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215 items found for "Bcl-2"

  • Ep 102 with Dr Caron Tribute Part 3

    Caron was an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute from 1992 to 2004, a member of the American Jean Martin Beaulieu (2003) Dr. Laura Bohn (1999) Dr. Kathleen Caron - Co-host- (1970) Dr. Kafui Dzirasa (2006) Dr. Yasushi Masuda (2004) Dr. Marco Pardo (2002) Dr. Vania Prado (2002) Dr. Amy Ramsey (2008) Dr. Bryan Roth (current) Dr. Ali Salahpour (2007) Dr. Lauren Sloksy (2020) Dr. Josh C Snyder (2012) Dr.

  • Ep 139 with Dr Silvia Sposini

    In 2018 I got married and moved to France, to join the Interdisciplinary Institute for Neurosciences In 2021 I became mum of a gorgeous baby girl, Elena.

  • Ep 46 with Dr Gunnar Schulte

    University in Berlin/Germany and a Ph.D. in molecular pharmacology (supervisor: Bertil B Fredholm; 1998-2002 As a postdoc, he trained first with Ernest Arenas (Karolinska Institutet, Molecular Neurobiology; 2003 -2005) and later with Roger J Summers (Monash University, Melbourne Australia, GPCR pharmacology; 2006 ) before starting his independent research team "Receptor Biology & Signalling" in 2008.

  • Ep 66 with Dr. Antony A. Boucard Jr

    He completed a master’s degree in 2000 and a Ph.D. degree in 2003 with a particular interest in the cardiovascular

  • Ep 64 with Dylan Eiger

    He received his B.S. in Chemistry from Duke University in 2016 where he worked in the lab of Dr.

  • Ep 60 with Dr. Josephine (Pina) Cardarelli

    She oversaw early discovery programs IL-23 p19 and IL23 p19/IL-17 bispecifics. She is an inventor on 39 issued U.S. patents including anti-PD-1 patents, 22 EP patents, and greater

  • Ep 67 with Dr. Graham Ladds

    He progressed through the ranks at Warwick to become an Associate Professor before leaving in 2015 to In 2020, he was promoted to a Readership/Professor in Receptor Pharmacology and was elected a Fellow

  • Ep 48 with Dr Nyla Naim Dr Michael Lemieux Dr Jason Nasse from Addgene

    Ph.D. in molecular and cell biology at UConn and then joined Addgene as a Quality Control Scientist in 2015

  • Ep 69 with Dr. Stephen Ferguson

    He has held four Canada Research Chairs since 2001 and was previously a Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada MacDonald Scholar (1998-2003) and Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario Career Investigator (2003-2016). Jubilee Medal, in 2012. He has also received both Junior (2001) and Senior (2005) investigator awards from the Pharmacological

  • Ep 108 with Dr. Kenneth A. Jacobson

    His numerous awards include: 2008 Sato Award; 2009 Medicinal Chemistry Hall of Fame (American Chemical Soc.); 2014 Goodman and Gilman Award; 2017 Tu Youyou Award; 2017 Smissman Award; 2023 Hershberg Award

  • Ep 153 with Dr Jacek Mokrosiński

    GPCRs associated with obesity and other metabolic diseases, including GPR10, Melanocortin 4, Serotonin 2C Since 2021, Jacek has been working at Novo Nordisk at its research sites in the UK (Oxford) and the US

  • Ep 120 with Brendan Wilkins

    completed his undergraduate training at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney, Australia in 2016 Brendan is currently looking for post-doctoral positions to begin in mid-2024" Brendan Wilkins on the

  • Ep 54 with Dr. JoAnn Trejo

    Trejo joined the faculty in the Department of Pharmacology at the University of North Carolina in 2000 and then moved to UC San Diego School Medicine, Department of Pharmacology in 2008, where she quickly rose through the ranks to tenured professor in 2012. In 2014, she was appointed Vice-Chair of the Department of Pharmacology. The long-term goal of Dr. Trejo has been continuously funded by the NIH for >20 years and was a recipient of the prestigious American

  • A virally encoded GPCR drives glioblastoma through feed-forward activation of the SK1-S1P1 signaling axis

    glioblastoma through feed-forward activation of the SK1-S1P1 signaling axis Published date August 15, 2023

  • Chemokine N-terminal-derived peptides differentially regulate signaling by the receptors CCR1 and CCR5

    N-terminal-derived peptides differentially regulate signaling by the receptors CCR1 and CCR5 Published date November 23 , 2023 Abstract "Inflammatory chemokines are often elevated in disease settings, where the largest group

  • Ep 94 with Dr. Brian Shoichet

    started my independent lab at Northwestern University Medical School (1996) was recruited back to UCSF in 2003

  • Ep 125 with Dr. Gregory Tall

    In 2000, Dr. In 2007, Dr. Tall moved to the University of Michigan in 2016 as an Associate Professor of Pharmacology and is a current

  • Ep 93 with Dr. Sri Kosuri

    technologies, labs, and companies in synthetic biology, functional genomics, and bioinformatics over the last 20 He is a Searle Scholar (2015), NIH New Innovator (2014), and received his ScD in Biological Engineering

  • Ep 53 with Dr. Timo De Groof

    Timo De Groof studied Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the University of Ghent where he graduated in 2015 From 2015 to 2019, he completed his Ph.D. in the Medicinal Chemistry group at VU University Amsterdam Starting from September 2019, Timo started working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Vrije Universiteit

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