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  • GPCRs steer G i and G s selectivity via TM5-TM6 switches as revealed by structures of serotonin...

    August 2022 GPCRs steer G i and G s selectivity via TM5-TM6 switches as revealed by structures of serotonin receptors "Serotonin (or 5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is an important neurotransmitter that activates 12 different G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) through selective coupling of Gs, Gi, or Gq proteins. The structural basis for G protein subtype selectivity by these GPCRs remains elusive. Here, we report the structures of the serotonin receptors 5-HT4, 5-HT6, and 5-HT7 with Gs, and 5-HT4 with Gi1. The structures reveal that transmembrane helices TM5 and TM6 alternate lengths as a macro-switch to determine receptor's selectivity for Gs and Gi, respectively. We find that the macro-switch by the TM5-TM6 length is shared by class A GPCR-G protein structures. Furthermore, we discover specific residues within TM5 and TM6 that function as micro-switches to form specific interactions with Gs or Gi. Together, these results present a common mechanism of Gs versus Gi protein coupling selectivity or promiscuity by class A GPCRs and extend the basis of ligand recognition at serotonin receptors." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Activation of the human chemokine receptor CX3CR1 regulated by cholesterol

    August 2022 "As the only member of the CX3C chemokine receptor subfamily, CX3CR1 binds to its sole endogenous ligand CX3CL1, which shows notable potential as a therapeutic target in atherosclerosis, cancer, and neuropathy. However, the drug development of CX3CR1 is hampered partially by the lack of structural information. Here, we present two cryo-electron microscopy structures of CX3CR1-Gi1 complexes in ligand-free and CX3CL1-bound states at 2.8- and 3.4-Å resolution, respectively. Together with functional data, the structures reveal the key factors that govern the recognition of CX3CL1 by both CX3CR1 and US28. A much smaller conformational change of helix VI upon activation than previously solved class A GPCR-Gi complex structures is observed in CX3CR1, which may correlate with three cholesterol molecules that play essential roles in conformation stabilization and signaling transduction. Thus, our data deepen the understanding of cholesterol modulation in GPCR (G protein-coupled receptor) signaling and provide insights into the diversity of G protein coupling." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Effect Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol on milk proteins and lipid levels in HC11 cells

    September 2022 "Pregnant and lactating women have been discouraged from using cannabis by Health Canada. However, the increasing rate of cannabis use among pregnant women has presented an urgent need to investigate its physiological effects during the perinatal period. During pregnancy, the mammary gland (MG) undergoes remodeling, which involves alveolar differentiation of mammary epithelial cells (MECs), which is essential for breast milk production and secretion. Limited evidence has been reported on the impact of cannabis or its components, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), on MG development or MEC differentiation. In this study, we investigated the effects of THC and CBD on the differentiation of MECs by assessing changes in cellular viability, lipid accumulation, and gene and protein expression of major milk protein and lipid synthesizing markers. using the HC11 cells as a model. We hypothesized that THC and CBD will negatively impact the synthesis of milk proteins and lipids, as well as lipid markers in HC11 cells. Our results demonstrated that THC and CBD reduced cellular viability at concentrations above 30μM and 20μM, respectively. Relative to control, 10μM THC and 10μM CBD reduced mRNA levels of milk proteins (CSN2 and WAP) , lipid synthesizing and glucose transport markers (GLUT 1 , HK2 , FASN , FABP4 , PLIN2 and LPL) , as well as whey acidic protein and lipid levels. In addition, co-treatment of a CB2 antagonist with THC, and a CB2 agonist with CBD, reversed the impact of THC and CBD on the mRNA levels of key markers, respectively. In conclusion, 10μM THC and CBD altered the differentiation of HC11 cells, in part via the CB2 receptor." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Endosomal parathyroid hormone receptor signaling

