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424 items found for "Chemokine receptor"

  • Multifunctional role of GPCR signaling in epithelial tube formation

    Rho1 signaling is activated by G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling at the cell surface. The SG receptor that transduces the Fog signal into Rho1-dependent myosin activation has not been identified

  • GPCR kinases generate an APH1A phosphorylation barcode to regulate amyloid-β generation

    August 2022 "Emerging evidence suggests that G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) kinases (GRKs) are associated

  • GB83, an Agonist of PAR2 with a Unique Mechanism of Action Distinct from Trypsin and PAR2-AP

    October 2022 "Protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) is a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) activated by Interestingly, unlike PAR2-AP, GB83 and trypsin induced sustained receptor endocytosis and PAR2 colocalization

  • Single-molecule counting applied to the study of GPCR oligomerization

    Consider G-protein-coupled receptors-an expansive class of transmembrane signaling proteins that participate While early evidence for the role of oligomerization in receptor signaling came from ensemble biochemical for these techniques to advance our understanding of the role of oligomerization in G-protein-coupled receptor

  • Molecular targets of psychedelic-induced plasticity

    Considering the central role of the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor in the distinct effects of psychedelics

  • Fentanyl activates ovarian cancer and alleviates chemotherapy-induced toxicity via opioid...

    September 2022 Fentanyl activates ovarian cancer and alleviates chemotherapy-induced toxicity via opioid receptor-dependent

  • PAR-Induced Harnessing of EZH2 to β-Catenin: Implications for Colorectal Cancer

    September 2022 "G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are involved in a wide array of physiological and Here, we find that protease-activated receptor 4 (PAR4) unexpectedly acts as a potent oncogene, inducing

  • Lysine 101 in the CRAC Motif in Transmembrane Helix 2 Confers Cholesterol-Induced Thermal...

    CRAC Motif in Transmembrane Helix 2 Confers Cholesterol-Induced Thermal Stability to the Serotonin 1A Receptor "G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) constitute the largest class of membrane proteins that transduce The serotonin1A receptor is a crucial neurotransmitter receptor in the GPCR family involved in a multitude In addition, we showed that membrane cholesterol stabilizes the serotonin1A receptor against thermal consensus (CRAC) motif in transmembrane helix 2 in conferring the thermal stability of the serotonin1A receptor

  • A cryptic mode of GPCR regulation revealed

    October 2022 "Over three decades of research have provided thorough insights into G protein-coupled receptor Agonist activation of the β2-adrenoceptor (β2AR) causes its S-nitrosylation that is required for the receptor

  • Successful prednisolone or calcimimetic treatment of acquired hypocalciuric hypercalcemia caused...

    Acquired hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (AHH) is a rare disease caused by calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR

  • Synthesis and characterization of an orally bioavailable small molecule agonist of the apelin recept

    August 2022 "The apelin receptor (APJ) is a target for cardiovascular indications.

  • Disentangling bias between G q, GRK2, and arrestin3 recruitment to the M 3 muscarinic acetylcholine

    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) transmit extracellular signals to the inside by activation of intracellular Different agonists can promote differential receptor-induced signaling responses - termed bias - potentially Here, we compared the efficacy of seven agonists to induce G protein, G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2), as well as arrestin3 binding to the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 by utilizing FRET-based to avoid differences in receptor phosphorylation influencing arrestin recruitment.

  • Comparative studies of AlphaFold, RoseTTAFold and Modeller: a case study involving the use of...

    studies of AlphaFold, RoseTTAFold and Modeller: a case study involving the use of G-protein-coupled receptors G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) proteins are particularly interesting since they are involved in numerous

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News, January 1 to 7, 2024

    Adhesion GPCRs The adhesion G-protein-coupled receptor mayo/CG11318 controls midgut development in Drosophila CXCL14 activates MAS-related G protein-coupled receptor MRGPRX2 and its putative mouse ortholog MRGPRB2 [Enhancement of mast cells activation by ATP via P2X4 receptor] Osmotic stress studies of G-protein-coupled loops on a soluble scaffold enabled the discovery of antibodies, which recognized native receptor Targeting in Neuroscience Astrocyte growth is driven by the Tre1/S1pr1 phospholipid-binding G protein-coupled receptor

  • A Setmelanotide-like Effect at MC4R Is Achieved by MC4R Dimer Separation

    September 2022 "Melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) is part of the leptin-melanocortin pathway and plays an We have previously reported that the MC4R forms homodimers, affecting receptor Gs signaling properties protein–protein interaction were conducted, confirming decreased homodimerization capacities of chimeric receptors Gq/11 signaling of chimeric receptors was analyzed using luciferase-based reporter gene (NFAT) assays that inhibiting homodimerization has a setmelanotide-like effect on Gq/11 signaling, with chimeric receptors

  • Actions of Parathyroid Hormone Ligand Analogues in Humanized PTH1R Knockin Mice

    Divergence, however, in the amino acid sequences of rodent and human PTH receptors (rat and mouse PTH1Rs are 91% identical to the human PTH1R) can lead to differences in receptor-binding and signaling potencies

  • Identification of A2BAR as a potential target in colorectal cancer using novel fluorescent GPCR...

    as a potential target in colorectal cancer using novel fluorescent GPCR ligands "G-protein coupled receptors We selected the adenosine receptor 2B (A2BAR), specifically expressed in cancer cell lines compared with Fluorescent probes allowed semi-quantitative receptor mapping in living cells and validated the specific As well, fluorescent ligands were effective at monitoring real-time A2BAR receptor labeling using live-imaging

  • The regulation of PKA signaling in obesity and in the maintenance of metabolic health

    the actions of hormones, neurotransmitters and other signaling molecules that bind G-protein coupled receptors

  • The complicated lives of GPCRs in cardiac fibroblasts

    October 2022 "The role of different G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in the cardiovascular system In the former, stimulation of Gs-coupled receptors leads to increases in contractility, whereas stimulation of Gq-coupled receptors modulates cellular survival and hypertrophic responses. associated signaling machinery are localized in these cells with an emphasis on nuclear membrane-localized receptors

  • G protein-biased GPR3 signaling ameliorates amyloid pathology in a preclinical Alzheimer's disease..

