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68 items found for "cam sinh lu"

  • Ep 60 with Dr. Josephine (Pina) Cardarelli

    project, licensed to AstraZeneca (Saphnelo™ Anifrolumab) that has just received FDA approval for systemic lupus

  • Session II

    Monserrat Avila Zozaya "My doctoral research was focused on investigating the cellular effects of missense lung Van Meir pursued postdoctoral work at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research in San Diego and joined

  • Session III

    adapted for the human aGPCRs CD97/ADGRE5 and Latrophilin/ADGRL3 and tested in HEK293T cells using a luciferase

  • 21-06 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    Signaling-Biased and Constitutively Active Dopamine D2 Receptor Variant Inhibition of the Proliferation of Human Lung

  • 21-03 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    cryo-EM datasets A general method for quantifying ligand binding to unmodified receptors using Gaussia luciferase

  • 21-05 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    detecting very rare variants in human genetic studies: Example from a recent study of MC4R A novel luminescence-based

  • 20-09 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    enhances βarrestin2's association with activated GPCRs as well as with nuclear pore complexes A Split Luciferase

  • 20-10 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    Druggable Targets in Endocannabinoid Signaling Glycoprotein G-protein Coupled Receptors in Disease: Luteinizing

  • 21-04 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    Studies Designing a single protein‐chain reporter for opioid detection at a cellular resolution A novel luminescence-based-β-arrestin of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs): Recent insights using luminescence

  • Ep 134 with Dr. Neil Grimsey

    p38 signaling responses we are studying how atypical p38 controls the onset and pathogenesis of acute lung

  • 21-12 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    Gβγ mediates activation of Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor ARHGEF17 which promotes metastatic lung macrophage infiltration contributes to glomerular endocapillary hypercellularity in antibody-induced lupus Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Prospects Luminal Chemosensory Cells in the Small Intestine Melanopsin

  • 21-10 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    We had 7 fantastic trainee talks during the Summit and since these were of such high quality we've decided

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