    October 2022 "The canonical model for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) activation assumes that stimulation of heterotrimeric G protein signaling upon ligand binding occurs solely at the cell surface and that duration of the stimulation is transient to prevent overstimulation. In this model, GPCR signaling is turned-off by receptor phosphorylation via GPCR kinases (GRKs) and subsequent recruitment of β-arrestins, resulting in receptor internalization into endosomes. Internalized receptors can then recycle back to the cell surface or be trafficked to lysosomes for degradation. However, over the last decade, this model has been extended by discovering that some internalized GPCRs continue to signal via G proteins from endosomes. This is the case for the parathyroid hormone (PTH) type 1 receptor (PTHR), which engages on sustained cAMP signaling from endosomes upon PTH stimulation. Accumulative evidence shows that the location of signaling has an impact on the physiological effects of GPCR signaling. This mini-review discusses recent insights into the mechanisms of PTHR endosomal signaling and its physiological impact." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Nanobodies as Probes and Modulators of Cardiovascular G Protein-Coupled Receptors

    October 2022 "Understanding the activation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is of paramount importance to the field of cardiovascular medicine due to the critical physiological roles of these receptors and their prominence as drug targets. Although many cardiovascular GPCRs have been extensively studied as model receptors for decades, new complexities in their regulation continue to emerge. As a result, there is an ongoing need to develop novel approaches to monitor and to modulate GPCR activation. In less than a decade, nanobodies, or recombinant single-domain antibody fragments from camelids, have become indispensable tools for interrogating GPCRs both in purified systems and in living cells. Nanobodies have gained traction rapidly due to their biochemical tractability and their ability to recognize defined states of native proteins. Here, we review how nanobodies have been adopted to elucidate the structure, pharmacology, and signaling of cardiovascular GPCRs, resolving long-standing mysteries and revealing unexpected mechanisms. We also discuss how advancing technologies to discover nanobodies with tailored specificities may expand the impact of these tools for both basic science and therapeutic applications." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • High hedgehog signaling is transduced by a multikinase-dependent switch controlling the...

    October 2022 High hedgehog signaling is transduced by a multikinase-dependent switch controlling the apico-basal distribution of the GPCR smoothened "The oncogenic G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) Smoothened (SMO) is a key transducer of the hedgehog (HH) morphogen, which plays an essential role in the patterning of epithelial structures. Here, we examine how HH controls SMO subcellular localization and activity in a polarized epithelium using the Drosophila wing imaginal disc as a model. We provide evidence that HH promotes the stabilization of SMO by switching its fate after endocytosis toward recycling. This effect involves the sequential and additive action of protein kinase A, casein kinase I, and the Fused (FU) kinase. Moreover, in the presence of very high levels of HH, the second effect of FU leads to the local enrichment of SMO in the most basal domain of the cell membrane. Together, these results link the morphogenetic effects of HH to the apico-basal distribution of SMO and provide a novel mechanism for the regulation of a GPCR." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Reversible Photocontrol of Dopaminergic Transmission in Wild-Type Animals

    October 2022 "Understanding the dopaminergic system is a priority in neurobiology and neuropharmacology. Dopamine receptors are involved in the modulation of fundamental physiological functions, and dysregulation of dopaminergic transmission is associated with major neurological disorders. However, the available tools to dissect the endogenous dopaminergic circuits have limited specificity, reversibility, resolution, or require genetic manipulation. Here, we introduce azodopa, a novel photoswitchable ligand that enables reversible spatiotemporal control of dopaminergic transmission. We demonstrate that azodopa activates D1-like receptors in vitro in a light-dependent manner. Moreover, it enables reversibly photocontrolling zebrafish motility on a timescale of seconds and allows separating the retinal component of dopaminergic neurotransmission. Azodopa increases the overall neural activity in the cortex of anesthetized mice and displays illumination-dependent activity in individual cells. Azodopa is the first photoswitchable dopamine agonist with demonstrated efficacy in wild-type animals and opens the way to remotely controlling dopaminergic neurotransmission for fundamental and therapeutic purposes." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Structural perspectives on the mechanism of signal activation, ligand selectivity and allosteric...

