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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • Dr. Channel | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • Content Guidelines | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    Content Guidelines FindYooour, LLC (“FindYooour”) provides its Service to you through our websites referred to as Dr. GPCR,, 1. General Guidelines ​ allows users to contribute different kinds of content, including reviews, photos, videos, events, votes, tips, private messages, and more. Playing nice isn't rocket science, but just in case, we've put together these general guidelines. Please also read the guidelines below for specific types of content that you might contribute to the site. ​ Inappropriate content: ​ Colorful language and imagery are fine, but there's no need for threats, harassment, lewdness, hate speech, and other displays of bigotry. Conflicts of interest: ​ Your contributions should be unbiased and objective. For example, you shouldn't write reviews of your own business or employer, your friends' or relatives' business, your peers or competitors in your industry, or businesses in your networking group. Business owners should not ask customers to write reviews. ​ Promotional content: ​ Let's keep the site useful for consumers and not overrun with commercial noise from every user. ​ Relevance: ​ Please make sure your contributions are relevant and appropriate to the site. For example, reviews aren't the place for rants about a business's employment practices, political ideologies, extraordinary circumstances, or other matters that don't address the core of the consumer experience. ​ Privacy: ​ Don't publicize other people's private information. Please don't post close-up photos or videos of other users without their permission, and please don't post other people's full names unless you're referring to service providers who are commonly identified by or commonly share their own full names. ​ Intellectual property: ​ Don't swipe content from other sites or users. Write your own reviews and take your own photos and videos, please! Demanding payment: ​ Beyond simply asking for a refund to remedy a bad experience, you should not use removing or posting your review as a way to extract payment from a business, regardless of whether you've been a customer. ​ 2. Review Guidelines ​ The best reviews are passionate and personal. They offer a rich narrative, a wealth of detail, and a helpful tip or two for other consumers. Here are some additional thoughts for conscientious reviewers. ​ Personal experience: ​ We want to hear about your first-hand consumer experience, not what you heard from your co-worker or significant other. Try to tell your own story without resorting to broad generalizations and conclusory allegations. ​ Accuracy : ​ Make sure your review is factually correct. Feel free to air your opinions, but don't exaggerate or misrepresent your experience. We don't take sides when it comes to factual disputes, so we expect you to stand behind your review. ​ Review updates: ​ Review updates should reflect a new experience or interaction with the business. Don't tell the same old story you've already told. If you'd like to add new insight to an old experience, just edit your review instead of creating a new update. 3. Photo and Video Guidelines ​ Business photos and videos should be broadly relevant to the business and reflect the typical consumer experience (e.g., what the business looks like, what the business offers, etc.). ​ If you post a photo or video that showcases a more unique personal experience with a business (e.g., your smiling group of friends at the bar, the fly in your soup), we may remove it from the photo gallery for the business, but it still may appear alongside your review if you write one about the business. ​ 4. User Profile Guidelines ​ Don't be shy - use your account profile to let people know who you are and what makes you tick. Users want to read reviews from people they know and trust (not those with profiles that are empty or laced with inappropriate content). ​ 5. Post Guidelines ​ A post is a place for fun, open, and honest conversations about what's going on in your community. While it's easy to engage and post, take care with what you post since you can't subsequently delete it. A dash of common sense goes a long way. And since user trust and transparency are important to us, anonymous users who are disruptive to the community will probably be dealt with more sternly than those who stand behind their words. ​ 6. Messaging Guidelines ​ has a handy messaging feature to keep you connected with your followers or other users. First off, please don't use this feature to harass other users or send other inappropriate content. Second, user accounts are for personal, non-commercial use only. ​ 7. Event Guidelines ​ Heard about a great event in the field? Great! Post it on Please don't use Events to post your recurring promotional announcements and sales. We also like to keep the content fresh, so please don't post events more than 12 months in advance. ​ ​

  • Submit a Problem | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    Report an Incident Thank you for taking the time to report any incidents or issues you are experiencing with our site. Your comments will help us improve and refine the Ecosystem. Who is submitting this incident? First Name Last Name Email Details about this incident Please describe your concern Link to the page where you experienced difficulties Please feel free to upload screen shots or short videos of your concern. Upload File Upload supported file (Max 15MB) Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • Our Sponsors | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    OUR SPONSORS Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Sponsor Us Platinum Sponsors Bronze Sponsors Collaborating partners Contact us for sponsorship Register for the Adhesion GPCR 2024 Learn more about the Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 Up About the event Learn more about the Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 and its preliminary program. Up About the venue Discover Cinvestav, the host venue for the upcoming workshop. Up Abstract Submission Submit your research abstracts following our guidelines to present at the conference. Up Traveling Tips Find essential tips about Mexico City, including transportation options and local insights.

