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414 items found for "Jespers W"

  • G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER)/GPR30 forms a complex with the β1-adrenergic receptor, a membrane-associated guanylate kinase (MAGUK) scaffold protein, and protein kinase A anchoring protein (AKAP) 5 in MCF7 breast cancer cells

    Both receptors contain PSD-95/Discs-large/ZO-1 homology (PDZ) motifs in their C-terminal tails through which We hypothesized that this inhibition is a consequence of a plasma membrane complex of these receptors AKAP5 also inhibits β1AR-mediated cAMP production, which is not additive with GPR30-promoted inhibition These results argue that GPR30 and β1AR form a PDZ-independent complex in MCF7 cells through which GPR30 GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • Systems modeling of oncogenic G-protein and GPCR signaling reveals unexpected differences in downstream pathway activation

    thorough characterization of the network readily available for mathematical modeling to be useful, but we hypothesized that mathematical modeling could be useful when there is incomplete knowledge and that In the present study, we first develop a mechanistic mathematical model of a G-protein coupled receptor Overall, this work highlights the power of mechanism-based computational systems biology as a discovery GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • Deciphering the genetic landscape of lumpy skin disease: Unraveling variable virulence through comprehensive genome sequence analysis in India

    There was unusual shift in mortality and morbidity patterns during the second wave. Genetic variations were significant, with unique deletions identified, including a 12-nucleotide deletion Classified GPCR News Call for GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • Orphan receptor GPR50 attenuates inflammation and insulin signaling in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes

    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are involved in endocrine and metabolic processes as well as many GPR50 expression was observed to be significantly increased in the adipose tissue of obese T2DM mice, while Authors Zhenyu Yao, Jun Meng, Jing Long, Long Li, Weicong Qiu, Cairong Li, Jian V Zhang, Pei-Gen Ren Classified GPCR News Call for GPCR papers GPCR Industry News Adhesion GPCRs GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • The GPCR-Gαs-PKA signaling axis promotes T cell dysfunction and cancer immunotherapy failure

    Here, we cross-integrated large singe-cell RNA-sequencing datasets from CD8+ T cells covering 19 distinct These include EP2, EP4, A2AR, β1AR and β2AR, all of which promote T cell dysfunction. We also developed transgenic mice expressing a chemogenetic CD8-restricted Gαs-DREADD to activate CD8 Authors Victoria H Wu , Bryan S Yung , Farhoud Faraji , Robert Saddawi-Konefka , Zhiyong Wang , Alexander GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • Ep 65 with Dr. Sudarshan Rajagopal

    During his doctoral work in the lab of Prof. Lefkowitz , where his research focused on biased agonism, with the development of approaches to quantify Sudarshan Rajagopal on the web LinkedIn Website Google Scholar LinkedIn Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 76 with Steve McCloskey

    Steve’s work is focused on emerging technologies applied to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics During his time at UC San Diego Steve worked directly with the founding Chair of the Nanoengineering graduating from UCSD he founded Nanome Inc to build Virtual Reality solutions for Scientists and Engineers working Steve McCloskey on the web Website LinkedIn Twitter ResearchGate Medium Orchid Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 141 with Dr Tobi Langenhan

    Tobi Langenhan "I studied medicine at the University of Würzburg, where I obtained my license to practice Then I moved to the University of Oxford on a 4-year Wellcome Trust Scholarship in Neuroscience, through which I gained an M.Sc. from Somerville College and a D.Phil. from Magdalen College Oxford, both in After returning to Germany I set up my own lab at the Institute of Physiology at Würzburg, where I later Tobi Langenhan on the web Langenhan Lab ORCID LinkedIn University of Leipzig Dr.

  • Ep 26 with Dr. Debbie Hay

    Her work is primarily focused on class B GPCRs and their interactions with RAMPs. She has gained experience from working in academia and at GSK as an industrial trainee. Join me and learn more about Debbie’s career and what she learned through her experiences as a scientist Debbie Hay on the web LinkedIn Wikipedia University of Otago University of Auckland Google Scholar Pubmed Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 70 with Dr. Stephen Ferguson

    Caron at Duke University (1994-1997), where he and his colleagues investigated the role of G protein-coupled Stephen Ferguson on the web Carlton University Canada Research Chairs Twitter ResearchGate LinkedIn Dr Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 75 with Vaithish Velazhahan

    His undergraduate thesis work on studying the biochemical mechanisms of flavonoids in cancer using nuclear His Ph.D. work has been focused on understanding the structure and activation of Class D fungal GPCRs He has developed novel tools and methodologies to study fungal GPCRs which allowed the determination This work has led to two first-authored manuscripts published in the journal Nature. Vaithish Velazhahan on the web Twitter GatesCambridge PubMed Dr.

