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494 items found for "Bcl-2"

  • Twist Bioscience Launches Revelar Biotherapeutics to Develop and Commercialize Novel COVID-19...

    November 2021 Twist Bioscience Launches Revelar Biotherapeutics to Develop and Commercialize Novel COVID -19 and Other Antibody Therapeutics for Difficult to Treat Diseases " Nov 15, 2021 -- Executive Leadership --(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 15, 2021-- Twist Bioscience Corporation (NASDAQ: TWST), a company enabling customers Biopharma, a division of Twist Bioscience , that neutralizes all known variants of concern of the SARS-CoV-2

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News

    Below is your Classified GPCR News at a glance for November 28 to December 4th, 2022. Lysine 101 in the CRAC Motif in Transmembrane Helix 2 Confers Cholesterol-Induced Thermal Stability to GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars 2nd GPCR-Targeted Drug Discovery Summit | February 21-23, Boston. 2nd ERNEST Training School – February 20th to March 3rd. June 11-16, 2023. 19th World Congress of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 2023. July 2 - 7.

  • A new Kunitz-type snake toxin family associated with an original mode of interaction with the...

    August 2022 A new Kunitz-type snake toxin family associated with an original mode of interaction with the vasopressin 2 receptor "Abstract Background and purpose: Venomous animals express numerous Kunitz-type

  • Disentangling bias between G q, GRK2, and arrestin3 recruitment to the M 3 muscarinic acetylcholine

    , we compared the efficacy of seven agonists to induce G protein, G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2

  • Lack of Oestrogen Receptor Expression in Breast Cancer Cells Does Not Correlate with Kisspeptin...

    September 2022 Lack of Oestrogen Receptor Expression in Breast Cancer Cells Does Not Correlate with Kisspeptin and BT-20 cell lines after KP-10 (shortest active kisspeptin peptide) stimulation. MDA-MB-231 cells are metastatic when implanted in mice while BT-20 are not and remain epithelial-like However, KP-10 stimulation induced migration of MDA-MB-231, but not BT-20 cells, in a calcium-dependent Interestingly, both cell lines displayed different complements of β-arrestin 1 and 2 expression.

  • Endothelin-1 Stimulates PAI-1 Protein Expression via Dual Transactivation Pathway Dependent ROCK...

    September 2022 Endothelin-1 Stimulates PAI-1 Protein Expression via Dual Transactivation Pathway Dependent western blotting using protein-specific antibodies against phospho-Smad2 linker region residues (Ser245/250 /255),<br />phospho-Smad2 carboxy residues (465/467), ERK1/(Thr202/Thr204), and PAI-1. <br /><strong>Results:</strong> TGF (2 ng/ml), EGF (100 ng/ml) and ET-1 (100 nM) induced the phosphorylation

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News

    Ligand recognition and activation of neuromedin U receptor 2. GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars 2nd GPCR-Targeted Drug Discovery Summit | February 21-23, Boston. 2nd ERNEST Training School – February 20th to March 3rd. GEM2023 (14-17 March 2023). 8th and final ERNEST Meeting May 3-7, 2023 in Crete. June 11-16, 2023. 19th World Congress of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 2023. July 2 - 7.

  • β-arrestin1 promotes tauopathy by transducing GPCR signaling, disrupting microtubules and autophagy

    As signaling via the GPCRs, β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR), and metabotropic glutamate receptor 2 (mGluR2

  • Novel interaction between neurotrophic factor-α1/carboxypeptidase E and serotonin receptor, 5-HTR1E,

    Treatment of 5-HTR1E stable cells with NF-α1/CPE increased pERK 1/2 and pCREB levels which prevented

  • Dynamic GPCR activation revealed through time-resolved Cryo-EM

    Papasergi-Scott and colleagues has made significant progress in this area 2. Annu Rev Physiol 69, 511-534 (2007). Papasergi-Scott, M. M. et al.  Nature (2024).

