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457 items found for "G protein–coupled receptor 141"
- Characterization of a new WHIM syndrome mutant reveals mechanistic differences in regulation of ...
Characterization of a new WHIM syndrome mutant reveals mechanistic differences in regulation of the chemokine receptor gain-of-function mutations that lead to C-terminal truncations, frame shifts and point mutations in the chemokine receptor Interestingly, there were also significant differences in receptor degradation, with S339fs5 having a phosphorylation, β-arrestin binding and endocytosis, and a very high basal rate of degradation that is not protected
- Structural basis of GPCR coupling to distinct signal transducers: implications for biased signaling
August 2022 "Three classes of G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) partners - G proteins, GPCR kinases, differences in the orientation of individual residues and/or their interactions not easily detectable in the receptor-transducer
- Endosomal parathyroid hormone receptor signaling
October 2022 "The canonical model for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) activation assumes that stimulation of heterotrimeric G protein signaling upon ligand binding occurs solely at the cell surface and that recruitment of β-arrestins, resulting in receptor internalization into endosomes. proteins from endosomes. This is the case for the parathyroid hormone (PTH) type 1 receptor (PTHR), which engages on sustained
- Serotonin Receptor 5-HT2A Regulates TrkB Receptor Function in Heteroreceptor Complexes
September 2022 "Serotonin receptor 5-HT2A and tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) strongly contribute decreased TrkB autophosphorylation, preventing its activation with agonist 7,8-DHF, even with low 5-HT2A receptor A blockade of 5-HT2A receptor with the preferential antagonist ketanserin prevented the receptor-mediated Our data reveal the functional role of 5-HT2A–TrkB receptor heterodimerization and suggest that the regulated
- GPCRs Are Optimal Regulators of Complex Biological Systems and Orchestrate the Interface between ...
This communication involves the ligand-mediated control of cell surface receptors that then direct their has been placed on the ability of these therapeutics to modulate diseases by acting at cell surface receptors intracellular domain dictate and condition long-term GPCR activities associated with the regulation of protein understanding of this function of GPCRs is likely to significantly augment our ability to further employ these proteins
- Activation of the human chemokine receptor CX3CR1 regulated by cholesterol
August 2022 "As the only member of the CX3C chemokine receptor subfamily, CX3CR1 binds to its sole endogenous Thus, our data deepen the understanding of cholesterol modulation in GPCR (G protein-coupled receptor ) signaling and provide insights into the diversity of G protein coupling."
- Specific Functions of Melanocortin 3 Receptor (MC3R)
October 2022 "Melanocortin 3 receptor (MC3R) is a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) that is defined on weight and appetite control, 2) the control of growth, puberty, and circadian rhythm, and, 3) its protein-protein
- Regulation of rod photoreceptor function by farnesylated G-protein γ-subunits
September 2022 "Heterotrimeric G-protein transducin, Gt, is a key signal transducer and amplifier in The only other farnesylated G-protein γ-subunit, Gγ11 (Gng11), is expressed in multiple tissues but not
- Diversification of PAR signaling through receptor crosstalk
October 2022 "Protease activated receptors (PARs) are among the first receptors shown to transactivate other receptors: noticeably, these interactions are not limited to members of the same family, but involve receptors as diverse as receptor kinases, prostanoid receptors, purinergic receptors and ionic channels the evidence for PAR interactions with members of their own family, as well as with other types of receptors pathological relevance of these interactions, since this additional level of molecular cross-talk between receptors
- Cell Surface Calcium-Sensing Receptor Heterodimers: Mutant Gene Dosage Affects Ca 2+ Sensing but...
September 2022 Cell Surface Calcium-Sensing Receptor Heterodimers: Mutant Gene Dosage Affects Ca 2+ Sensing but Not G Protein Interaction "The calcium-sensing receptor is a homodimeric class C G protein-coupled ) unit that activates G protein-dependent signaling via twin Cysteine-rich domains linked to transmembrane severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT), receptor function was markedly impaired. We consider how receptor asymmetry may support the underlying mechanisms. © 2022 The Authors.
