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272 items found for "Gorostiola González M"

  • Ep 21 with Dr. Maria Waldhoer

    Maria Waldhoer About this episode Dr. Maria Waldhoer is originally from Austria. She earned her M.Sc. in Zoology and Neurobiology before completing a Ph.D. in Biology and Pharmacology GPCRs led Maria to Thue W. on GPCRs make her a strong and dedicated scientific leader. Maria Waldhoer on the web LinkedIn InterAx Biotech Pubmed Dr.

  • Ep 71 with Dr. Jean Martin Beaulieu

    Jean Martin Beaulieu About Dr. Jean Martin Beaulieu Dr. Beaulieu received a Ph.D. in Neurological Sciences from McGill University and completed his post-doctoral Beaulieu’s research is aimed at understanding how cellular and molecular mechanisms regulated by psychoactive drugs intersect with genetic risk factors for mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression, and These receptors belong to the super-family of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR), the major molecular

  • Ep 79 with Dr. Graeme Milligan

    Graeme Milligan About Dr. Graeme Milligan Professor Graeme Milligan is Gardiner Professor of Biochemistry, Dean of Research, and Deputy Head of the College of Medical, Veterinary, and Life Sciences at the University of Glasgow. His main research group centers on the function, structure, and regulation of G protein-coupled receptors Milligan has published more than 550 peer-reviewed articles and his research has been cited more than

  • miR-19a may function as a biomarker of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) by regulating the signaling pathway of miR-19a/GRK6/GPCRs/PKC in a Chinese population

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology miR-19a may function as a biomarker of oral squamous cell While much progress has been made in understanding various sensory modalities, the sense of hygrosensation Understanding the mechanisms underlying hygro- and thermosensation may shed light on the broader understanding , and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research GPCR Monthly Newsletter today! Follow the Dr.

  • Ep 136 with Murat Tunaboylu & Ben Holland

    GPCR Podcast << Back to podcast list Murat Tunaboylu & Ben Holland About Murat Tunaboylu "Murat Tunaboylu Mid-career, he has worked in finance and developed high-frequency trading systems. His current focus is to realise Antiverse’s mission: engineering the future of drug discovery." R&D and managing a focused development team, pursued international strategic partnerships, managed IP matters, helped establish a manufacturing line in Malaysia and is named as inventor on several patents

  • Board Meeting

    GPCR Retreat Program < Back to schedule Board Meeting Date & Time Friday, November 3rd / 9:30 PM Previous

  • Ep 146 with Dr Michael Feigin

    Michael Feigin About Dr. Michael Feigin "Dr. Muthuswamy moved to the University of Toronto, Mike joined the laboratory of Dr. about cancer biology led him to transition into using mouse models. Towards the end, Mike mentioned that he stayed at Cold Spring Harbor even after his mentor left for Toronto The conversation ended with Yamina expressing interest in learning more about Mike's two main research

  • Ep 72 with Dr. Stuart Maudsley

    Stuart Maudsley About Dr. Stuart Maudsley Stuart graduated from the University of Leeds in the U.K. with a First Class Honors degree Maudsley was awarded a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellowship to train with Professor Robert Lefkowitz Research Council (MRC) -Human Reproductive Sciences Unit within the University of Edinburgh. Stuart Maudsley on the web Maudsley Lab LinkedIn Google Scholar ResearchGate Maudsley Lab on Facebook

  • Ep 48 with Dr Nyla Naim Dr Michael Lemieux Dr Jason Nasse from Addgene

    Michael Lemieux & Dr. Jason Nasse About Dr. Michael Lemieux ''My name is Michael (Mike) Lemieux and I am a Connecticut native. I completed my Ph.D. in molecular and cell biology at UConn and then joined Addgene as a Quality Control Since then I transitioned into a Scientific Support role to leverage my passion for helping people! Michael Lemieux on the web Addgene Blog Dr. GPCR Ecosystem About Dr. Jason Nasse Dr.

  • Ep 68 with Dr. Matthew Eddy

    Matthew Eddy About Dr. Matthew Eddy Matthew Eddy earned his BA in Chemistry from Oberlin College, where he trained with solid-state NMR expert Professor Manish Mehta . under the mentorship of Prof. Matthew Eddy on the web Website Dr.

  • Ep 19 with Dr. Fiona Marshall

    Fiona Marshall About this episode Fiona Marshall got fascinated with GPCRs after attending a lecture Richard Henderson at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK. discovery research leading teams in West Point, Boston, and London at MSD. Join me and learn more about her fascinating career trajectory. Dr. Fiona Marshall on the web LinkedIn Twitter Google Scholar MSD UK Dr.