    October 2022 Structural perspectives on the mechanism of signal activation, ligand selectivity and allosteric modulation in angiotensin receptors: IUPHAR Review 34 "Functional advances have guided our knowledge of physiological and fatal pathological mechanisms of the hormone angiotensin II (AngII) and its antagonists. Such studies revealed that tissue response to a given dose of the hormone or its antagonist depends on receptors that engage the ligand. Thus, we need to know much more about the structures of receptor-ligand complexes at high resolution. Recently, X-ray structures of both AngII receptors (AT1 and AT2 receptors) bound to peptide and non-peptide ligands have been elucidated, providing new opportunities to examine the dynamic fluxes in the 3D architecture of the receptors, as the basis of ligand selectivity, efficacy, and regulation of the molecular functions of the receptors. Constituent structural motifs cooperatively transform ligand selectivity into specific functions, thus conceptualizing the primacy of the 3D structure over individual motifs of receptors. This review covers the new data elucidating the structural dynamics of AngII receptors and how structural knowledge can be transformative in understanding the mechanisms underlying the physiology of AngII." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Mechanistic basis of GPCR activation explored by ensemble refinement of crystallographic structures

    October 2022 "G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are important drug targets characterized by a canonical seven transmembrane (TM) helix architecture. Recent advances in X-ray crystallography and cryo-EM have resulted in a wealth of GPCR structures that have been used in drug design and formed the basis for mechanistic activation hypotheses. Here, ensemble refinement (ER) of crystallographic structures is applied to explore the impact of binding of agonists and antagonist/inverse agonists to selected structures of cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1R), β2 adrenergic receptor (β2 AR) and A2A adenosine receptor (A2A AR). " Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Structure of the vasopressin hormone-V2 receptor-β-arrestin1 ternary complex

    October 2022 "Arrestins interact with G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to stop G protein activation and to initiate key signaling pathways. Recent structural studies shed light on the molecular mechanisms involved in GPCR-arrestin coupling, but whether this process is conserved among GPCRs is poorly understood. Here, we report the cryo-electron microscopy active structure of the wild-type arginine-vasopressin V2 receptor (V2R) in complex with β-arrestin1. It reveals an atypical position of β-arrestin1 compared to previously described GPCR-arrestin assemblies, associated with an original V2R/β-arrestin1 interface involving all receptor intracellular loops. Phosphorylated sites of the V2R carboxyl terminus are clearly identified and interact extensively with the β-arrestin1 N-lobe, in agreement with structural data obtained with chimeric or synthetic systems. Overall, these findings highlight a notable structural variability among GPCR-arrestin signaling complexes." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Recurrent hypoglycemia increases hepatic gluconeogenesis without affecting glycogen metabolism or sy

    October 2022 Recurrent hypoglycemia increases hepatic gluconeogenesis without affecting glycogen metabolism or systemic lipolysis in rat "Introduction: Recurrent hypoglycemia (RH) impairs secretion of counterregulatory hormones. Whether and how RH affects responses within metabolically important peripheral organs to counterregulatory hormones are poorly understood. Objective: To study the effects of RH on metabolic pathways associated with glucose counterregulation within liver, white adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. Methods: Using a widely adopted rodent model of 3-day recurrent hypoglycemia, we first checked expression of counterregulatory hormone G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), their inhibitory regulators and downstream enzymes catalyzing glycogen metabolism, gluconeogenesis and lipolysis by qPCR and western blot. Then, we examined epinephrine-induced phosphorylation of PKA substrates to validate adrenergic sensitivity in each organ. Next, we measured hepatic and skeletal glycogen content, degree of breakdown by epinephrine and abundance of phosphorylated glycogen phosphorylase under hypoglycemia and that of phosphorylated glycogen synthase during recovery to evaluate glycogen turnover. Further, we performed pyruvate and lactate tolerance tests to assess gluconeogenesis. Additionally, we measured circulating FFA and glycerol to check lipolysis. The abovementioned studies were repeated in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat model. Finally, we conducted epinephrine tolerance test to investigate systemic glycemic excursions to counterregulatory hormones. Saline-injected rats served as controls." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • ADGRL3 genomic variation implicated in neurogenesis and ADHD links functional effects to the...