- Structural perspectives on the mechanism of signal activation, ligand selectivity and allosteric...
on the mechanism of signal activation, ligand selectivity and allosteric modulation in angiotensin receptors Thus, we need to know much more about the structures of receptor-ligand complexes at high resolution. Recently, X-ray structures of both AngII receptors (AT1 and AT2 receptors) bound to peptide and non-peptide , as the basis of ligand selectivity, efficacy, and regulation of the molecular functions of the receptors This review covers the new data elucidating the structural dynamics of AngII receptors and how structural
- A role for BET proteins in regulating basal, dopamine-induced and cAMP/PKA-dependent ...
A role for BET proteins in regulating basal, dopamine-induced and cAMP/PKA-dependent transcription in neurons The activity of striatal medium-spiny projection neurons is regulated by D1 and D2 dopamine receptors The D1 receptor (D1R) is a Gαs/olf-coupled GPCR which activates a cAMP/PKA/DARPP-32 signalling cascade One candidate effector of PKA-dependent transcriptional regulation is the BET protein Brd4. Here, we demonstrate that in adult rats, inhibition of BET proteins with the bromodomain inhibitor JQ1
- Structural landscape of the Chemokine Receptor system
Chemokine receptors (CKRs) belong to a subfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and play a crucial CKRs can be classified into typical CKRs, atypical CKRs (ACKRs) which lack G-protein signaling, and viral Currently, there are more than 40 available structures of chemokines and their receptors in the Protein core to make room for the G-protein (Lu, Zhao et al. 2022). It has been demonstrated that the shorter truncation variant, CCL15L, exhibits bias toward G-protein
- 📰 GPCR Weekly News, January 15 to 21, 2024
CXCR2 indicates G protein bias over β-arrestin recruitment and receptor internalization Class VI G protein-coupled switch controls phospholipid scrambling by G protein-coupled receptors Decoding anaphylatoxins: unveiling GPCRs in Cardiology, Endocrinology, and Taste Hepatic Regulator of G protein Signaling 14 Ameliorates protein-coupled receptor 141 expressed in myeloid cells functions as an inflammation suppressor Methods & Updates in GPCR Research G-Protein Coupled Receptor Gpr-1 Is Important for the Growth and Nutritional
- GPCRs steer G i and G s selectivity via TM5-TM6 switches as revealed by structures of serotonin...
12 different G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) through selective coupling of Gs, Gi, or Gq proteins The structural basis for G protein subtype selectivity by these GPCRs remains elusive. We find that the macro-switch by the TM5-TM6 length is shared by class A GPCR-G protein structures. Together, these results present a common mechanism of Gs versus Gi protein coupling selectivity or promiscuity by class A GPCRs and extend the basis of ligand recognition at serotonin receptors."
- Biased Agonism at the GLP-1 Receptor: A Pathway to Improved Therapeutic Outcomes
This concept is gaining significant attention in drug discovery, especially in the context of G protein-coupled It is primarily coupled to the Gs protein, which leads to the production of cyclic AMP (cAMP). Additionally, GLP-1R couple to G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) and recruit β-arrestins, adding AZIETAKU, J.T., Profiling Glucagon-Like Peptide -1 Receptor Transducer Coupling, Signalling and Biased McNeill, S.M., et al., The role of G protein-coupled receptor kinases in GLP-1R β-arrestin recruitment
- The NPXXY Motif Regulates β-Arrestin Recruitment by the CB1 Cannabinoid Receptor
August 2022 "Background: Activation of signaling effectors by G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) depends Although studies have focused on the G-protein signaling state, the mechanism for β-arrestin signaling
- Class B1 GPCR Dimerization: Unveiling Its Role in Receptor Function and Signaling
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are membrane-bound proteins that sense external stimuli and relay Bouvier, M., Oligomerization of G-protein-coupled transmitter receptors. Graaf, C., et al., Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 and Its Class B G Protein-Coupled Receptors: A Long March induces G-protein-coupled receptor heteromer formation. Wootten, D., et al., Allostery and Biased Agonism at Class B G Protein-Coupled Receptors.
