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272 items found for "Gorostiola González M"

  • Distinct sub-cellular signal propagation as a component of functional selectivity

    Bouvier "Michel Bouvier is a professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine and the CEO of the Institute In 1989, he returned to Montréal as a professor of biochemistry and a scholar of the Medical Research Council of Canada at the Faculty of Medicine of the Université de Montréal. Michel’s scientific contributions were recognized by the attribution of many awards and distinctions Universite de Montreal- Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine Dr.

  • Ep 15 with Dr. Arun Shukla

    Arun Shukla About this episode In this episode of the Dr.GPCR podcast , my guest is Dr. biochemistry class where he learned about cell signaling that he became curious and wanted to learn more Arun first started working on GPCRs and their structural characterization at the Max Planck Institute Hartmut Michel . Fascinated by GPCRs he wrote to Dr. Join us and learn more about Dr.

  • Ep 59 with Dr. Nicola J. Smith

    Nicola J Smith is an expert in molecular pharmacology with a track record in exploring GPCR structure-function relationships in the context of cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders. Most recently, Dr. vitro (cell culture and ex vivo models) and in vivo (measures of physiological and pathological cardiometabolic function in unconscious and conscious mice).

  • Ep 05 with Dr. Terry Hébert

    Terry Hébert is a Professor within the Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics at McGill University Much of his work is based on GPCR signaling in the context to cardiovascular diseases. Terry tells us about the importance of adapting, communicating, and being mindful of those around us. understand your needs to bring you exciting and informative content; this short survey should take 5 minutes

  • Ep 04 with Dr. Graciela Pineyro

    Graciela has done extensive work on the molecular pharmacology of opioid receptors, exploring their signaling Graciela Pineyro - University of Montreal Dr. understand your needs to bring you exciting and informative content; this short survey should take 5 minutes

  • Ep 134 with Dr. Neil Grimsey

    Neil Grimsey " During my postdoctoral studies at USCD, I discovered a novel GPCR-dependent atypical kinase activation mechanism that drives vascular edema and inflammation. These studies shaped my future goals as an Assistant Professor in the College of Pharmacy at the University My group studies the spatiotemporal dynamics of atypical inflammation and the control of disease progression innovative techniques to delineate the molecular dynamics of atypical p38 and suppress kinase activation

  • Ep 40 with Dr. Brian Bender

    Between undergraduate and graduate school Brian worked as a technician in an academic lab before moving researcher where he used structural models of GPCRs to virtually screen large compound libraries with the goal of finding new chemical matter to probe understudied and orphan receptors. Brian is involved in organizing the GRC/GRS Molecular Pharmacology meeting, which has been postponed Brian Bender on the web LinkedIn Twitter ResearchGate Dr.GPCR Member Google Scholar Dr.

  • SSTR2 positively associates with EGFR and predicts poor prognosis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    Methods: Bioinformatics analysis was performed to assess the correlation between EGFR and SSTR2 based Cox multivariate analysis identified SSTR2 and EGFR as independent poor predictors of PFS. , and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research insights into GPCR function GPCR Activation and Signaling More from Dr. GPCR Monthly Newsletter today! Follow the Dr.

  • Proteogenomic landscape and clinical characterization of GH-producing pituitary adenomas/somatotroph pituitary neuroendocrine tumors

    characteristics of acromegaly, revealing molecules associated with acromegaly that may affect medical Taki, Naoto Furuki, Motoi Nishimura, Kentaro Horiguchi, Yasuo Iwadate, Masaki Fukuyo, Bahityar Rahmutulla , and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research insights into GPCR function GPCR Activation and Signaling More from Dr. GPCR Monthly Newsletter today! Follow the Dr.

  • Ep 127 with Dr. Evi Kostenis

    Research interests: Signaling mechanisms involving GPCRs and heterotrimeric G proteins" Dr. understand your needs to bring you exciting and informative content; this short survey should take 5 minutes

  • Ep 16 with Dr. Aaron Sato

    He earned his Ph.D. at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he studied MHC class II structure-function During our time together, Aaron and I discussed how using Twist Bioscience’s proprietary technology to manufacture understand your needs to bring you exciting and informative content; this short survey should take 5 minutes

  • Ep 143 with Dr Davide Calebiro

    He studied Medicine in Milan and Stockholm, and obtained a PhD in Molecular Medicine and a Clinical Specialisation in Endocrinology and Metabolic Disease from the University of Milan. other membrane proteins to form dynamic nanodomains at the plasma membrane. He has served on multiple panels and committees, including the ENDO Annual Meeting Steering Committee and the MRC Molecular & Cellular Medicine Board."

  • Ep 17 with Dr. Yamina Berchiche

    Michel Bouvier’s class as an undergraduate student at the University of Montreal in early 2000. During the past 2 decades, my research mainly focused on chemokine receptor structure/function relationships the skills I learned during each experience, which ultimately led me to found Dr. Martha Summer and Dr. Alexander Hauser , and Luise Wagner . GPCR Ecosystem Member Website LinkedIn Publications Twitter Facebook Dr.