  • Ep 55 with Mark Schmeizl

    GPCR Podcast << Back to podcast list Mark Schmeizl About Mark Schmeizl Mark leverages 30 years in various Mark believes professional placement should be about matching talented people with companies where they will thrive, “when the match is right, the results are astonishing.” Mark Schmeizl on the web Website LinkedIn Dr. understand your needs to bring you exciting and informative content; this short survey should take 5 minutes

  • Ep 43 with Dr. Stuart Maudsley

    Stuart Maudsley About Dr. Stuart Maudsley Stuart graduated from the University of Leeds in the U.K. with a First Class Honors degree Maudsley was awarded a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellowship to train with Professor Robert Lefkowitz Research Council (MRC) -Human Reproductive Sciences Unit within the University of Edinburgh. Stuart Maudsley on the web Maudsley Lab LinkedIn Google Scholar ResearchGate Maudsley Lab on Facebook

  • Ep 153 with Dr Jacek Mokrosiński

    Jacek Mokrosiński About Dr. Jacek Mokrosiński "Jacek is a Senior Scientist at Novo Nordisk specializing in molecular pharmacology Lexington, MA. of Metabolic Science - Metabolic Research Laboratories at the University of Cambridge in the team led His research aimed at understanding molecular mechanism through which rare genetic variation may lead

  • Developing a PROTAC to Degrade the Constitutively Active Onco-GPCR in Uveal Melanoma

    Program < Back to schedule Developing a PROTAC to Degrade the Constitutively Active Onco-GPCR in Uveal Melanoma During her time at Providence College, she received the Walsh Grant Fellowship to develop novel methods of synthesizing 2-imidazoline scaffolds to be used as proteasome modulators in the laboratory of Travis

  • Dopamine-Mediated Motor Recovery after Ischemic Stroke

    About Mario Tiberi "I did my graduate research on the regulation of axonal transport by tricyclic antidepressants (M.Sc.) and molecular pharmacology of opioid receptors (Ph.D.) in the Department of Pharmacology at the Université de Montréal under the mentorship of Dr. Jacques Magnan, respectively. My addiction for dopamine led me to the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (then the Moses and Rose Loeb

  • Observational Study of Repeat Immunoadsorption (RIA) in Post-COVID ME/CFS Patients with Elevated ß2-Adrenergic Receptor Autoantibodies-An Interim Report

    Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). SARS-CoV-2 has now become the main trigger for ME/CFS. /CFS, which showed efficacy in most patients. , and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research GPCR Monthly Newsletter today! Follow the Dr.

  • GprC of the nematode-trapping fungus Arthrobotrys flagrans activates mitochondria and reprograms fungal cells for nematode hunting

    However, GprC and GasA also reside in mitochondria and boost respiration. Authors Xiaodi Hu, David S Hoffmann, Mai Wang, Lars Schuhmacher, Maria C Stroe, Birgit Schreckenberger Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research GPCRs insights into GPCR function GPCR Activation and Signaling More from Dr. GPCR Monthly Newsletter today! Follow the Dr.

  • Biochemical Mechanisms Underlying Location Bias in GPCR Signaling

    Sudarshan Rajagopal is a physician-scientist and is currently an Associate Professor of Medicine and Biochemistry at Duke University School of Medicine. Keith Moffat, he studied the structural mechanisms of bacterial photoreceptors using time-resolved Laue He was awarded his PhD in 2004 and his MD in 2006. He then joined the Internal Medicine Residency training program at Duke University Medical Center.

  • AGPCR 24 Session I

    AGPCRs Signaling Properties of ADGRL3 Signe Mathiasen An ECR-Mediated and TA-independent Mechanism of Signe Mathiasen on the web University of Copenhagen Mathiasen Group An ECR-Mediated and TA-independent Because the TA-mediated mechanism is a “one and done” mechanism that is irreversible and prevents the Skiba (Harvard Medical School); Maria F. Rich (University of Cincinnati School of Medicine); Maggie M.

  • AGPCR 24 Session VII

    Tina M. Iverson. I then pursued a postdoctoral research position under the mentorship of Dr. Anxiety and memory function were tested using both male and female mice at 5-6 month of age. memory in the GPR110 KO mice compared to wildtype mice. of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, NIH" About Mariam Melkumyan "Mariam Melkumyan is a postdoctoral fellow After my bachelors, I moved to Germany where I obtained my Master’s of Science and PhD degree in Dr.

  • AGPCR 24 Student Flash Presentations

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program This made me pursue my higher education in the field of adhesion GPCRs. months. medical student and I´m currently working on my MD thesis in the lab of Dr. multiple mRNAs in specific cells.

  • AGPCR 24 Session VIII

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program school and Dr. med. Centre for Experimental Medicine, Institute for Biocehmistry and Molecular Cell Biology, University Medical Much of this work centered on elucidating novel mechanisms by which β-adrenergic receptors impact cardiac of kidney proteins in GPR110 KO and WT mice by label-free LC-MS/MS and pathway analysis.

  • AGPCR 24 Leaving for City Center

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program

  • AGPCR 24 Closing remarks

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program

  • AGPCR 24 Coffee Break with pastries annoucement of the aGEM award

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program

  • AGPCR 24 Plenary Lecture

    Full Agenda Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Download PDF Program

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