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173 items found for "Chemokine receptor"

  • Metabolic crosstalk: Extracellular ATP and the tumor microenvironment in cancer progression and therapy

    In the tumor microenvironment (TME), purinergic receptors such as ATP-gated ion channels P2X1-5 and G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) (P2Y) interact with ATP and other nucleotides, influencing diverse explores e-ATP metabolism, its purinergic signaling, and therapeutic strategies targeting associated receptors Parameswar Dalai, Reena Agrawal-Rajput Tags Extracellular ATP (e-ATP) , Immunosuppression , Purinergic receptors

  • Ep 78 with Dr. Stuart Maudsley

    Following this tremendous experience, he was recruited to be the Principal Investigator of the Receptor To broaden his biomedical skill-set Stuart next accepted the position of Head of the Receptor Pharmacology Stuart’s current research, in the Receptor Biology Lab, focuses on the development of novel GPCR-based Stuart Maudsley on the web Maudsley Lab LinkedIn Google Scholar ResearchGate Maudsley Lab on Facebook Receptor

  • Ep 71 with Dr. Jean Martin Beaulieu

    for Beta-arrestin signaling in the brain in vivo and has established its importance in D2 dopamine receptors These receptors belong to the super-family of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR), the major molecular (e.g. lithium) used for bipolar disorder therapy target signaling mechanisms regulated by dopamine receptors

  • Ep 43 with Dr. Stuart Maudsley

    Following this tremendous experience, he was recruited to be the Principal Investigator of the Receptor To broaden his biomedical skill-set Stuart next accepted the position of Head of the Receptor Pharmacology Stuart’s current research, in the Receptor Biology Lab, focuses on the development of novel GPCR-based Stuart Maudsley on the web Maudsley Lab LinkedIn Google Scholar ResearchGate Maudsley Lab on Facebook Receptor

  • Ep 72 with Dr. Stuart Maudsley

    Following this tremendous experience, he was recruited to be the Principal Investigator of the Receptor To broaden his biomedical skill-set Stuart next accepted the position of Head of the Receptor Pharmacology Stuart’s current research, in the Receptor Biology Lab, focuses on the development of novel GPCR-based Stuart Maudsley on the web Maudsley Lab LinkedIn Google Scholar ResearchGate Maudsley Lab on Facebook Receptor

  • Ep 132 with Dr. Richard Premont

    York) in 1990 and 1992, working with Ravi Iyengar on regulation/desensitization of the liver glucagon receptor His initial project to identify and clone taste receptors was unsuccessful, but led to the identification For this, we have worked in three main areas: the regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling particularly by the G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) – beta-arrestin system, the coordination

  • Elucidation of active components and target mechanism in Jinqiancao granules for the treatment of prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia

    The characterized compounds were evaluated on four G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs: GPR35, muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3, alpha-1A adrenergic receptor α1A and cannabinoid receptor CB2). Yumin Yao, Jixia Wang, Yanfang Liu, Xinmiao Liang Tags Benign prostatic hyperplasia , G-protein coupled receptor

  • Molecular characterization of breast cancer cell pools with normal or reduced ability to respond to progesterone: a study based on RNA-seq

    RNA-seq Published date August 8, 2023 Abstract "Background: About one-third of patients with estrogen receptor alpha (ERα)-positive breast cancer have tumors which are progesterone receptor (PR) negative. seven significantly enriched biological processes affected by PR and associated with G protein-coupled receptor Rolf Jaggi Tags Breast cancer cell pools , progesterone response , RNA-seq , CRISPR/Cas9 , estrogen receptor alpha , gene expression , Progesterone receptor.

  • AGPCR 24 Session II

    signaling pathways and trafficking Localization of putative ligands for adhesion G protein-coupled receptors Yuling Feng The ADGRF5/GPR116 receptor is a key regulator of lymphatic endothelial cell identity and Yuling Feng on the web LinkedIn The ADGRF5/GPR116 receptor is a key regulator of lymphatic endothelial Autoproteolysis-Inducing (GAIN) domain of Latrophilin 3 receptor under the mentorship of Dr. These cleaved fragments join to form the heteromeric ADGRG6 receptor complex.

  • AGPCR 24 Dr. GPCR Community Presentation

    focused on investigating the cellular effects of missense lung cancer-mutations in the G-protein-coupled receptor Autoproteolysis-Inducing (GAIN) domain of Latrophilin 3 receptor under the mentorship of Dr.

  • Ep 31 with Dr. Kevin Pfleger

    Professor Pfleger has developed extensive expertise in profiling receptor binding and function at the globally-recognized expertise in bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) technology, including his patented Receptor-Heteromer Investigation Technology (Receptor-HIT) for studying heteromers.

  • AGPCR 24 Session VII

    VII Physiological and pathological roles of AGPCRs in the nervous system Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor neuronal and neuroimmune alterations during neurodevelopment Mariam Melkumyan Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor The Notch Pathway To Control Germ Cell Proliferation Willem Berend Post Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor Mariam Melkumyan on the web LinkedIn Google Scholar Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor ADGRG1 promotes We found that the receptor is cleaved despite the lack of a consensus GPS sequence.

