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146 items found for "Ye K"

  • Biochemical Mechanisms Underlying Location Bias in GPCR Signaling

    Keith Moffat, he studied the structural mechanisms of bacterial photoreceptors using time-resolved Laue

  • Removing the GPCR-mediated brake on exocytosis enhances insulin action, promotes adipocyte browning, and protects against diet-induced obesity

    laboratory has been involved in studying G protein coupled signal transduction for many years and has made key

  • Sponsorship Prospectus | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    as Cinvestav) in Mexico City, offering a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and Enhance brand visibility and recognition among key stakeholders in the field. Support the advancement of knowledge and collaboration within the scientific community. Opportunity to deliver opening remarks or introduce keynote speakers. Opportunity to sponsor a keynote session or panel discussion.

  • Ep 132 with Dr. Richard Premont

    the regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling particularly by the G protein-coupled receptor kinase beta-arrestin system, the coordination of heterotrimeric G protein, small GTP-binding protein and protein kinase proteomics, molecular biology and biochemical enzymology, primary and model cell culture, and transgenic, knockout , knock-in and conditional models of mouse physiology and behavior."

  • Ep 50 with Dr. Thomas P. Sakmar

    Chabre , Harden McConnell , Richard Henderson , Martin Rodbell , Jean-Pierre Changeux , and Martin Karplus Gobind Khorana at the Department of Chemistry at M.I.T. for postdoctoral training, where he learned gene Khorana’s lab made early key contributions and developed strategies to express, reconstitute and assay in visual pigments and to develop strategies to assay receptor-G-protein interactions and activation kinetics The genetic code expansion strategy for unnatural amino acid mutagenesis is a key enabling technology

  • Ep 13 with Dr. Amynah Pradhan

    Brigitte Kieffer , where she studied ligand-directed signaling at the delta-opioid receptor.

  • Trademark Policy | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    If Publishers' sites or services are directed at children under 13 or Publishers have actual knowledge

  • Ep 100 with Dr Caron Tribute Part 1

    Kathleen Caron - Co-host- (1970) Dr. Richard Cerione (1985) Dr. Brian Kolbilka (1987) Dr.

  • Ep 42 with Dr. Randy Hall

    Keck Foundation, and the John J. Abel Award from ASPET .

  • Ep 102 with Dr Caron Tribute Part 3

    Kathleen Caron - Co-host- (1970) Dr. Henrik Dohlman (1987) Dr. Kafui Dzirasa (2006) Dr.

  • Ep 87 with Dr. Bianca Plouffe

    molecular mechanisms involved in the opposite regulation of dopamine D1 and D5 receptors by protein kinase

  • Content and Conduct Policy | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    We depend heavily upon users to know about content that may violate our policies. Do not aggressively follow people or aggressively message people that you do not know. ​ Manipulation ​ Do not manipulate ranking or relevancy using techniques like repetitive or misleading keywords Keep in mind that online harassment is also illegal in many places and can have serious offline consequences ask participants to use tags and/or hashtags in their Promotion entries, they must be relevant to the kind

  • Ep 46 with Dr Gunnar Schulte

    Berlin/Germany and a Ph.D. in molecular pharmacology (supervisor: Bertil B Fredholm; 1998-2002) from Karolinska As a postdoc, he trained first with Ernest Arenas (Karolinska Institutet, Molecular Neurobiology; 2003 The ultimate aim is to use the new knowledge to find, create and optimize Frizzled-targeting small molecule

  • Ep 66 with Dr. Antony A. Boucard Jr

    neuropsychiatric disorders given their association with genetic susceptibility to the neurodevelopmental disorder known

  • Ep 146 with Dr Michael Feigin

    He shared that his interest in science originated from a young age and his desire to gain more knowledge Research Mike discussed the ongoing research on a drug that inhibits cytokine synthesis, its potential in killing

  • Ep 47 with Dr Simone Promel Dr Ines Liebscher

    These extraordinary receptors, about which there was not much known other than that they are huge and With the little knowledge on these receptors available, there were multiple questions to tackle.

  • Ep 60 with Dr. Josephine (Pina) Cardarelli

    ., based in South Korea, has recently been named President of GPCR Therapeutics, USA, a newly incorporated

  • Ep 101 with Dr Caron Tribute Part 2

    Kathleen Caron - Co-host- (1970) Dr. Steve Ferguson (1995) Dr. Neel Freedman (1994) Dr.

  • Ep 68 with Dr. Matthew Eddy

    and investigating human GPCRs while training in the laboratories of Professors Raymond Stevens and Kurt

  • Ep 69 with Dr. Stephen Ferguson

    University (1994-1997), where he and his colleagues investigated the role of G protein-coupled receptor kinases

  • Ep 140 with Dr Alix A J Rouault

    Karine Pichavant , I contributed to the development of a drug to treat hypovolemic shock after severe This powerful tool allowed us to create an assay that kinetically measured the arrestin recruitment to

  • Ep 58 with Dr. Juan José Fung

    , a drug discovery company focused on targeting GPCR heteromers in cancer, headquartered in Seoul, Korea Brian Kobilka , studying the dimerization of GPCRs. Dr. Kobilka’s lab contributing to the elucidation of high-resolution structures of various GPCRs. Dr.

  • Ep 112 with Julia Gardner

    She recently led a project that demonstrated the GPCR kinases (GRKs) can translocate to endosomes, and

  • GPCR Retreat 2023 - Part I

    Kathleen Caron and Dr. Kathleen Caron " "Kathleen M. Caron, Ph.D. is the Frederik L. Keith Parker to elucidate the role of steroidogenesis in regulating sexual determination and adrenal the Hank Yamamura Endowed Fellowship in Pharmacology, an NIH F32 Postdoctoral Fellowship, and an NIH K99 and Life Sciences Summer Undergraduate Research Program and is working to build relationships with key

  • Unveiling Non-Canonical Functions for Gαq Signaling Pathways

    in a cellular protein that has turned out to be very relevant in the control of the cellular process known Ribas has also described a new protective role of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2), a known

  • Explore / Individuals | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    Are you an expert and want to share your knowledge? Sign Up

  • GPCR Retreat 2023 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    Trainee Symposia and the Plenary Lecture, followed by 6 symposia on Friday and Saturday and the closing Keynote Kathleen Caron of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, unquestionably one of the pioneers Caron keynote lecture on November 2nd. Additionally, there will be a Marc G. Niznik keynote lecture , which will close the conference.

  • Ep 54 with Dr. JoAnn Trejo

    Discovering new aspects of PAR signaling is important for increasing the fundamental knowledge of GPCR

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