    October 2022 "Biased G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) ligands, which preferentially activate G protein

  • GPR108 is required for gambogic acid inhibiting NF-κB signaling in cancer

    September 2022 "GPCRs are the most potential targets for drug discovery, however, their role in oncology is underappreciated and GPCR-based anti-cancer drug is not fully investigated. Herein, we identified GPR108, a GPCR protein described in innate immune system, is a potential therapeutic target of cancer. Depletion of GPR108 dramatically inhibited the survival of various cancers. Notably, TNFα activation of NF-κB was totally impaired after GPR108 knockout. We identified gambogic acid (GA), a natural prenylated xanthone, selectively targeting GPR108. Importantly, GA engaged with GPR108 and promoted its degradation, knockout of GPR108 remarkably blocked GA inhibition of NF-κB signaling. Furthermore, in vitro and in vivo assays demonstrated that GA was dependent on GPR108 to exert anti-cancer activity. Overall, our findings supported GPR108 as a promising therapeutic target of cancer, and provided a small molecule inhibitor GA directly and selectively targeting GPR108 for cancer therapy." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • Angiotensin-(1-7) improves cognitive function and reduces inflammation in mice following mild trauma

    Angiotensin 1-7 (Ang-1-7), an endogenous peptide, acts at the G protein coupled MAS1 receptors (MASR)

  • Biased GPCR signaling by the native parathyroid hormone-related protein 1 to 141 relative to its...

    current understanding on how endogenous PTHrP transduces signals through its cognate G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), the PTH type 1 receptor (PTHR), is largely derived from studies done with its N-terminal fragment demonstrate using various fluorescence imaging approaches at the single cell level to measure kinetics of (i) receptor activation, (ii) receptor signaling via Gs and Gq, and (iii) receptor internalization and recycling

  • GPCRs steer G i and G s selectivity via TM5-TM6 switches as revealed by structures of serotonin...

    2022 GPCRs steer G i and G s selectivity via TM5-TM6 switches as revealed by structures of serotonin receptors hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is an important neurotransmitter that activates 12 different G protein-coupled receptors Here, we report the structures of the serotonin receptors 5-HT4, 5-HT6, and 5-HT7 with Gs, and 5-HT4 structures reveal that transmembrane helices TM5 and TM6 alternate lengths as a macro-switch to determine receptor's selectivity or promiscuity by class A GPCRs and extend the basis of ligand recognition at serotonin receptors

  • A role for BET proteins in regulating basal, dopamine-induced and cAMP/PKA-dependent ...

    neurons The activity of striatal medium-spiny projection neurons is regulated by D1 and D2 dopamine receptors The D1 receptor (D1R) is a Gαs/olf-coupled GPCR which activates a cAMP/PKA/DARPP-32 signalling cascade

  • Mechanistic Understanding of the Palmitoylation of Go Protein in the Allosteric Regulation of...

    Mechanistic Understanding of the Palmitoylation of Go Protein in the Allosteric Regulation of Adhesion Receptor GPR97 "Adhesion G-protein-coupled receptors (aGPCRs)-a major family of GPCRs-play critical roles in The orphan receptor GPR97, activated by glucocorticoid stress hormones, is a prototypical aGPCR.

  • Ligands can differentially and temporally modulate GPCR interaction with 14-3-3 isoforms

    September 2022 "GPCR signaling and function depend on their associated proteins and subcellular locations. Besides G-proteins and β-arrestins, 14-3-3 proteins participate in GPCR trafficking and signaling, and they connect a large number of diverse proteins to form signaling networks. Multiple 14-3-3 isoforms exist, and a GPCR can differentially interact with different 14-3-3 isoforms in response to agonist treatment. We found that some agonist-induced GPCR/14-3-3 signal intensities can rapidly decrease. We confirmed that this phenomenon of rapidly decreasing agonist-induced GPCR/14-3-3 signal intensity could also be paralleled with GPCR/β-arrestin-2 signals, indicating diminished levels of GPCR/signal adaptor complexes during endocytosis. The temporal signals could implicate either GPCR/14-3-3 complex dissociation or the complex undergoing a degradation process. Furthermore, we found that certain GPCR ligands can regulate GPCR/14-3-3 signals temporally, suggesting a new approach for GPCR drug development by modulating GPCR/14-3-3 signals temporally." Read more at the source #DrGPCR #GPCR #IndustryNews

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News, November 20 to 26, 2023

    ligand-dependent adhesion GPCR dissociation GPCR Activation and Signaling GPR101: Modeling a constitutively active receptor Blood as a Possible Mechanism for Microbiota Effects on the Immune System, and Western Diseases Lactate receptor drives breast cancer growth and invasiveness through regulation of ECM properties and Notch ligand DLL4 Chemokine N-terminal-derived peptides differentially regulate signaling by the receptors CCR1 and CCR5 Chemokine

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