  • Dr. GPCR Summit 2021 Live Talks

    Chris de Graaf September 14, 2021 at 12:00:00 PM Learn More >> Designer G protein-coupled receptors as David Gloriam September 15, 2021 at 6:00:00 PM Learn More >> Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3 and GPR84 Scott September 15, 2021 at 8:00:00 PM Learn More >> The challenges of targeting RXFP1, the receptor September 16, 2021 at 12:00:00 PM Learn More >> Phosphorylation of the M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor Ajay Yekkirala September 16, 2021 at 2:00:00 PM Learn More >> Chaperoning G protein-coupled receptors

  • SSTR2 positively associates with EGFR and predicts poor prognosis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    nasopharyngeal carcinoma Published date September 27, 2023 Abstract "Aims: Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) belongs to the receptor tyrosine kinases family and overexpression of EGFR has been linked to Somatostatin receptor 2 (SSTR2) is a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) with diverse biological functions

  • Ep 47 with Dr Simone Promel Dr Ines Liebscher

    These extraordinary receptors, about which there was not much known other than that they are huge and with the vast unknown biochemical and pharmacological territory that would be helpful to study orphan receptors Her postdoctoral work leads her to investigate a whole family of orphan receptors: adhesion GPCRs. With the little knowledge on these receptors available, there were multiple questions to tackle.

  • Illuminating Functional Selectivity and Allosterism at GPCRs.

    his research program focuses on the molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) responses, a class of receptors involved in many, if not all, physiological responses, with the He has developed innovative methods for in-cellulo measurement of protein-protein interactions, receptor

  • Ep 86 with Nicole (Nicki) Perry-Hauser

    endeavoring to build a productive, independent scientific research career in adhesion G protein-coupled receptor research interests involve resolving signaling pathways downstream of aGPCRs and establishing how/if these receptors

  • Ep 140 with Dr Alix A J Rouault

    student visa was in the work, during which time I thoroughly reviewed the literature on the melanocortin receptor first project where I demonstrated that MRAP2 regulates the signaling of multiple G protein-coupled receptors contributed to an In-vivo project that showed that MRAP2 regulates the growth hormone secretagogue receptor necessary modification leading to a structural change granting the arrestins access to the core of the receptor Cone was the first to clone the melanocortin receptors (the GPCRs that led to the discovery of MRAP2)

  • AGPCR 24 Session I

    Adhesion GPCRs Yan Zhang Heterogeneity of Tethered Agonist Signaling in Adhesion G Protein-Coupled Receptors It has been suggested that the TA can regulate receptor signaling without coming out of the GAIN domain activation, suggesting that non-release or partial release of the TA is unlikely to activate the receptor As an undergraduate, he studied opioid receptor trafficking and G protein conformational dynamics in We utilize several genetically modified mouse models to investigate requirements for receptor activator

  • Ep 143 with Dr Davide Calebiro

    Research (IMSR) of the University of Birmingham and Co-Director of the Centre of Membrane Proteins and Receptors physicists, engineers and computer scientists focusing on the basic mechanisms of G protein-coupled receptor that GPCRs are not only active at the plasma membrane but also at intracellular sites and that these receptors

  • GprC of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys flagrans activates mitochondria and reprograms fungal cells for nematode hunting

    nematode-trapping fungus, Arthrobotrys flagrans, that both are achieved through a dual-function G-protein-coupled receptor This dual localization of GprC in A. flagrans resembles the localization of the cannabinoid receptor A. flagrans, and C. elegans SRBC64/66 and DAF38 share ascaroside-binding sites with the fungal GprC receptor

  • AGPCR 24 Session III

    Sensor Approach for Drug Discovery for Human Adhesion GPCRs Stephanie Häfner Abstract "G Protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are common drug targets, yet no approved drugs exist for the Adhesion G Protein-coupled receptors The NRS fuses the extracellular region of any given aGPCR with a cleavage module from a Notch receptor in vivo by targeting the latrophilin-type aGPCR Cirl/ADGRL in Drosophila, revealing NTF release and receptor This tailored system aims to expedite the identification of drugs targeting the unique aGPCR receptor

  • Ep 04 with Dr. Graciela Pineyro

    Graciela Pineyro’s love for GPCR pharmacology started in Uruguay where she first worked on the serotonin receptors Graciela has done extensive work on the molecular pharmacology of opioid receptors, exploring their signaling

  • Ep 142 with Dr Claudia Stäubert

    degree in biochemistry from Leipzig University (Germany) being already fascinated by G protein-coupled receptors They also discussed the challenges of studying metabolites and their receptors, the relationship between Challenges in Studying Metabolites and Receptors Claudia and Yamina discussed the challenges of studying metabolites and their receptors, particularly in relation to fermented foods. They also explored the potential for better tools to understand and discover new metabolites or receptors

  • Ep 155 with Endocrine Metabolic GPCR Organizers

    Mark von Zastrow where she identified novel core cellular machinery critical for G protein-coupled receptor cell biological mechanisms regulating GPCR activity, including spatial control of GPCR signaling and receptor postdoctoral research in Oxford, investigating the signalling and trafficking of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), calcium-sensing receptor, and its role in calcium homeostasis.

  • A virally encoded GPCR drives glioblastoma through feed-forward activation of the SK1-S1P1 signaling axis

    activation of the SK1-S1P1 signaling axis Published date August 15, 2023 Abstract "The G protein-coupled receptor the S1P signaling axis, including an enzyme that generates S1P [sphingosine kinase 1 (SK1)], an S1P receptor [S1P receptor 1 (S1P1)], and S1P itself.

  • Ep 49 with Dr. Sudha Shenoy

    Shenoy’s postdoctoral research discovered that ubiquitination of mammalian G protein-coupled receptors for lysosomal degradation, whereas ubiquitination of the adaptor protein, β-arrestin, is a tag for receptor

  • Ep 116 with Dr. Shivani Sachdev

    Her research centers on developing nanobody-ligand conjugates to target GPCRs, with a focus on receptors Sachdev pursued Ph.D. in the same lab where she investigated the molecular pharmacology of cannabinoid receptors

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