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135 items found for "Tatiana Da Ros"

  • Ep 66 with Dr. Antony A. Boucard Jr

    into the field of synaptic adhesion molecules which would eventually prompt him to investigate the role

  • Ep 146 with Dr Michael Feigin

    of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, and Director of Graduate Studies of Experimental Therapeutics at Roswell Senthil Muthuswamy at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and probed the roles of polarity proteins (Feigin Michael Feigin on the web Roswell Park Feigin Lab Google Scholar LinkedIn Twitter Dr. Mike shared his journey from his Ph.D. struggles to his current role as a professor, emphasizing the Summary Science Roles and Resilience Yamina and Mike had a conversation about their roles and experiences

  • Ep 72 with Dr. Stuart Maudsley

    Maudsley was awarded a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellowship to train with Professor Robert Lefkowitz

  • Donation Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    time One time Amount $ 0/300 Please provide your company/organization information and your full name, role

  • Ep 98 with Dr. GPCR Team

    Motivated by my scientific passion, I recently started a postdoctoral fellowship to study the role of her Master’s and Ph.D. in Biochemistry at the University of Montreal in Canada before training at The Rockefeller

  • Ep 47 with Dr Simone Promel Dr Ines Liebscher

    receptors, about which there was not much known other than that they are huge and somehow play important roles

  • Ep 103 with Dr Kathleen Caron

    Keith Parker to elucidate the role of steroidogenesis in regulating sexual determination and adrenal Oliver Smithies at UNC-CH, where she was the first to discover the essential role of adrenomedullin peptide Caron currently holds multiple scientific advisory roles in academia, industry and the National Institutes

  • Ep 64 with Dylan Eiger

    Robert J. Lefkowitz . graduate research focuses on the mechanisms underlying biased signaling at GPCRs, specifically, the role

  • Ep 67 with Dr. Graham Ladds

    industry (GSK, Takada, and Firmenich) which have recently been enhanced through him being awarded a Royal

  • Ep 48 with Dr Nyla Naim Dr Michael Lemieux Dr Jason Nasse from Addgene

    Since then I transitioned into a Scientific Support role to leverage my passion for helping people! Prior to his role at Addgene, Jason held roles in academia, big pharma, and non-profit research organizations

  • Ep 125 with Dr. Gregory Tall

    Tall joined the faculty in the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of Rochester Tall has been continuously funded by the NIH since receiving an early RO1 award at Rochester.

  • Ep 20 with Dr. Jennifer Pluznick

    Her research is focused on the role of chemosensory GPCRs in regulating renal and cardiovascular function

  • Ep 128 with Dr. Ilana Kotliar

    Ilana Kotliar "Ilana Kotliar is a postdoctoral associate in the lab of Tom Sakmar at The Rockefeller

  • Ep 132 with Dr. Richard Premont

    In 1992, he won a Helen Hay Whitney Foundation fellowship to support his post-doctoral work with Robert kinase pathways by GIT/PIX scaffolding complexes during cellular signaling, and characterizing the role

  • Ep 110 with Dr. G. Aditya Kumar

    Aditya is interested in understanding the role of the membrane microenvironment in the subcellular organization In addition, he explored the role of the host membrane in the entry of intracellular pathogens into macrophages

  • Ep 50 with Dr. Thomas P. Sakmar

    Sakmar Tom Sakmar is a physician-scientist and professor at Rockefeller University in New York. Instructors at the course included Marc Chabre , Harden McConnell , Richard Henderson , Martin Rodbell After moving to Rockefeller University with a Howard Hughes Medical Institute appointment, Tom advanced Sakmar on the web LinkedIn ResearchGate Pubmed ORCHID Google Scholar Rockefeller University Wikipedia

  • Trademark Policy | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    GPCR grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, royalty-free limited license to use the Dr.

  • Ep 111 with Chloe Hicks

    subcellular location on the signaling profile of CXCR3’s three endogenous biased ligands, elucidating the role

  • Ep 100 with Dr Caron Tribute Part 1

    Robert Lefkowitz (1973) Dr. Lee Limbird (1973) Dr.

  • Ep 42 with Dr. Randy Hall

    University, where he studied the regulation of adrenergic receptors in the laboratory of Nobel Laureate Robert

  • Ep 102 with Dr Caron Tribute Part 3

    Bryan Roth (current) Dr. Ali Salahpour (2007) Dr. Lauren Sloksy (2020) Dr. Josh C Snyder (2012) Dr.

  • Ep 87 with Dr. Bianca Plouffe

    Robert Lefkowitz , which led to the finding that both β-arrestin and G protein can simultaneously bind Her subsequent work has focused on understanding the role of compartmentalized Gq signaling by the cytomegalovirus-encoded

  • Content and Conduct Policy | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    Use Your Content ​ You also give (Website) a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free As such, you at this moment irrevocably grant us worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, assignable

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