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521 items found for "Jespers W"

  • G.CLIPS biotech is 2 years old this month!

    When I came this morning to work this is how I found my desk. So very grateful to the great hard working team we have and all the great achievements we have done together Looking forward for more 🎊 #team #grateful #biotech #work #birthdaycelebration" Read more at the source

  • Unveiling GPCR Priming: The Hidden Synergy in Cellular Signalling

    Surprisingly, this interaction did not result in G12 activation, even in the presence of GTP, which is In 2017, Gupte et al. introduced GPCR priming, which posits that non-cognate G proteins can enhance the to show that Gq proteins could bolster Gs dependent-β2-adrenergic receptor-mediated cAMP signalling, while in GPCR priming is attributed to the formation of temporal non-cognate-GPCR conformational states, which Stallaert, W., et al., Purinergic Receptor Transactivation by the β(2)-Adrenergic Receptor Increases

  • Bursicon receptor gene HLGR2 as a potential RNA interference target for control of the fall ...

    Bursicon receptor gene HLGR2 as a potential RNA interference target for control of the fall webworm Hyphantria the leucine-rich repeat-containing (LGR2) gene in Hyphantria cunea (HLGR2) was performed to examine whether Results: The complementary DNA (cDNA) sequence and deduced amino acids of HLGR2 were obtained and analyzed After RNAi of HLGR2, distinct phenotypes were observed when HLGR2 expression was suppressed, indicating Furthermore, we identified eight genes that are regulated by HLGR2.

  • From DNA day to GPCR genomics

    What does DNA Day have to do with GPCRs? happen when a receptor is activated. were predicted to have a functional effect4. GPCR world. W., & Skiniotis, G. (2023).

  • Odorant receptors – a bit of smell for drug discovery

    ORs are highly expressed by olfactory sensory neurons of the nose where they are activated by different odorant molecules which initiate a neuronal response that drives odorant discrimination and perception also expressed in non-olfactory tissues including the testis, lung, intestine, skin, heart, and blood, where For example, OR4M1 was proposed to interfere with aberrant tau hyperphosphorylation (Zhao W. et. al 2013 these receptors would be of great help to aid drug discovery.

  • Decoding β-Arrestins: from Structure to function

    cavity (Kang, Y. et al. 2015, Chen, Q. et al. 2021), that allow interaction with trimeric G proteins, which While some receptors selectively activate specific G protein families, others are more versatile, yielding M. et al. 1999), while dual knockout is lethal (Schmid, C. L., & Bohn, L. M. 2009). their imbalance is linked to pathological conditions, including cancer (Gros, R. et al. 2000, Sun, W. Pinpointing signaling pathways governed by β-arrestins, which exhibit increased or reduced activity within

  • Transformative GPCR Insights: Unleash New Horizons in Science | Sep 9 - 15, 2024

    This Week’s Highlights: Celebrating Excellence: Wessel A. C. No worries – you can sign up for a 5-day FREE trial! Exclusive Deal for Scientists Residing and Working in Developing Nations If you live and work  in a developing Our goal is to ensure that education is within reach for everyone! Secure your spot today and dive into the evolving world of GPCRs!

  • Unlock the Future of GPCR Science: Breakthroughs and Courses Await | Sep 2 - Sep 8, 2024

    Weekly Highlights: Congrats to: Daniel Matúš , Simone Prömel , et al., for their work on The N terminus-only No problem – we offer a 5-day FREE trial! Exclusive Deal for Scientists Residing and Working in Developing Nations If you live and work  in a developing Our goal is to ensure that education is within reach for everyone! Secure your spot today and dive into the evolving world of GPCRs!

  • APEX2/AUR Biosensor: A Powerful Tool for Protein Interaction and Trafficking

    that significantly influence DOR function, with DNAJC13 emerging as a standout candidate along with WDR91 How does this new biosensor work? When AUR is oxidized by APEX2 in the presence of H 2 O 2 , it produces a fluorescent product that can this research could inform the development of safer analgesics that minimize the risk of addiction while

  • GPCR Updates: Celebrating Breakthroughs, New Course Launches Soon, and Exclusive Discounts! | Aug 26 - Sep 1, 2024

    Secure your spot today and dive into the evolving world of GPCRs! This week's highlights include congrats to: Bruce Allen , Terence Hébert , et al. for their work on Understanding Don't worry - we offer a 5-day FREE trial! Special Offer for Scientists who work and live in developing countries If you live and work in a developing We’re committed to making education accessible to all!