  • Ep 145 with Dr John Janetzko

    At Harvard, I worked in the labs of Drs. Brian Kobilka at Stanford University at the end of 2017 for postdoctoral work. John Janetzko on the web Stanford University Stanford Medicine Google Scholar Personal Website ResearchGate He then moved to Dan's lab where he met Suzanne and her project. John also discussed the potential complications that arose when his then-girlfriend, now wife, was applying

  • Ep 39 with Dr. Kathryn E Livingston

    Kathryn obtained her BS in Chemistry from Carnegie Mellon University and went on to receive a Ph.D. in Working under the supervision of Dr. John Traynor , Kathryn worked to develop and understand first-in-class allosteric modulators of opioid Research into their mechanism of action in purified systems formed the base of her thesis work. Kathryn E Livingston on the web LinkedIn ResearchGate Pubmed Google Scholar Dr.

  • Ep 00 with Dr. Yamina Berchiche

    Yamina Berchiche introduces the very first podcast dedicated to GPCRs researcher and their work. GPCR Ecosystem, with the goal is to bring together GPCR scientists, biotech, and pharma leaders as well as suppliers working on GPCRs by providing opportunities to connect, share, form trusting partnerships Yamina Berchiche on the web - Website - LinkedIn - PubMed - Twitter - Facebook - Dr. Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Ep 155 with Endocrine Metabolic GPCR Organizers

    She received her BSc in Human Biology from King’s College London in 1997, and while her Ph.D. commenced her Ph.D. in Molecular Endocrinology being awarded in 2002 with Distinction from the University of Western postdoctoral training at the University of California, San Francisco with Professor Mark von Zastrow where UK, Wellcome Trust, and the Medical Research Council. Aylin Hanyaloglu on the web LinkedIn Endocrine Metabolic GPCRs Researchgate Twitter Imperial College

  • Ep 151 with Dr GPCR Board

    Yamina Berchiche on the web Website LinkedIn Facebook Twitter ResearchGate PubMed Google Scholar Dr. work routines." Maria Waldhoer on the web LinkedIn T witter Pubmed Dr. GPCR About Dr. JoAnn Trejo "Dr. From 1987 to 1994, they were the Director of Biocomputing at The Salk Institute, where they managed institute-wide From 2002 to 2006, they were a Senior Application Scientist at Accelrys, where they were the technical

  • G Proteins and GPCRs in Cancer: Novel Precision Targeted and Immunotherapies

    Silvio Gutkind on the web Gutkind Lab – UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center Gutkind Lab publications Pubmed

  • Trainee Symposium II

    Severity About Amr Mousa "I am currently a Ph.D. student at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western Amr Mousa on the web Google Scholar Dr. Louis-Philippe Picard on the web Google Scholar Dr. Mikel Garcia-Marcos which investigates GPCR and G protein signaling" Remi Janicot on the web Boston University Meredith Skiba on the web Harvard University University of Michigan Dr.

  • Regulation and role of mitochondria delta opioid receptors

    20+ years of experience in in vitro and in vivo GPCR pharmacology and has published seminal papers where he used various approaches to describe the role of opioid receptors in pain and anagesia as well as Louis Gendron on the web Université de Sherbrooke Neurosciences Sherbrooke RQRD Pubmed Google Scholar

  • Ep 78 with Dr. Stuart Maudsley

    He then completed his Ph.D. at Leeds as well as the University’s Ackroyd, Brotherton, and Brown Scholar the Receptor Biology Section at the Medical Research Council (MRC) -Human Reproductive Sciences Unit within his scientific journey with the award of the highly-valued Odysseus Program Type I Program Grant to work Stuart Maudsley on the web Maudsley Lab LinkedIn Google Scholar ResearchGate Maudsley Lab on Facebook Listen and subscribe to where you get your podcasts. << Previous Podcast Episode Next Podcast Episode

