell inflammatory state, antimicrobial killing capacity, and metabolism of C3a has been relegated to the serum; however, recent studies have provided evidence that various cell Thus, this review will cover specific roles of C3aR in driving cell type–specific and tissue specific

  • A NanoBRET-Based H 3 R Conformational Biosensor to Study Real-Time H 3 Receptor Pharmacology in...

    2022 A NanoBRET-Based H 3 R Conformational Biosensor to Study Real-Time H 3 Receptor Pharmacology in Cell Membranes and Living Cells "Conformational biosensors to monitor the activation state of G protein-coupled (H3R) biosensor that allowed the detection of both (partial) agonism and inverse agonism on living cells In the current study, we have further characterized this H3R biosensor on intact cells by monitoring binding assays that in addition can also detect ligand efficacies with comparable values as the intact cell

  • G protein-coupled receptor 21 in macrophages: An in vitro study

    this study was to evaluate the role of GPR21 in human macrophages, analyzing (i) its involvement in cell THP-1 cells were activated and differentiated into either M1 or M2 macrophages. Cell migration was detected by the Boyden chamber migration assay, performed on macrophages derived from both the THP-1 cell line and human peripheral blood monocytes."

  • Hear the sounds: the role of G protein-coupled receptors in the cochlea

    September 2022 "Sound is converted by hair cells in the cochlea into electrical signals, which are transmitted Frizzleds and Lgrs are dominant GPCRs that regulate stem cell self-renew abilities. Frizzleds and Celsrs have been demonstrated to play core roles in the modulation of cochlear planar cell review the key findings of GPCR in the cochlea and discuss the role of GPCR in the cochlea, such as stem cell

  • Targeting CXCR1 and CXCR2 receptors in cardiovascular diseases

    chemokine receptors, mainly activated by interleukin 8 (IL-8 or CXCL8), are expressed in a variety of cells including, leukocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells. of the ligand, its concentration, and the binding sites with the receptor, levels of the receptor, cell

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News, April 24 to 30, 2023

    Direct Selection of DNA-Encoded Libraries for Biased Agonists of GPCRs on Live Cells. Bioorthogonal Tethering Enhances Drug Fragment Affinity for G Protein-Coupled Receptors in Live Cells Single-cell transcriptome analysis of NEUROG3+ cells during pancreatic endocrine differentiation with Single cell G-protein coupled receptor profiling of Transcription factor 21 expressing activated kidney FREE Symposium - IPI Surfacing (June 15, 2023) Training School on “Cell-based assays to study Adhesion

  • Targeting CXCR1 and CXCR2 receptors in cardiovascular diseases

    chemokine receptors, mainly activated by interleukin 8 (IL-8 or CXCL8), are expressed in a variety of cells including, leukocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells. of the ligand, its concentration, and the binding sites with the receptor, levels of the receptor, cell

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News, May 1 to 7, 2023

    Characterization of serotonin-5-HTR1E signaling pathways and its role in cell survival. GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Adenylyl cyclase 6 plays a minor role in the mouse inner ear and retina Industry News Addex Therapeutics to Release Q1 2023 Financial Results and Host Conference Call on May FREE Symposium - IPI Surfacing (June 15, 2023) Training School on “Cell-based assays to study Adhesion Scientist - Antibody Engineering Scientist—Immuno-Oncology Convergent Research - Senior Scientist, Cell-Based

  • Novel interaction between neurotrophic factor-α1/carboxypeptidase E and serotonin receptor, 5-HTR1E,

    CPE-binding studies demonstrated saturable, high-affinity binding to 5-HTR1E in stably transfected HEK293 cells Treatment of 5-HTR1E stable cells with NF-α1/CPE increased pERK 1/2 and pCREB levels which prevented Cell survival assay in β-arrestin Knockout HEK293 cells showed that the NF-α1/CPE-5-HTR1E-mediated protection Immunofluorescence studies showed 5-HTR1E and NF-α1/CPE are highly expressed and co-localized on cell CPE-mediated protection of these neurons against oxidative stress and glutamate neurotoxicity-induced cell

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News, January 23 to 29, 2023

    Soluble cyclase-mediated nuclear cAMP synthesis is sufficient for cell proliferation. GPCR Signaling Measurement and Drug Profiling with an Automated Live-Cell Microscopy System. Generation of Gαi knock-out HEK293 cells illuminates Gαi-coupling diversity of GPCRs. development of cachexia therapeutics Sosei Heptares Webinar Presentation for FY2022 Financial Results Call

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News, January 16 to 22, 2023

    Soluble cyclase-mediated nuclear cAMP synthesis is sufficient for cell proliferation. Methods & Updates in GPCR Research Mapping of structural arrangement of cells and collective calcium transients: an integrated framework combining live cell imaging using confocal microscopy and UMAP-assisted Christopher Prior, as CEO and Reports Recent Drug Discovery Highlights Call for GPCR Papers GPCRs: Signal

  • Exploiting Dependence of Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer on the Arginine Vasopressin ...

    Stimulation of AVPR2 with a selective agonist desmopressin promoted CRPC cell proliferation through cAMP In contrast, blocking AVPR2 with a selective FDA-approved antagonist, tolvaptan, reduced cell growth. Combinatorial use of AVPR1A and AVPR2 antagonists promoted apoptosis synergistically in CRPC cells. Furthermore, we found that castration-resistant cells produced AVP, the endogenous ligand for arginine vasopressin receptors, and knockout of AVP in CRPC cells significantly reduced proliferation suggesting

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News, June 17 to 23, 2024

    for disease therapy GPCRs in Cardiology, Endocrinology, and Taste Transcriptomic profiling highlights cell Metallo-protease Peptidase M84 from Bacillusaltitudinis induces ROS-dependent apoptosis in ovarian cancer cells of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys flagrans activates mitochondria and reprograms fungal cells Deuteration as a General Strategy to Enhance Azobenzene-Based Photopharmacology Optical Control of Cell-Surface Scientist Senior Research Associate/Associate Scientist, Protein Science Post-Doctoral Fellow—Pharmacology/Cell

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News, September 18 to 24, 2023

    Cardiology, Endocrinology, and Taste Structural and functional analysis of salivary intercalated duct cells reveals a secretory phenotype Mesenchymal stromal cell secretory molecules improve the functional survival pathway by G protein-coupled receptor 37 promotes resistance to cisplatin-induced apoptosis in non-small cell Program Receives €4 Million Grant Confo Therapeutics Appoints Stephen Dowd As Chief Business Officer Call Technician Senior Research Associate, In Vitro Pharmacology - Crinetics Pharmaceuticals Postdoc In Cell

  • MSX-122: Is an effective small molecule CXCR4 antagonist in cancer therapy?

    that the ligation of SDF-1 to CXCR4 initiates several intracellular signaling pathways, regulating cell proliferation, survival, chemotaxis, migration, angiogenesis, adhesion, as well as bone marrow (BM)- resident cells homing and mobilization. Additionally, CXCR4 is expressed by tumor cells in blood malignancies and solid tumors."

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