    October 2022 ADGRL3 genomic variation implicated in neurogenesis and ADHD links functional effects to the incretin polypeptide GIP "Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common childhood neurodevelopmental disorder. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the Adhesion G Protein-Coupled Receptor L3 (ADGRL3) gene are associated with increased susceptibility to developing ADHD worldwide. However, the effect of ADGRL3 non-synonymous SNPs (nsSNPs) on the ADGRL3 protein function is vastly unknown. Using several bioinformatics tools to evaluate the impact of mutations, we found that nsSNPs rs35106420, rs61747658, and rs734644, previously reported to be associated and in linkage with ADHD in disparate populations from the world over, are predicted as pathogenic variants. Docking analysis of rs35106420, harbored in the ADGLR3-hormone receptor domain (HRM, a common extracellular domain of the secretin-like GPCRs family), showed that HRM interacts with the Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), part of the incretin hormones family. GIP has been linked to the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, and our analyses suggest a potential link to ADHD. Overall, the comprehensive application of bioinformatics tools showed that functional mutations in the ADGLR3 gene disrupt the standard and wild ADGRL3 structure, most likely affecting its metabolic regulation. Further in vitro experiments are granted to evaluate these in silico predictions of the ADGRL3-GIP interaction and dissect the complexity underlying the development of ADHD." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Allosteric modulation of GPCRs: From structural insights to in silico drug discovery

    October 2022 "G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) play critical roles in human physiology and are one of the prime targets for marketed drugs. While traditional drug discovery programs have focused on the development of ligands targeting the binding site of endogenous ligands (orthosteric site), allosteric modulators offer new avenues for the regulation of GPCR function with potential therapeutic benefits. Recent advances in the structure determination of GPCRs bound to different types of allosteric modulators have led to the identification of multiple allosteric sites and significantly enhanced our understanding of how allosteric ligands interact with receptors. These structural insights, together with the plethora of GPCR structures available today, will facilitate structure-based discovery and development of allosteric modulators as novel therapeutic candidates. In this review, we provide a systematic analysis of the currently available GPCR structures in complex with small-molecule allosteric ligands in terms of the location of allosteric pockets, receptor-ligand interactions, and the chemical features of the allosteric modulators. In addition, we summarize current strategies for the identification of allosteric sites as well as ligand-based and structure-based drug discovery and design." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Dual loss of regulator of G protein signaling 2 and 5 exacerbates ventricular myocyte arrhythmias...

    October 2022 Dual loss of regulator of G protein signaling 2 and 5 exacerbates ventricular myocyte arrhythmias and disrupts the fine-tuning of Gi/o signaling "Aims: Cardiac contractility, essential to maintaining proper cardiac output and circulation, is regulated by G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling. Previously, the absence of regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) 2 and 5, separately, was shown to cause G protein dysregulation, contributing to modest blood pressure elevation and exaggerated cardiac hypertrophic response to pressure-overload. Whether RGS2 and 5 redundantly control G protein signaling to maintain cardiovascular homeostasis is unknown. Here we examined how the dual absence of RGS2 and 5 (Rgs2/5 dbKO) affects blood pressure and cardiac structure and function." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Case Report of a Juvenile Patient with Autism Spectrum Disorder with a Novel Combination of Copy...

    October 2022 Case Report of a Juvenile Patient with Autism Spectrum Disorder with a Novel Combination of Copy Number Variants in ADGRL3 (LPHN3) and Two Pseudogenes "We report the finding of two copy number variants (CNVs) in a 12-year-old boy presenting both with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Clinical features included aggressive behavior, mood instability, suicidal statements, repetitive and restrictive behavior, sensitivity to noise, learning problems and dyslexia, though no intellectual disability was present. Using array-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH), we identified two CNVs, both triplex duplications of 324 kb on 3p26.3, and 284 kb on 4q13.1, respectively. One of the CNVs is located on chromosome 4q13.1 in the region of the gene encoding for adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L3 (ADGRL3, former name: latrophilin-3, LPHN3), the other on chromosome 3p26.3 in the region of the two pseudogenes AC090043.1 and RPL23AP39. The patient described in the present study showed increased symptoms under methylphenidate treatment but responded positively to 3 mg per day of the atypical neuroleptic drug aripiprazole. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a CNV in the ADGRL3 gene and its first association with ASD in humans." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Identification of A2BAR as a potential target in colorectal cancer using novel fluorescent GPCR...