  • Ep 18 with Dr. Yamina Berchiche

    Berchiche About this episode Listen to this fantastic round table discussion that I had the privilege to moderate Our guests were Maria Waldhoer , Tudor I. In recent years, machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) methods have received a significant ML/AI can be powerful for identifying abstract patterns within large data where traditional methods would For more information on the ERNEST network, visit . Dr.

  • Dr. GPCR Summit 2022 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    GPCR Ecosystem site member, which is also free! The content of the Summit will only be available to site-members who must be approved to join us. ​ Live talks should be 30 mins with 15 mins Q/A. Live trainee talks should be 15 mins with 5 mins Q/A. Similar to previous years: The meeting will be virtual (on Zoom) to host as many participants as possible

  • Legal Policies and Disclaimers | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    If you do not have such authority, or if you do not agree with this ATS, you must not accept this ATS and may not use the Service. FindYooour may change these Legal Policies and Disclaimers from time to time without prior notice. You can review the most current versions at any time on our Website. These Legal Policies and Disclaimers below there are must be accepted as a whole.

  • AGPCR 24 Abstract Submission | Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Submit your Abstract Here Register for the Adhesion GPCR 2024 [ Registration extended until September 15th ] Learn more about the Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 Up About the event Learn more about the Adhesion GPCR Workshop Up Traveling Tips Find essential tips about Mexico City, including transportation options and local insights

  • Newsletter Sign Up | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    So to make the best of both worlds, we came up with the idea of a monthly newsletter in which we've curated the major advances in understanding GPCR biology and moving closer to targeting receptors in diseases

  • Affiliate Policy | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    The Affiliate program is only available to individual members who have paid their yearly membership fees The affiliate may not alter any text links or creative assets made available through the Affiliates Program Modification ​ Dr. GPCR may modify any of the terms and conditions within the Affiliate Agreement at any time and at our These modifications may include but are not limited to changes in the scope of available referral fees

  • Content Guidelines | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    , and more. Accuracy : ​ Make sure your review is factually correct. Feel free to air your opinions, but don't exaggerate or misrepresent your experience. Messaging Guidelines ​ has a handy messaging feature to keep you connected with We also like to keep the content fresh, so please don't post events more than 12 months in advance. ​ ​

  • Submit a Problem | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    Upload File Upload supported file (Max 15MB) Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • Our Sponsors | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    OUR SPONSORS Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Sponsor Us Platinum Sponsors Collaborating partners Contact us for sponsorship Register for the Adhesion GPCR 2024 Learn more about the Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 Up About the event Learn more about the Adhesion GPCR workshop Up Traveling Tips Find essential tips about Mexico City, including transportation options and local insights

  • Terms and Conditions | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    and may not use the Service. Service(s)’ payment for the membership fee shall be made in full, via Wix Payment. The membership fee shall be on a monthly or yearly basis, with an option from the Customer for automatic REFUND POLICY: ​ Any payment made from Customer to in relation to membership fee the Services available to any third party; (b) use the Services in any unlawful manner or in any manner

  • Classified News | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    Get the GPCR's news in your inbox Sign Up Latest Classified GPCR News Adhesion GPCRs Read more Adhesion GPCR articles Articles from Ecosystem Contributors Read more articles from our Contributors Call for GPCR papers GPCR Binders, Drugs, and More Receptor Activation and Signaling in GPCRs UniversityPrice Premium Monthly $ 24.99 24.99$ Every month Immerse yourself into the GPCR World Valid for 12 months

  • Partners Submition Form | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    We'll get back to you to set up a meeting.

  • Travel Tips | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    TRAVELING TIPS Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Register DO's and DONT's for travelers in Mexico Mexico travel advice *Travelers are encouraged to consult their country's embassy advisories as they may differ from the one posted above. Register for the Adhesion GPCR 2024 Learn more about the Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 Up About the event Learn more about the Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 and its preliminary program.

  • Register for Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    Register for the Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 Adhesion Workshop for Consortium Members $ 250 250$ Every year +$8 Transaction fee Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 + One Year Free Premium Membership Select Adhesion GPCR Premium Membership *Automatically renews, see confirmation email for details *Cancel anytime *Free membership excludes personnel from US gov. agency Adhesion Workshop for Students $ 200 200$ Every year GPCR Ecosystem member 01 02 03 Click "Sign up" and make sure you mention "AGPCR24 Workshop" when you

  • Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    Register for the AGPCR24 Welcome to the Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 , hosted in the vibrant heart of Mexico Instituto Politécnico Nacional no 2508 Mexico City, C.P. 07360 ​ Room: Auditorium Arturo Rosenblueth Layout Date Time Title October 23, 2024 October 24, 2024 October 25, 2024 *Flash Presentations: 10 min *Talks 20 min (15 min+ 5 min questions Register for the AGPCR24 [ Registration extended until September Yamina Berchiche at the Dr.GPCR Newsletter Learn more about the Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 Up Abstract

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