  • Enterococcus-derived tyramine hijacks α2A-adrenergic receptor in intestinal stem cells to exacerbate colitis

    Here, we identify α2A-adrenergic receptor (ADRA2A) as a highly expressed GPCR in ISCs. Through PRESTO-Tango screening, we demonstrate that tyramine, primarily produced by Enterococcus via Authors Chaoliang Li , Panrui Zhang , Yadong Xie , Shishan Wang , Meng Guo , Xiaowei Wei , Kaiguang Zhang , Dan Cao , Rongbin Zhou , Sheng Wang , Xinyang Song , Shu Zhu , Wen Pan Tags Enterococcus , IBD , ISCs GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • Functional Assessment of Cancer-Linked Mutations in Sensitive Regions of Regulators of G Protein Signaling Predicted by Three-Dimensional Missense Tolerance Ratio Analysis

    Here we analyze the RGS domains of 15 RGS protein family members using a novel bioinformatic tool that We further focused on RGS14, RGS10, and RGS4. Using complimentary cellular and biochemical approaches, proteins were tested for effects on GPCR-G α of genetic intolerance in RGS proteins and prioritize which cancer-linked mutants to test. GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • Opposite Effects of Src Family Kinases on YAP and ERK Activation in Pancreatic Cancer Cells: Implications for Targeted Therapy

    Previously, we identified potent positive crosstalk between insulin/IGF-1 receptors and G protein-coupled Here, we show that a combination of insulin and the GPCR agonist neurotensin induced rapid activation of Src family of tyrosine kinases (SFK) within PANC-1 cells, as shown by FAK phosphorylation at Tyr576 /577 and Tyr861, sensitive biomarkers of SFK activity within intact cells and Src416 autophosphorylation GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • Applying Pharmacology to Drug Discovery

    What makes each drug type unique to therapeutic pharmacology? 3. Modules: Week 1 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology Week 2 - Characterizing Agonists Week 3 - Characterizing Kenakin during the four weeks, scheduled according to the professor's availability. Watch the recordings *Free for Premium Members Watch Your Instructor Dr. I then worked at Burroughs-Wellcome in Research Triangle Park, NC (7 years) and then GlaxoSmithKline

  • RGS20 promotes non-small cell lung carcinoma proliferation via autophagy activation and inhibition of the PKA-Hippo signaling pathway

    identified as an upregulated factor in many cancers, yet its specific role and the mechanism through which Methods: Immunohistochemistry and lung cancer tissue microarray were used to verify the expression of CCK8 and cell cloning were conducted to determine the proliferation ability of H1299 and Anip973 cells Western blotting demonstrated different expressions of autophagy and the Hippo-PKA signal pathway. GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • Dr. GPCR Summit 2021 Live Talks

    protein-coupled receptors as tools to identify novel targets for antidiabetic and anti-obesity drugs Jürgen Wess Chaperoning G protein-coupled receptors Ya-Xiong Tao September 16, 2021 at 3:00:00 PM Learn More >> Where Stephanie Val September 16, 2021 at 5:00:00 PM Learn More >> FR900359: nature’s weapon and treasure trove

  • GPR97 depletion aggravates imiquimod-induced psoriasis pathogenesis via amplifying IL-23/IL-17 axis signal pathway

    "Skin psoriasis is defined as receiving external stimulation to activate skin dendritic cells (DCs) which can release interleukin 23 (IL-23) to interlink the innate and adaptive immunity as well as induce T In addition, hyperproliferative keratinocytes as well as accumulation of DCs and Th17 cells were detected in imiquimod (IMQ)-induced GPR97-/- mice, which was consistent with the results in DC-cKO and K14-cKO GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

  • Chemokine Cxcl1-Cxcl2 heterodimer is a potent neutrophil chemoattractant

    Here, we characterized the role for heterodimer and show that the Cxcl1-Cxcl2 heterodimer is a potent We have now determined heterodimer's Cxcr2 activity using cellular assays and Cxcr2 density in blood We have shown that the heterodimer binds glycosaminoglycans with higher affinity and more efficiently We propose that this could play a critical role in combating infection." GPCR News and get weekly notifications about the GPCR field Share < Previous Next >

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