    October 2022 Identification of A2BAR as a potential target in colorectal cancer using novel fluorescent GPCR ligands "G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been largely targeted in a wide range of diseases, but few therapies have been directed against GPCRs in the field of cancer, partly because of the lack of effective target identification strategies. Here, using colorectal cancer (CRC) as a model, we explored the gene expression of a panel of GPCRs in tumor and stromal cells, identifying specific gene sets defining each cellular compartment. We selected the adenosine receptor 2B (A2BAR), specifically expressed in cancer cell lines compared with stromal cells, to explore the use of fluorescent ligands that can be used for target visualization. Fluorescent probes allowed semi-quantitative receptor mapping in living cells and validated the specific expression of A2BAR in CRC cell lines. As well, fluorescent ligands were effective at monitoring real-time A2BAR receptor labeling using live-imaging modalities, and displayed high efficiency when used to label complex 3D cellular systems such as tumor spheroids. Finally, we validated A2BAR as a potential pharmacological tool in CRC, using selective antagonists, finding a reduction in tumor cell proliferation. This proof-of-concept study suggests the use of fluorescent ligands for GPCR characterization through imaging, and as possible new tools used for target validation in drug screening methodologies." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Increased Anxiety-like Behaviors in Adgra1-/- Male But Not Female Mice are Attributable to...

    October 2022 Increased Anxiety-like Behaviors in Adgra1-/- Male But Not Female Mice are Attributable to Elevated Neuron Dendrite Density, Upregulated PSD95 Expression, and Abnormal Activation of the PI3K/AKT/GSK-3β and MEK/ERK Pathways "Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor A1 (ADGRA1) belongs to the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family, and its physiological function remains largely unknown. We found that Adgra1 is highly and exclusively expressed in the brain, suggesting that Adgra1 may be involved in the regulation of neurological behaviors including anxiety, depression, learning and memory. To this end, we comprehensively analyzed the potential role of ADGRA1 in the neurobehaviors of mice by comparing Adgra1-/- and their wild-type (wt) littermates. We found that Adgra1-/- male but not female mice exhibited elevated anxiety levels in the open field, elevated plus maze, and light-dark box tests, with normal depression levels in the tail-suspension and forced-swim tests, and comparable learning and memory abilities in the Morris water maze, Y maze, fear condition, and step-down avoidance tests. Further studies showed that ADGRA1 deficiency resulted in higher dendritic branching complexity and spine density as evidenced by elevated expression levels of SYN and PSD95 in amygdalae of male mice. Finally, we found that PI3K/AKT/GSK-3β and MEK/ERK in amygdalae of Adgra1-deficient male mice were aberrantly activated when compared to wt male mice. Together, our findings reveal an important suppressive role of ADGRA1 in anxiety control and synaptic function by regulating the PI3K/AKT/GSK-3β and MEK/ERK pathways in amygdalae of male mice, implicating a potential, therapeutic application in novel anti-anxiety drug development." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Intermolecular Interactions in G Protein-Coupled Receptor Allosteric Sites at the Membrane Interface

    October 2022 Intermolecular Interactions in G Protein-Coupled Receptor Allosteric Sites at the Membrane Interface from Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Quantum Chemical Calculations "Allosteric modulators are called promising candidates in G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) drug development by displaying subtype selectivity and more specific receptor modulation. Among the allosteric sites known to date, cavities at the receptor-lipid interface represent an uncharacteristic binding location that raises many questions about the ligand interactions and stability, the binding site structure, and how all of these are affected by lipid molecules. In this work, we analyze interactions in the allosteric sites of the PAR2, C5aR1, and GCGR receptors in three lipid compositions using molecular dynamics simulations. In addition, we performed quantum chemical calculations involving the symmetry-adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) and the natural population analysis to quantify the strength of intermolecular interactions. We show that besides classical hydrogen bonds, weak polar interactions such as O-HC, O-Br, and long-range electrostatics with the backbone amides contribute to the stability of allosteric modulators at the receptor-lipid interface. The allosteric cavities are detectable in various membrane compositions. The availability of polar atoms for interactions in such cavities can be assessed by water molecules from simulations. Although ligand-lipid interactions are weak, lipid tails play a role in ligand binding pose stability and the size of allosteric cavities. We discuss physicochemical aspects of ligand binding at the receptor-lipid interface and suggest a compound library enriched by weak donor groups for ligand search in such sites." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Structural basis of adhesion GPCR GPR110 activation by stalk peptide and G-proteins coupling