  • Terms and Conditions | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    Terms and Conditions FindYooour, LLC (“FindYooour”) provides its Service to you through our websites referred to as Dr. GPCR,, 1. ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS: This is a legal document and is the Agreement on Terms of Service (the “ATS”) for our website, (the “Website”). By using our Website, you agree to fully comply with and be bound by the following ATS each time you use our Website. Please review the following terms carefully. FindYooour, LLC (“FindYooour”) provides its Service (as defined below) to you through this website, subject to this ATS. By accepting this ATS or by accessing or using the Service or Website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this ATS. If you are entering into this ATS on behalf of a company, business, or other legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind such entity and its affiliates to this ATS. If you do not have such authority, or if you do not agree with this ATS, you must not accept this ATS and may not use the Service. FindYooour may change this ATS from time to time without prior notice. You can review the most current version of this ATS at any time in our Website. The revised terms and conditions will become effective upon posting and if you use the Service after that date, your use will constitute acceptance of the revised terms and conditions. If any change to this ATS is not acceptable to you, stop accessing and using the Service. This agreement contains warranty disclaimers and other provisions that limit our liability to you. Please read these terms and conditions carefully and in their entirety, as using, accessing, and/or browsing our Website constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to be bound to each and every term and condition set forth herein, please exit our website immediately and do not use access and/or browse it further. ​ 2. SERVICES: is an online platform that provides to (i) individuals and businesses such as scientists, students, biotech companies, and others with access to advertise, to promote, and market their services and products related to the biotech industry; and to (ii) individuals and businesses who are seeking to buy, to sell, to invest, to rent, or those who wish to find services to assist or to represent her/his/them in consummating any of these transactions (the “Services”). Individuals and businesses under this section are defined as “Customer” or “Customers”. Such Services includes also access to the Website, and to all software (including the Software, as defined below), data, reports, text, images, sounds, video, and content made available through the Website or any additional instrument of communication (collectively referred to as the “Content”). Any new features implemented for the amelioration of the Services are also subject to this ATS. ​ 3. GENERAL CONDITIONS. a. Access and Use of the Services: Customer(s) is/are required to register with and to open an account in order to access and use certain features of the Services, which may include your own creation and posting your own page within the scope of the Services. If Customer(s) choose(s) to register for the Services, he/she/they agree(s) to provide and maintain true, accurate, current information about himself/herself/themselves. For use of data and other information please refer to our Privacy Policy . b. Membership Fees / Payment: By registering and opening an account with on the Website in order to carry out the activity within the scope of the Services, the Customer(s) agree(s) to be bound by the terms of this ATS and to provide with all the information necessary to process the monthly or yearly membership fee payment in order to access the Services within the Website. Service(s)’ payment for the membership fee shall be made in full, via Wix Payment. Paypal, Stripe, or Bank Transfer method of payment. The membership fee shall be on a monthly or yearly basis, with an option from the Customer for automatic renewal. 4. REFUND POLICY: ​ Any payment made from Customer to in relation to membership fee shall not be refunded, under any circumstances. 5. ADDITIONAL TERMS: ​ Subject to the terms and conditions of this ATS, the Customer shall access and use the Services only for lawful purposes. All rights, title, and interest in and to the Services and its components will remain with and belong exclusively to Customer shall not (a) sublicense, resell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, or otherwise dispose of, exploit or make the Services available to any third party; (b) use the Services in any unlawful manner or in any manner that interferes with or disrupts the integrity or performance of the Services or its components, or (c) modify the Services, or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or its related systems or networks. Customer shall comply with any codes of conduct, policies, or other notices provides to Customer or publishes in connection with the Services. Any software that may be made available by in connection with the Services (“Software”) contains proprietary and confidential information that is protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved and, except as expressly provided herein, no license or right to use any trademark of is granted to you in connection with the Services. This ATS contains provisions that govern how claims between Customer and are resolved. It also contains an arbitration clause, which will, with limited exception, require the Customer to submit claims it has against to binding and final arbitration. 