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News

    Deadline February 12, 2023. GPCR Events, Meetings, and Webinars 2nd GPCR-Targeted Drug Discovery Summit | February 21-23, Boston. ERNEST GPCR early career investigator (ECI) Zoominar Survey 2nd ERNEST Training School – February 20th GEM2023 (14-17 March 2023). 8th and final ERNEST Meeting May 3-7, 2023 in Crete. June 11-16, 2023. 19th World Congress of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 2023. July 2 - 7.


    APRIL 06 - 09, 2022 | | SNOWBIRD RESORT, UTAH, UNITED STATES The superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors Spatial-temporal signaling of GPCRs and physiological functions; 2.

  • Rescue of Cell Surface Expression and Signaling of Mutant Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Receptors

    Seventeen FSHR mutations described in patients with reproductive dysfunction were expressed in HEK 293T reduced to ≤18% of wild-type (WT) for 11, modestly reduced to 66% to 84% of WT for 4, and not reduced for 2. expression, restoration to ≥57% of WT levels was achieved for 6 by treatment with 1 µM CAN1404 for 24

  • Structural landscape of the Chemokine Receptor system

    Esther 2023). The 30s-loop of chemokines can bind either on top of the extracellular loop 2 (ECL2) or inside the major , Zheng, Han et al. 2017, Isaikina, Tsai et al. 2021, Zhang, Chen et al. 2021). ultimately driving receptor activation: a) Route 1 - hydrogen bonding to Y2516.51 by CCL3 or CCL5; b) Route 2 active and inactive structures reveal conformational shifts that mirror the activation routes 1 and 2

  • Enhancing GPCR Research Outreach | Dr GPCR University early-bird registration ends soon!

    -25, 2024, to connect with fellow scientists and explore the latest in adhesion GPCR biology. Let’s dive into the   Classified GPCR News  from July 29th to August 4th, 2024 GPCR Activation and Signaling   October 2 - 4, 2024 | 9th GPCRs in Medicinal Chemistry NEW October 17, 2024 | Unprecedented fragment-based screening using Spectral Shift for GPCRs October 23 - 25, 2024 | 11th Adhesion GPCR Workshop November 5 - 7, 2024 | 16th Annual PEGS Europe   July 12 - 17, 2026 | 20th World Congress of Basic and Clinical

  • A role for BET proteins in regulating basal, dopamine-induced and cAMP/PKA-dependent ...

    adult rats, inhibition of BET proteins with the bromodomain inhibitor JQ1 suppressed the expression of ~25% Finally, we report that JQ1 treatment downregulated expression of many GPCRs and also impaired ERK1/2

  • Dimerization of GPCRs: Novel insight into the role of FLNA and SSAs regulating SST2 and SST5...

    September 2022 Dimerization of GPCRs: Novel insight into the role of FLNA and SSAs regulating SST2 and The cytoskeletal protein filamin A (FLNA) directly interacts with both somatostatin receptor type 2 ( A7), and octreotide but not pasireotide promoted hetero-dimerization in both A7 and M2 (+20.0 ± 11.8%

  • The Impact of CB1 Receptor on Nuclear Receptors in Skeletal Muscle Cells

    September 2021 "Cannabinoids are abundant signaling compounds; their influence predominantly arises via downstream signaling of the nuclear receptor, NR4A, which regulates the immediate impacts of arachidonyl-2

  • Dr. GPCR University registration is now open! Secure your spot now!