    October 2022 "Adhesion G protein-coupled receptors (aGPCRs) are keys of many physiological events and attractive targets for various diseases. aGPCRs are also known to be capable of self-activation via an autoproteolysis process that removes the inhibitory GAIN domain on the extracellular side of receptor and releases a stalk peptide to bind and activate the transmembrane side of receptor. However, the detailed mechanism of aGPCR activation remains elusive. Here, we report the cryo-electron microscopy structures of GPR110 (ADGRF1), a member of aGPCR, in complex with Gq, Gs, Gi, G12 and G13. The structures reveal distinctive ligand engaging model and activation conformations of GPR110. The structures also unveil the rarely explored GPCR/G12 and GPCR/G13 engagements. A comparison of Gq, Gs, Gi, G12 and G13 engagements with GPR110 reveals details of G-protein engagement, including a dividing point at the far end of the alpha helix 5 (αH5) of Gα subunit that separates Gq/Gs engagements from Gi/G12/G13 engagements. This is also where Gq/Gs bind the receptor through both hydrophobic and polar interaction, while Gi/G12/G13 engage receptor mainly through hydrophobic interaction. We further provide physiological evidence of GPR110 activation via stalk peptide. Taken together, our study fills the missing information of GPCR/G-protein engagement and provides a framework for understanding aGPCR activation and GPR110 signaling." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Endogenous ligand recognition and structural transition of a human PTH receptor

    October 2022 "Endogenous parathyroid hormone (PTH) and PTH-related peptide (PTHrP) bind to the parathyroid hormone receptor 1 (PTH1R) and activate the stimulatory G-protein (Gs) signaling pathway. Intriguingly, the two ligands have distinct signaling and physiological properties: PTH evokes prolonged Gs activation, whereas PTHrP evokes transient Gs activation with reduced bone-resorption effects. The distinct molecular actions are ascribed to the differences in ligand recognition and dissociation kinetics. Here, we report cryoelectron microscopic structures of six forms of the human PTH1R-Gs complex in the presence of PTH or PTHrP at resolutions of 2.8 -4.1 Å. A comparison of the PTH-bound and PTHrP-bound structures reveals distinct ligand-receptor interactions underlying the ligand affinity and selectivity. Furthermore, five distinct PTH-bound structures, combined with computational analyses, provide insights into the unique and complex process of ligand dissociation from the receptor and shed light on the distinct durations of signaling induced by PTH and PTHrP" Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Discovery and In Vivo Evaluation of ACT-660602: A Potent and Selective Antagonist of the Chemokine..

    October 2022 Discovery and In Vivo Evaluation of ACT-660602: A Potent and Selective Antagonist of the Chemokine Receptor CXCR3 for Autoimmune Diseases "The chemokine receptor CXCR3 is a seven-transmembrane G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) involved in various pathologies, in particular autoimmune diseases. It is activated by the three chemokine ligands CXCL9, CXCL10, and CXCL11 and enables the recruitment of immune cell subsets leading to damage of inflamed tissues. Starting from a high-throughput screening hit, we describe the iterative optimization of a chemical series culminating in the discovery of the selective CXCR3 antagonist ACT-660602 (9j). The careful structural modifications during the lead optimization phase led to a compound with high biological potency in inhibiting cell migration together with improvements of the metabolic stability and hERG issue. In a LPS-induced lung inflammation model in mice, ACT-660602 led to significantly reduced recruitment of the CXCR3+ CD8+ T cell in the bronchoalveolar lavage compartment when administered orally at a dose of 30 mg/kg." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Structural view of G protein-coupled receptor signaling in the retinal rod outer segment