6. CUSTOMER INFORMATION: ​ Customer is solely responsible for all data, information, and other materials that it upload, post, advertises, promotes, markets, delivers, provides, or otherwise transmits or stores, in connection with or relating to the Services (“Customer Information”). The customer is responsible to maintain the confidentiality of its login information and for all activities that occur under its login or account access information. reserves the right to access the Customer’s account in order to respond to its requests for technical support. By posting Customer Information on or through the Services, Customer hereby does and shall grant a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid, sub-licensable, and transferable license to use, modify, reproduce, distribute, display, publish and perform Customer Information in connection with the Services. has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor the Services, Content, or Customer Information. The customer further agrees that may remove or disable any Content at any time for any or for no reason at all. Customer understands that the operation of the Services, including Customer Information, may involve (a) transmissions over various networks; (b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices and (c) transmission to third party vendors and hosting partners to provide the necessary hardware, software, networking, storage, and related technology required to operate and maintain the Services. Accordingly, the Customer acknowledges that he is solely responsible for adequate security, protection of Customer Information. shall not be held liable towards the Customer for any unauthorized access or use of any of Customer Information, or any corruption, deletion, destruction, or loss of any of the Customer Information. 7. THIRD PARTIES: The Services may provide links or other access to other websites, and resources on the Internet. has no control over such websites and resources, nor partner websites and resources, and shall not be held responsible for and does not endorse such websites and resources. Such third parties, and not, are the providers of other websites and resources and are solely responsible for providing any goods or services Customer purchases on third party or partner websites. The customer further acknowledges and agrees that shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of such websites or resources. Any dealings Customer has with third parties found while using the Services are between the Customer and the third party, and the Customer agrees that shall not be held liable for any loss or claim that Customer may have against any such third party. ​ 8. OTHER SERVICES: The Customer may also enable various online services (application or external websites) to more effectively use Services. To take advantage of these features, may ask Customer to register for or log into the third-party services on the websites of their respective providers. By enabling third-party services within the Services, Customer is allowing to pass Customer’s log-in information to these service providers. For more information please see our Privacy Policy . The manner in which third-party services use, store and disclose Customer Information is governed solely by the policies of such third parties, and shall not be held liable or responsible for the privacy practices or other actions of any third party website. shall not be responsible for the accuracy, availability, or reliability of any content made available in connection with third-party websites or services. ​ 9. PAYMENT: ​ As indicated in Section Three of this ATS, Customer is required to provide with a valid Credit or Debit card through which membership fee payment shall be executed. Customer represents that it has full control of these Credit or Debit card and further agrees to hold harmless for abuse or unauthorized use of these Credit or Debit Card by third parties ​ 10. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES: ​ Customer represents and warrants to that (i) Customer has full power and authority to enter into this ATS; (ii) Customer owns all Customer Information or has obtained all permissions, releases, rights or licenses required to engage in its billing, posting and other activities (and allows to perform its obligations) in connection with the Services without obtaining any further releases or consents; (iii) Customer Information and other activities in connection with the Services, and exercise of all rights and license granted by Customer herein, do not and will not violate, infringe, or misappropriate any third party’s copyright, trademark, right of privacy or publicity, or other personal or proprietary right, nor does Customer Information contain any matter that is defamatory, obscene, unlawful, threatening, abusive, tortious, sensitive to any particular social group or religion, offensive or harassing; and (iv) you are eighteen (18) years of age or older. ​ 11. UNLAWFUL SERVICES: ​ shall not tolerate Customer(s), who knowingly or not, compromising the integrity of Website by rendering Services in the Website which are false and untrue. In the event that determines that any Services provided by any Customer in the Website can be found to be untrue or false, reserves its sole right to terminate the membership of the Customer without further notice, and to take appropriate steps to ensure that any content of such Services is taken off the Website immediately. reserves the right to contact any law enforcement authority in connection with the Services offered by a Customer considered to be unlawful. ​ 12. TERMINATION: ​ Customer has the right to terminate its account with the at any time by sending a 30 (“Thirty”) day advance notice of termination to the company by email to . reserves the right to (i) modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Services and (ii) refuse any and all current and future use of the Services, suspend or terminate Customer’s account or use of the Services and remove and discard any of Customer Information in the Services, for any reason. shall not be liable to Customer or any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuation of the Services. may use good faith efforts to contact Customer to warn him prior to suspension or termination of Customer’s account by All accrued rights to membership fee payment(s) and the terms of Section 4 hereinabove shall survive termination of this ATS, and all fees paid to are NON-refundable. ​ 13. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: ​ In addition, to the extent permitted by applicable law, (including our parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, agents and employees) is not liable, and Customer agrees not to hold responsible, for any damages or losses (including, but not limited to, loss of money, goodwill or reputation, profits, or other intangible losses or any special, indirect, or consequential damages) resulting directly or indirectly from: Customer’s use of or his inability to use the Services; pricing or other guidance provided by; delays or disruptions in the Services; viruses or other malicious software obtained by accessing, or linking to, the Services; damage to Customer’s hardware device from the use of the Services; the content, actions, or inactions of third parties, including items listed using the Services or the destruction of allegedly untrue or false information provided in the Services; a suspension or other action taken with respect to Customer’s account or breach of the ATS; the duration or manner in which the Customer’s listings appear in search results on the Website. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHICH MEANS THAT SOME OF THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO CUSTOMER. IN THESE STATES, LIABILITY WILL BE LIMITED TO THE GREATEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. Regardless of the previous paragraphs, in the event that is found to be liable, the company’s liability to Customer or to any third party is limited to a maximum of $100 (“One Hundred Dollars”). ​ 14. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: ​ CUSTOMER AGREES THAT HE/SHE/IT IS MAKING USE OF THE SERVICES AT HIS/SHE/ITS OWN RISK, AND THAT THEY ARE BEING PROVIDED TO CUSTOMER ON AN “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE” BASIS. ACCORDINGLY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, EXCLUDES ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. ​ 15. NO WAIVER: ​ The failure of to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this ATS shall not be a waiver of that right. Customer acknowledges that this ATS is a contract between Customer and, and it governs Customer’s use of the Services and takes the place of any prior agreements between Customer and ​ 16. ASSIGNMENT: ​ Customer may not assign this ATS without the written consent of On the other hand, may assign or transfer this ATS, in whole or in part, without restriction at its sole discretion. ​ 17. INDEMNIFICATION: ​ Customer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold and its partners, agents, officers, directors, employees, subcontractors, successors, assigns, attorneys, advertisers, product and service providers, and affiliates harmless from any liability, loss, claim and expense, including reasonable attorney’s fees, related to Customer’s violation of this ATS or use of the Website or the Services. ​ 18. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION: ​ This ATS shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York without regard to the principles of conflicts of law. Unless otherwise elected by in a particular instance, Customer hereby expressly agrees to submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of the federal and state courts of New York County, New York for the purpose of resolving any dispute relating to Customer’s access to or use of the Services. Any legal controversy or legal claim arising out of or relating to this ATS and/or the Services, with the exclusion of any legal action taken by to collect or recover damages for, or obtain any injunction relating to intellectual property, and the Services, shall be settled solely by binding arbitration in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association. Any such controversy or claim shall be arbitrated on an individual basis, and shall not be consolidated in any arbitration with any claim or controversy of any other party. The arbitration shall be conducted in New York, New York, and judgment on the arbitration award may be entered into any court having jurisdiction thereof. Either party in this agreement may seek any interim or preliminary relief from a court of competent jurisdiction in New York County, New York, necessary to protect the rights or property of Customer and pending the completion of arbitration. Each party shall bear one-half of the arbitration fees and costs. ​ 19. SEVERABILITY: ​ If any provision of this ATS is held to be invalid, void or for any reason unenforceable, such provision shall be struck out and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of the agreement. ​ 20. PRIVACY: ​ Please see the company’s Privacy Policy to understand how collects and uses personal information. [END OF DOCUMENT] ​ ​

  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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    Get the GPCR's news in your inbox Sign Up Latest Classified GPCR News Adhesion GPCRs Read more Adhesion GPCR articles Articles from Ecosystem Contributors Read more articles from our Contributors Call for GPCR papers GPCR Binders, Drugs, and More Receptor Activation and Signaling in GPCRs UniversityPrice Premium Monthly $ 24.99 24.99$ Every month Immerse yourself into the GPCR World Valid for 12 months + 5 day free trial Start Free Trial Live and Recorded Courses Exclusive access to early bird special Access to previous events recordings Premium Yearly $ 249.99 249.99$ Every year Immerse yourself into the GPCR World 5 day free trial Start Free Trial Live and Recorded Courses Exclusive access to early bird special Access to previous events recordings Become Dr. GPCR Strategic Partner

  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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  • 500 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

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