- Dimerization of β2-adrenergic receptor is responsible for the constitutive activity subjected to...
October 2022 Dimerization of β2-adrenergic receptor is responsible for the constitutive activity subjected to inverse agonism "Dimerization of beta 2-adrenergic receptor (β2-AR) has been observed across various
- 📰 GPCR Weekly News, May 6 to 12, 2024
protein-coupled receptor GPR84 Function and regulation of GPR84 in human neutrophils Large-scale deorphanization of Nematostella vectensis neuropeptide G protein-coupled receptors supports the independent expansion protein-coupled receptor 141 expressed in myeloid cells functions as an inflammation suppressor The landscape interactions that contribute to G protein coupling Reviews, GPCRs, and more Molecular adaptations in family Technologies for the discovery of G protein-coupled receptor-targeting biologics Lipid mediators
- Design and validation of recombinant protein standards for quantitative Western blot analysis of...
October 2022 Design and validation of recombinant protein standards for quantitative Western blot analysis of cannabinoid CB1 receptor density in cell membranes: an alternative to radioligand binding methods radioligand binding assays with antibody-antigen interaction-based approaches for quantitative analysis of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) levels requires the use of purified protein standards containing the Results: Here we generated highly soluble and stable recombinant protein constructs GST-CB1414-472 and
- Chemokine receptor-targeted drug discovery: progress and challenges
The chemokine receptor system is implicated in a wide range of inflammatory, autoimmune and infectious Furthermore, both chemokines and receptors can homo- and hetero-oligomerize, impacting receptor/ligand-binding and signaling patterns, by modulating ligand binding, as well as G-protein coupling or interaction with by globular protein ligands, unlike most of the class A GPCRs ligands that are small molecules or short These larger interfaces represent the typical protein-protein interactions which are difficult to modulate
- Adenosine receptor signalling in Alzheimer's disease
Emerging evidence suggests adenosine G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are promising therapeutic targets The adenosine A1 and A2A receptors are expressed in the human brain and have a proposed involvement in Targeting these receptors preclinically can mitigate pathogenic β-amyloid and tau neurotoxicity whilst accessible summary of the literature on Alzheimer's disease and the therapeutic potential of A1 and A2A receptors Although there are no available medicines targeting these receptors approved for treating dementia, we
- Adenosine receptor signalling in Alzheimer's disease
Emerging evidence suggests adenosine G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are promising therapeutic targets The adenosine A1 and A2A receptors are expressed in the human brain and have a proposed involvement in Targeting these receptors preclinically can mitigate pathogenic β-amyloid and tau neurotoxicity whilst accessible summary of the literature on Alzheimer's disease and the therapeutic potential of A1 and A2A receptors Although there are no available medicines targeting these receptors approved for treating dementia, we
- In vivo metabolic effects after acute activation of skeletal muscle G s signaling
Methods: To address this question, we studied mice that express a Gs-coupled designer G protein-coupled receptor (Gs-DREADD or GsD) selectively in skeletal muscle. We also identified two Gs-coupled GPCRs that are endogenously expressed by SKM at relatively high levels (β2-adrenergic receptor and CRF2 receptor) and studied the acute metabolic effects of activating these However, acute in vivo stimulation of endogenous Gs-coupled receptors enriched in SKM has only a limited
- Developing the Cannabinoid Receptor 2 (CB2) pharmacopoeia: past, present, and future
October 2022 "Cannabinoid Receptor 2 (CB2) is a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) with considerable,
- Developing the Cannabinoid Receptor 2 (CB2) pharmacopeia: past, present, and future
August 2022 "Cannabinoid Receptor 2 (CB2) is a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) with considerable, though
- Helix 8 in chemotactic receptors of the complement system
Complement factor C5a exerts its effect through the activation of C5aR1, chemotactic receptor 1, and triggers the G protein-coupled signaling cascade. An analysis of mutual interactions of subunits in the C5aR1-G protein complex has provided new insights into the activation mechanism of this distinct receptor. By means of molecular dynamics we explained why C5aR2 cannot transduce signal through the G protein pathway