    October 2022 "Visual phototransduction is the most extensively studied G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling pathway because of its quantifiable stimulus, non-redundancy of genes, and immense importance in vision. We summarize recent discoveries that have advanced our understanding of rod outer segment (ROS) morphology and the pathological basis of retinal diseases. We have combined recently published cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) data on the ROS with structural knowledge on individual proteins to define the precise spatial limitations under which phototransduction occurs. Although hypothetical, the reconstruction of the rod phototransduction system highlights the potential roles of phosphodiesterase 6 (PDE6) and guanylate cyclases (GCs) in maintaining the spacing between ROS discs, suggesting a plausible mechanism by which intrinsic optical signals are generated in the retina." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Targeting CXCR1 and CXCR2 receptors in cardiovascular diseases

    October 2022 "CXCR1 and CXCR2 chemokine receptors, mainly activated by interleukin 8 (IL-8 or CXCL8), are expressed in a variety of cells including, leukocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells. Numerous intracellular mediators are activated by these G protein-coupled receptors based on several factors, including the nature of the ligand, its concentration, and the binding sites with the receptor, levels of the receptor, cell type, and stimulatory environment. Much focus is currently being directed towards CXCR1/2 inhibitors, as these receptors primarily induce the chemotaxis of leukocytes, especially neutrophils, during inflammation, a key process in cardiovascular disease (CVD) progression. CXCR1/2 inhibitors show beneficial effects in various animal models of CVD. These effects include reducing the atherosclerotic plaque area, improving the serum lipid profile, attenuation of the damage following ischemia-reperfusion, the regulation of blood pressure, and the restriction of cardiac remodeling. Based on these encouraging results, testing CXCR1/2 inhibitors in clinical trials could be of a great importance to limit the inflammatory complications associated with CVDs." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • GPCR Agonist-to-Antagonist Conversion: Enabling the Design of Nucleoside Functional Switches for...

    October 2022 GPCR Agonist-to-Antagonist Conversion: Enabling the Design of Nucleoside Functional Switches for the A2A Adenosine Receptor "Modulators of the G protein-coupled A2A adenosine receptor (A2AAR) have been considered promising agents to treat Parkinson's disease, inflammation, cancer, and central nervous system disorders. Herein, we demonstrate that a thiophene modification at the C8 position in the common adenine scaffold converted an A2AAR agonist into an antagonist. We synthesized and characterized a novel A2AAR antagonist, 2 (LJ-4517), with Ki = 18.3 nM. X-ray crystallographic structures of 2 in complex with two thermostabilized A2AAR constructs were solved at 2.05 and 2.80 Å resolutions. In contrast to A2AAR agonists, which simultaneously interact with both Ser2777.42 and His2787.43, 2 only transiently contacts His2787.43, which can be direct or water-mediated. The n-hexynyl group of 2 extends into an A2AAR exosite. Structural analysis revealed that the introduced thiophene modification restricted receptor conformational rearrangements required for subsequent activation. This approach can expand the repertoire of adenosine receptor antagonists that can be designed based on available agonist scaffolds." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Novel Therapies for Cardiometabolic Disease: Recent Findings in Studies with Hormone...

    October 2022 Novel Therapies for Cardiometabolic Disease: Recent Findings in Studies with Hormone Peptide-Derived G Protein Coupled Receptor Agonists "The increasing prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is provoking an important socioeconomic burden mainly in the form of cardiovascular disease (CVD). One successful strategy is the so-called metabolic surgery whose beneficial effects are beyond dietary restrictions and weight loss. One key underlying mechanism behind this surgery is the cooperative improved action of the preproglucagon-derived hormones, glucagon, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) which exert their functions through G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR). Great success has been reached with therapies based on the GLP-1 receptor monoagonism; therefore, a logical and rational approach is the use of the dual and triagonism of GCPC to achieve complete metabolic homeostasis. The present review describes novel findings regarding the complex biology of the preproglucagon-derived hormones, their signaling, and the drug development of their analogues, especially those acting as dual and triagonists. Moreover, the main investigations into animal models and ongoing clinical trials using these unimolecular dual and triagonists are included which have demonstrated their safety, efficacy, and beneficial effects on the CV system. These therapeutic strategies could greatly impact the treatment of CVD with unprecedented benefits which will be revealed in the next years." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • N-terminal alterations turn the gut hormone GLP-2 into an antagonist with gradual loss of GLP-2 ...