    📰 GPCR Weekly News, July 22 to 28, 2024 In the fast-paced world of pharmaceuticals and drug discovery -25, 2024, for the 11th Adhesion GPCR Workshop ! Let’s dive into the   Classified GPCR News  from July 22 to 28, 2024 GPCR Activation and Signaling Activating in drug discovery October 2024 | Biologics US 2024   October 2 - 4, 2024 | 9th GPCRs in Medicinal Chemistry October 23 - 25, 2024 | 11th Adhesion GPCR Workshop July 12 - 17, 2026 | 20th World Congress of Basic

  • Exploring the Breakthroughs in GPCR Research

    to 25, 2024. Important Deadlines: Abstract Submission : July 22, 2024. Financial Results G-Protein Coupled Receptors Global Market 2024 To Reach $4.09 Billion By 2028 At Rate   October 2 - 4, 2024 | 9th GPCRs in Medicinal Chemistry October 23 - 25, 2024 | 11th Adhesion GPCR Workshop July 12 - 17, 2026 | 20th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 2026 GPCR Jobs NEW

  • HBx induces hepatocellular carcinogenesis through ARRB1-mediated autophagy to drive the G 1/S cycle

    autophagy related 5; ATG7: autophagy related 7; Baf A1: bafilomycin A1; CDK2: cyclin dependent kinase 2;

  • Therapeutic validation of an orphan G protein‐coupled receptor

    Suzuki et al., 2013; Vermeire et al., 2017; Wojciechowicz & Ma'ayan, 2020) and efforts have been made and 2. which ligands can be used as tool compounds to study the function and biology of this receptor ; Planell et al., 2017). , Audoy‐Remus et al., 2015, Du Toit et al., 2018). , Köse et al., 2020).

  • Transmembrane domains of GPCR dimers – a novel hot spot for drug discovery

    M. et al. 2018; Manglik, A. et al. 2012). Li, et al 2012; B. Bai, et al. 2014; B. Ji, et al. 2020; L. Wan, 2020). homodimers and heterodimers with other members of the class A GPCR family such as with bradykinin 1 and 2 Bai et al. 2014; B. Ji et al., 2020). Gallo et al. 2022).

  • GPCRs are not simple on-off switches: deep dive into GPCR-ligand interactions

    with signaling molecules like G proteins, can selectively stabilize specific conformations (Gether 2000 ), with numerous intermediate sub-states in between (Vauquelin and Van Liefde 2005; Yao et al. 2009). efficacy classes: 1) full agonists produce the maximal response and can differ in intrinsic efficacy; 2) ; Wold and Zhou 2018). ; Lazareno et al. 2004).

  • Nanobodies: New Dimensions in GPCR Signaling Research

    ., & Magez, S. (2023). Nanobodies: A Review of Generation, Diagnostics and Therapeutics. K. (2011). Structure of a nanobody-stabilized active state of the β(2) adrenoceptor. K. (2013). Activation and allosteric modulation of a muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. C. (2015). Structural biology. D., & Palczewski, K. (2023).

  • Targeting Intracellular Allosteric Sites in GPCRs

    that fully or partially dampen the receptor's functional response to the ligand (Wold, Chen et al. 2019 any detectable alterations in the receptor or orthosteric ligand behavior (Lindsley, Emmitte et al. 2016 and thereby blocks the effects of positive and negative allosteric modulators (Rodriguez, Nong et al. 2005 pocket, potentially altering the rate of association, dissociation, or both, of an orthosteric ligand; 2) inverse agonism), regardless of whether an orthosteric ligand is present or absent (May, Leach et al. 2007

  • Overview of adhesion GPCRs self-activation

    Embo j, 2012. 31(6): p. 1364-78. 2. Nature, 2022. 3. Ping, Y. Nature, 2022. 4. Nature, 2022. 5. ., & He, Y. (2022).

  • Unlocking the Therapeutic Potential of Previously Undruggable GPCRs

    The PROcisionXᵀᴹ platform (summarized in Figure 2) can be used to complete a discovery campaign within Figure 2: Workflow in Orion’s PROcisionXᵀᴹ platform. screening methodology for engineering small protein GPCR ligands Paolini-Bertrand, M. et al. (2018) B. et al. (2021) Chimia, 75(6), 489–494. · Description of the receptor binding mechanism of a highly potent antagonist analog Isaikina, P. et al. (2021).

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