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521 items found for "Jespers W"

  • Structural landscape of the Chemokine Receptor system

    CKRs can be classified into typical CKRs, atypical CKRs (ACKRs) which lack G-protein signaling, and viral more than 40 available structures of chemokines and their receptors in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) which the other links TM3 with ECL2, which is common to the broader class A GPCR family. include the W6.48xP6.50 motif and the P5.50I3.40F6.44 motif which are located below the 7TM cavity in is most stable at position 1 (Wasilko, Johnson et al. 2020).

  • Unlocking Cell's Secrets: Spontaneous β-Arrestin-Membrane Preassociation Drives Receptor-Activation

    Whit this scope, the authors challenged the current model, wich suggest that β-arrestin translocates However, the evidence obtained in this study proposes novel molecular mechanisms in which β-arrestin of β-arrestin at the plasma membrane, enabling it to independently reach clathrin-coated pits (CCPs) without Read the complete article here: Cell, 185(24), 4560–4573.e19. Latorraca, N.R., Wang, J.K.,

  • Artificial intelligence – faster, smarter, cheaper GPCR drug discovery

    can be analyzed by an established AI framework which involves three stages: 1) feature extraction or pattern identification; 2) vector space construction and metric definition where data is classified While they share similarities, there are notable differences in respect to neural network architecture While classical ML models are effective for datasets for which the relevant features are well understood & Kong, 2016; Kuang, Feng, Hu, Wang, He & Kong, 2016). 5.

  • Feeder or trigger – CCR2 as a scavenger and regulator of cell migration

    The ability to rapidly recycle, which was shown by a chemokine washout BRET assay (Y. described for ACKRs which work in a team with canonical chemokine receptor to drive regulated immunological But why do canonical chemokine receptors have this dual role in physiology? What are the implications in drug discovery? Wang et al. 2009; R. J.

  • Regulators of G-protein signaling: essential players in GPCR signaling

    and subsequent activation of the G-protein heterotrimeric complex (α, β, and γ); it is at this point when For example, μ opioid receptor (MOR) interacts with Gαi/o and Gαz subunits, which have a slow enzymatic While in cancer, RGS proteins are involved in regulating cell proliferation and survival[8]. In conclusion, RGS proteins are essential modulators for the GPCR signaling mediated by G proteins, which Wang, Q., L.Y. Liu-Chen, and J.R.

  • Glyco-sulfo hotspots in the chemokine receptor system

    binding, where the negatively charged residues, as a consequence of the negatively charged aminoacids N-terminal PTMs include sulfation and glycosylation which contribute to the overall negative charge of as sulfation, both PTMs which co-localize in the Trans-Golgi network (Mehta AY et al. 2020). seem to be widely conserved between human and murine sequences. Both PTMs were shown to contribute to the binding of CCL5 and CCL8 and to a minor extend CCL3.

  • New role of β-arrestins in MOR signaling

    Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) nearly 92, 000 Americans died from drug-involved overdose in 2020, of which although the last one comes with pharmacological side effects such as breathing difficulties and addiction which suggested that there were "binding sites" in the central nervous system that were recognized by exogenous four opioid receptors (ORs): μ-opioid receptor (MOR), κ-opioid receptor (KOR), δ-opioid receptor (DOR) which Morphine is one of the most widely used and proven analgesic for the treatment of severe acute or chronic

  • Unlocking the Therapeutic Potential of Previously Undruggable GPCRs

    Executive Summary This whitepaper will provide an overview of G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) and Figure 2: Workflow in Orion’s PROcisionXᵀᴹ platform. In this way Orion has established itself as one of the leaders in the exciting new wave of GPCR drug can also be accessed at: 02012023-WP

  • Overview of adhesion GPCRs self-activation

    Structurally they characterize by a long extracellular region of adhesion-like domains which modulate As if its structure were not already complex enough, during their synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum When I started studying aGPCRs, the structural conformation of the GAIN domain of ADGRL1/Lphn1 and ADGRB3 These crystal structures showed how the Stalk region, which is a short peptide released from the GAIN during auto-proteolysis, has a β-lamin conformation and is held within the GAIN surrounded by numerous

  • Transmembrane domains of GPCR dimers – a novel hot spot for drug discovery

    discovery G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) can form biologically active homodimers or heterodimers which But what are the conformation changes that drive GPCR dimerization? Wan, 2020). What is the potential of targeting GPCR dimer interface in drug discovery? But how can we target GPCR dimers?

  • Therapeutic validation of an orphan G protein‐coupled receptor

    With the cloning revolution, several unidentified receptors have been found and were labelled as “orphan process of de-orphanizing, is of great importance in order to better understanding human physiology as well and 2. which ligands can be used as tool compounds to study the function and biology of this receptor properties which can help to better elucidate the molecular pharmacology of this receptor. In addition, several GPR84 ligands have been described as well as GPR84 knockout mice.