    October 2022 N-terminal alterations turn the gut hormone GLP-2 into an antagonist with gradual loss of GLP-2 receptor selectivity towards more GLP-1 receptor interaction "Background and purpose: To fully elucidate the regulatory role of the GLP-2 system in the gut and the bones, potent and selective GLP-2 receptor (GLP-2R) antagonists are needed. Searching for antagonist activity, we performed systematic N-terminal truncations of human GLP-2(1-33). Experimental approach: COS-7 cells were transfected with the human GLP-2R and assessed for cAMP accumulation or competition binding using 125 I-GLP-2(1-33)[M10Y]. To examine selectivity, COS-7 cells expressing human GLP-1 or GIP receptors were assessed for cAMP accumulation." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Adrenal G Protein-Coupled Receptors and the Failing Heart: A Long-distance, Yet Intimate Affair

    October 2022 "Systolic heart failure (HF) is a chronic clinical syndrome characterized by the reduction in cardiac function and still remains the disease with the highest mortality worldwide. Despite considerable advances in pharmacological treatment, HF represents a severe clinical and social burden. Chronic human HF is characterized by several important neurohormonal perturbations, emanating from both the autonomic nervous system and the adrenal glands. Circulating catecholamines (norepinephrine and epinephrine) and aldosterone elevations are among the salient alterations that confer significant hormonal burden on the already compromised function of the failing heart. This is why sympatholytic treatments (such as β-blockers) and renin-angiotensin system inhibitors or mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, which block the effects of angiotensin II (AngII) and aldosterone on the failing heart, are part of the mainstay HF pharmacotherapy presently. The adrenal gland plays an important role in the modulation of cardiac neurohormonal stress because it is the source of almost all aldosterone, of all epinephrine, and of a significant amount of norepinephrine reaching the failing myocardium from the blood circulation. Synthesis and release of these hormones in the adrenals is tightly regulated by adrenal G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), such as adrenergic receptors and AngII receptors. In this review, we discuss important aspects of adrenal GPCR signaling and regulation, as they pertain to modulation of cardiac function in the context of chronic HF, by focusing on the 2 best studied adrenal GPCR types in that context, adrenergic receptors and AngII receptors (AT 1 Rs). Particular emphasis is given to findings from the past decade and a half that highlight the emerging roles of the GPCR-kinases and the β-arrestins in the adrenals, 2 protein families that regulate the signaling and functioning of GPCRs in all tissues, including the myocardium and the adrenal gland." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Glucagon receptor-mediated regulation of gluconeogenic gene transcription is endocytosis-dependent..

    October 2022 Glucagon receptor-mediated regulation of gluconeogenic gene transcription is endocytosis-dependent in primary hepatocytes "A number of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are now thought to use endocytosis to promote cellular cAMP signaling that drives downstream transcription of cAMP-dependent genes. We tested if this is true for the glucagon receptor (GCGR), which mediates physiological regulation of hepatic glucose metabolism via cAMP signaling. We show that epitope-tagged GCGRs undergo clathrin- and dynamin-dependent endocytosis in HEK293 and Huh-7-Lunet cells after activation by glucagon within 5 min and transit via EEA1-marked endosomes shown previously to be sites of GPCR/Gs-stimulated production of cAMP. We further show that endocytosis potentiates cytoplasmic cAMP elevation produced by GCGR activation and promotes expression of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1 (PCK1), the enzyme catalyzing the rate-limiting step in gluconeogenesis. We verify endocytosis-dependent induction of PCK1 expression by endogenous GCGRs in primary hepatocytes and show similar control of two other gluconeogenic genes (PGC1α and G6PC). Together, these results implicate the endosomal signaling paradigm in metabolic regulation by glucagon." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

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