  • Decoding GPCR Function: The Role of Mutagenesis in Rational Drug Discovery

    While these structural techniques offer significant advantages in drug discovery, no single method can But why is this information crucial?   Furthermore, data on the role of specific residues within receptors can provide valuable insights for While advancements in site-directed technology have largely supplanted random mutagenesis, the latter J., White, P. J., Sexton, P. M., Christopoulos, A., & May, L. T. (2016).

  • 📢 GPCR Update: August 19-25, 2024 | Thrilling Announcement: New Pharmacology Course Dates & Exclusive Discounts Inside!

    We've refreshed the schedule and can’t wait for you to join us on these new dates. We highly recommend exploring valuable resources such as ' Applying Pharmacology to Drug Discovery ' GPCR Event Spotlight    11th Adhesion GPCR Workshop    Location:  Mexico City Dates:  October 23-25, September 5 - 6, 2024 | 4th Transatlantic ECI GPCR Symposium September 18, 2024 | FREE Webinar - The November 5 - 7, 2024 | 16th Annual PEGS Europe   July 12 - 17, 2026 | 20th World Congress of Basic and

  • 📰 GPCR Buzz: August 5-11, 2024 | Top Highlights from DrGPCR University!

    GPCR University offers two live courses this fall that you won’t want to miss. Check out what’s coming in September and October: Sign up for both courses now and score a 25% early Course Details: When:  Thursdays at 10 AM EST Format:  Engaging Online Lectures with access to pre-read This week's highlight includes congrats to: Miles Thompson ,   Alexander Hauser ,   Caroline Gorvin , for their work on GPCR pharmacogenomics  Let’s dive into the   Classified GPCR News  from August 5th

  • Enhancing GPCR Research Outreach | Dr GPCR University early-bird registration ends soon!

    Take a look at our GPCR coverage for this week. We've got 11 GPCR papers, seven industry news pieces, a new GPCR event, and even a job ad.   This week's highlight includes congrats to: Miles Thompson , Alexander Hauser , Caroline Gorvin ,   et for their work on GPCR gene variants and human genetic disease Ilana Kotliar , Thomas Sakmar , et al. September 18, 2024 | FREE Webinar - The value of GPCR cell-based assays in drug discovery October 2024

  • Dr. GPCR University registration is now open! Secure your spot now!

    📰 GPCR Weekly News, July 22 to 28, 2024 In the fast-paced world of pharmaceuticals and drug discovery We have 18 GPCR papers, four industry news articles, and two job ads. work on Smooth operator(s): dialing up and down neurotransmitter responses by G-protein regulators We’re thrilled to announce our upcoming courses with Dr. Terry Kenakin ! We look forward to your participation!

  • Unlocking the Future of Medicine: Advancements in GPCR Research

    📰 GPCR Weekly News, July 15 to 21, 2024 Hey everyone! Drum rolls, we’ve got 15 GPCR research papers, updates, industry news events, and GPCR ads curated just This week's highlight includes congrats to Omolade Otun , Chris de Graaf , Cherine Bechara , et al. We are pleased to announce the scheduled dates for our highly anticipated courses led by Dr. GPCR Event Highlight Get ready for the  11th Adhesion GPCR Workshop!

  • Exploring the Breakthroughs in GPCR Research

    📰 GPCR Weekly News, July 8 to 14, 2024 Hello readers! Check out our GPCR coverage for this week. We have 15 GPCR papers, three industry news, and two job ads.   This week's highlight includes congrats to: Remi Janicot , and Dr. Mikel Garcia-Marcos for their work on Get ready to sharpen your tools:A short guide to heterotrimeric GPCR University We are excited to announce the dates for our upcoming courses led by Dr.