  • TM5-TM6: structural switches that modulate the coupling of serotonin receptors to Gs or Gi

    What is the molecular basis that determines that GPCRs bind selectively or promiscuously to different Prior to this report we did not know how different serotonin receptor subtypes which share high sequence The binding pockets for serotonin were virtually identical between the receptor-Gs and receptor-Gi complexes In the same way, as in other GPCRs-G protein complexes, the structural analysis revealed that electrostatic Likewise, in this work the authors identify for the first time the specific amino acids that modulate

  • Location bias contributes to functionally selective responses of biased CXCR3 agonists

    Here, we determine that differential subcellular signaling contributes to the biased signaling generated Our work demonstrates that differential subcellular signaling is critical to the overall biased response observed at CXCR3, which has important implications for drugs targeting chemokine receptors and other

  • Molecular basis for variations in the sensitivity of pathogenic rhodopsin variants to 9-cis-retinal

    In this work, we utilize deep mutational scanning to quantitatively compare the plasma membrane expression We identify 69 retinopathy variants, including 20 previously uncharacterized variants, that exhibit diminished Finally, we evaluate the functional properties of three previous uncharacterized, retinal-sensitive variants

  • Advancements in G protein-coupled receptor biosensors to study GPCR-G protein coupling

    Here, we briefly summarize a subset of this field with accelerating importance: transducer biosensors

  • Coincident Regulation of PLCβ Signaling by Gq-Coupled and μOpioid Receptors Opposes Opioid- Mediated

    μOpioid Receptors Opposes Opioid- Mediated Antinociception "Pain management is a significant problem worldwide Here we investigated a potential mechanism for regulation of PLC signaling downstream of MOR in HEK293 These data support a model where Gq and Gβγ-dependent signaling cooperatively regulate PLC activation Ultimately this could lead to identification of new non-MOR targets that would allow for lower dose utilization

  • GPR125 (ADGRA3) is an autocleavable adhesion GPCR that traffics with Dlg1 to the basolateral...

    adhesion-related domains and a highly-conserved GPCR-autoproteolysis-inducing (GAIN) domain, the latter of which These receptors are expressed widely and involved in various functions including development, angiogenesis Here, we show that human GPR125 likely undergoes cis-autoproteolysis when expressed in canine kidney The cleavage appears to occur at an atypical GPCR proteolysis site within the GAIN domain during an early Knockdown of GPR125 as well as that of Dlg1 results in formation of aberrant cysts with multiple lumens

  • Deciphering the signaling mechanisms of β-arrestin1 and β-arrestin2 in regulation of cancer cell...

    cycle and metastasis "β-Arrestins are ubiquitously expressed intracellular proteins with many functions which interact directly and indirectly with a wide number of cellular partners and mediate downstream signaling Originally, β-arrestins were identified for their contribution to GPCR desensitization to agonist-mediated delivers a concise overview of the role of β-arrestins with a primary emphasis on the signaling processes which

  • Structure-Based Discovery of Negative Allosteric Modulators of the Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5

    In this work, molecular docking screens for allosteric modulators targeting the metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGlu5) were performed. Among the top-ranked compounds, 59 fragments and 59 lead-like compounds were selected for experimental Of these, four fragment- and seven lead-like compounds were confirmed to bind to the allosteric site The four compounds with the highest affinities were demonstrated to be negative allosteric modulators

  • Structural insights into adhesion GPCR ADGRL3 activation and Gq, Gs, Gi, and G12 coupling

    Here, we present cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures of ADGRL3 in complex with Gq, Gs, Gi, and

  • Dimerization of β2-adrenergic receptor is responsible for the constitutive activity subjected to inv

    Here, we revealed that dimerization of β2-AR is responsible for the constitutive activity of β2-AR generating Using a co-immunoimmobilization assay, we found that transient β2-AR dimers exist in a resting state,

  • Conservation of Allosteric Ligand Binding Sites in G-Protein Coupled Receptors

    These structures have been studied by protein mapping using the FTMap server, which determines the clustering Mapping of Alphafold2 generated models of these proteins confirms that the same sites can be identified without We then mapped the 394 GPCR X-ray structures available at the time of the analysis (September 2020).

  • Emerging approaches for decoding neuropeptide transmission

    Neuropeptides exhibit distinct characteristics which includes their post-translational processing, release Current research has focused on isolating when and how neuropeptide transmission occurs, as well as the conditions in which neuropeptides directly mediate physiological and adaptive behavioral states. Here we describe the current technological landscape in which the field is operating to decode key questions

  • Hear the sounds: the role of G protein-coupled receptors in the cochlea

    September 2022 "Sound is converted by hair cells in the cochlea into electrical signals, which are transmitted G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are crucial receptors that regulate a wide range of physiological Here, we review the key findings of GPCR in the cochlea and discuss the role of GPCR in the cochlea,

  • Dimerization of β2-adrenergic receptor is responsible for the constitutive activity subjected to...

    Here, we revealed that dimerization of β2-AR is responsible for the constitutive activity of β2-AR generating Using a co-immunoimmobilization assay, we found that transient β2-AR dimers exist in a resting state,

  • GPCRs steer G i and G s selectivity via TM5-TM6 switches as revealed by structures of serotonin...

    Here, we report the structures of the serotonin receptors 5-HT4, 5-HT6, and 5-HT7 with Gs, and 5-HT4 We find that the macro-switch by the TM5-TM6 length is shared by class A GPCR-G protein structures. Furthermore, we discover specific residues within TM5 and TM6 that function as micro-switches to form

  • Activation of the human chemokine receptor CX3CR1 regulated by cholesterol

    member of the CX3C chemokine receptor subfamily, CX3CR1 binds to its sole endogenous ligand CX3CL1, which Here, we present two cryo-electron microscopy structures of CX3CR1-Gi1 complexes in ligand-free and CX3CL1 VI upon activation than previously solved class A GPCR-Gi complex structures is observed in CX3CR1, which

  • Effect Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol on milk proteins and lipid levels in HC11 cells

    September 2022 "Pregnant and lactating women have been discouraged from using cannabis by Health Canada During pregnancy, the mammary gland (MG) undergoes remodeling, which involves alveolar differentiation of mammary epithelial cells (MECs), which is essential for breast milk production and secretion. well as lipid markers in HC11 cells. as whey acidic protein and lipid levels.

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