  • Navigating the Signaling Network: RTK and GPCR Crosstalk Uncovered

    The researchers focused on the phosphorylation of the G protein subunit Gαi at specific residues within factor-induced phosphorylation of Gαi at specific residues predominantly inhibits ligand-induced signaling while Mechanisms of Inhibition: The study identified three distinct mechanisms by which phosphorylation inhibits canonical signaling, based on the location of the phosphosites within the G protein. In conclusion, this research elucidates the molecular mechanisms by which growth factors influence G

  • Canonical chemokine receptors as scavenging “decoys”

    system depends on chemokines to direct cell migration during immune surveillance and inflammation, as well chemokine receptors (CKRs) that signal via Gαi and 4 official atypical chemokine receptors (ACKRs) which , which is a different mechanism from what has been established for other chemokine scavenger receptors that where shown to couple to GRKs, β-arrestins, or both such as CCR1. to continuously migrate by remaining responsive to chemokines, it dampens the inflammatory response when

  • Adhesion GPCR Consortium Newsletter - May 2024

    We welcome suggestions, feedback, and announcements from the community. What is your backstory? This will greatly impact not only the way we understand how aGPCR works but might also provide a guide Who volunteered you to host the next workshop? What are you most excited about for the upcoming workshop?

  • Extracellular signal-regulated kinases – a potential pathway for GPCR-targeted drug discovery

    “The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals.” Sir William Osler Scientists have long sought to discover a “golden bullet” that would cure every disease without adverse effects. pathway without touching others. The gravity of this regulation becomes even more apparent when we consider the potential consequences

  • Dynamic GPCR activation revealed through time-resolved Cryo-EM

    The activation process begins with the α-helical domain (AHD) of the G protein in an open state, which This helix undergoes significant restructuring—it breaks and reforms closer to the TCAT motif, which dynamic view of GPCR activation, scientists can better tackle diseases by targeting specific steps within

  • Illuminating GPCR Research: FRET and BRET-Based Sensors Shed Light on Cellular Signaling

    Central to GPCR function are G proteins, comprising subfamilies such as Gs, Gi/o, Gq/11, and G12/13, which the principle of energy transfer between a fluorescent or luminescent donor and acceptor molecules within close proximity, typically within 100Å. undoubtedly continue to propel our quest to unravel the complexities of GPCR signaling and pave the way Wan, Q., et al., Mini G protein probes for active G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in live cells. 

  • Job Opportunity Spotlight #1: Principal Scientist, In Vitro Pharmacology

    Mark:  “Beth, why did you decide to join Crinetics?” We collaborate and cross-pollenate a lot.” Beth:  “We are looking for a thinker and problem solver who is able to learn.  Mark:  “Beth, why would someone want you as their boss?” Beth:  “Well, I enjoy training and mentoring team members. 

  • GPCRs are not simple on-off switches: deep dive into GPCR-ligand interactions

    GPCR activation typically occurs through the binding of agonists which stabilize receptor conformations GPCRs are present in a range of conformations, and the binding of a ligand, as well as interactions with exist in at least two distinct states: an active state characterized by high affinity for agonists when coupled to G proteins, and an inactive state in which their affinity for agonists diminishes in the without the need for an agonist (Costa and Herz 1989).

  • An overview of the compartmentalized GPCR Signaling: Relevance and Implications

    When it comes to signal transduction, cellular context matters. In addition to endosomal signaling, GPCRs are also known to localize to the Golgi apparatus, where they GPCRs have also been identified within the mitochondria. N., Castro, M., Wang, B., Bouley, R., Potts, J. T., Gardella, T. J., & Vilardaga, J. P. (2009). A., Sriram, K., Wiley, S.

  • Chemokine receptor-targeted drug discovery: progress and challenges

    The chemokine receptor system is implicated in a wide range of inflammatory, autoimmune and infectious diseases (Proudfoot 2002), and in recent years attention has increasingly focused on cancer, where tumors maintain an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment, and facilitate metastatic spread (Nagarsheth, Wicha The therapeutic approaches mainly include small molecule inhibitors, as well as monoclonal antibodies Redundancy can be exemplified by the tumor infiltration of Treg cells which can be driven directly by

  • Targeting Intracellular Allosteric Sites in GPCRs

    Recent advances in structural biology and pharmacology have revealed the existence of allosteric sites within the past decade, there has been a notable growth in the discovery of allosteric modulators for GPCRs which While this has the potential to enhance GPCR subtype-selectivity, it also presents a significant challenge when it comes to detecting and confirming allosteric behaviors (Keov, Sexton et al. 2011). modulators (NAMs), that fully or partially dampen the receptor's functional response to the ligand (Wold

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