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272 items found for "Gorostiola González M"

  • Ep 10 with Dr. John Streicher

    downstream of the opioid receptors work, including the unique organization of chaperone protein Hsp90 modulation understand your needs to bring you exciting and informative content; this short survey should take 5 minutes

  • Ep 30 with Dr. Elva Zhao

    After her Ph.D., she moved to Australia and continues working on GPCRs. by various ligands, binding partners, and intracellular machinery. ), collecting mini shoes, and hang out with friends. Join me to learn more about Elva, class B GPCRs, and Tilly. Dr. Elva Zhao on the web LinkedIn Monash University Pubmed Twitter Dr.

  • Ep 54 with Dr. JoAnn Trejo

    to UC San Diego School Medicine, Department of Pharmacology in 2008, where she quickly rose through PARs are GPCRs that are activated through an atypical irreversible proteolytic mechanism. She has made numerous important discoveries related to the mechanisms that control PAR1 signaling and closely related family members and published extensively on this topic. models.

  • A virally encoded GPCR drives glioblastoma through feed-forward activation of the SK1-S1P1 signaling axis

    Here, we showed that US28 increased the malignancy of U251 glioblastoma cells by enhancing signaling Bor , Tuğçe S Çobanoğlu , Kasper Dinkla , Johannes Köster , Gunnar Klau , Marco Siderius , Martine J , and Webinars Reviews, GPCRs, and more GPCR Binders, Drugs, and more Methods & Updates in GPCR Research insights into GPCR function GPCR Activation and Signaling More from Dr. GPCR Monthly Newsletter today! Follow the Dr.

  • Contact | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    Malden, MA 02148 Email Phone 646-508-3568 Social Media First Name Last Name Email Message

  • Sponsorship Prospectus | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Sponsor Network with leading professionals and decision-makers in the industry. Company logo displayed on event website, signage, and marketing collateral. Silver Sponsor Recognition as a Silver sponsor in all promotional materials. Bronze Sponsor Recognition as a Bronze sponsor in all promotional materials.

  • Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    GPCR Ecosystem We dream of a world where the vast majority of us lead a fulfilling and healthy life. Home: Contact Become a Premium Member Individuals Explore all benefits for individuals Organizations Discover the organizations benefits What did you miss from the ecosystem? GPCR Monthly Newsletter Dr. GPCR Podcast

  • Ep 64 with Dylan Eiger

    GPCR Podcast << Back to podcast list Dylan Eiger About Dylan Eiger Dylan Eiger is currently an MD/Ph.D . student at Duke University School of Medicine. Stephen Craig and studied polymer chemistry and material science. Dylan's graduate research focuses on the mechanisms underlying biased signaling at GPCRs, specifically After finishing his MD/Ph.D., Dylan plans to complete his residency training in Internal Medicine and

  • Ep 06 with Dr. J. Silvio Gutkind

    component of his work is centered around dysregulated signaling in cancer and the development of novel mechanism-based Silvio Gutkind on the web Gutkind Lab – UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center Gutkind Lab publications More J Silvio Gutkind on LinkedIn Gutkind Lab on Twitter UCSD Moores Cancer Center Dr. understand your needs to bring you exciting and informative content; this short survey should take 5 minutes

  • Ep 11 with Genemode

    Jacob Lee and Jin Choe met in ninth grade in English class and have been friends since. Today, Genemod has built a freezer management tool and a project management tool where scientists can manage their reagents, samples, and projects on one intuitive platform. The team is planning on building even more tools that will make Genemod the go-to platform for all research scientists to make research more efficient.

  • Ep 60 with Dr. Josephine (Pina) Cardarelli

    Burixafor, their most advanced clinical candidate, will be in Phase II clinical trial next year. She was a participant in numerous due diligence (anti-CXCL8 mAb) and has managed external collaborations Prior to this, she held the position of Vice President, at Medarex, Inc . At Medarex, she initiated and identified the lead mAb for the type I interferon-alpha receptor project Cardarelli received her Ph.D. in Physiology from Albany Medical College. Dr.

  • Ep 67 with Dr. Graham Ladds

    His research group uses a combination of pharmacological investigations and mathematical modeling to understand your needs to bring you exciting and informative content; this short survey should take 5 minutes

  • Ep 101 with Dr Caron Tribute Part 2

    Caron Tribute Part 2 About Marc Caron Dr. University and his Ph.D. from the University of Miami. He and his laboratory members studied the mechanisms of action and regulation of hormones and neurotransmitters Among his many honors, Dr. Caron was an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute from 1992 to 2004, a member of the American

  • Ep 27 with Dr. Robert J. Lefkowitz

    into Zoom for my chat with Bob. Bob, who, you might ask? Well, it’s the one and only Robert J. Lefkowitz, M.D., 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, which he shared with Dr. Brian Kobilka . Medical Center. I very much enjoyed chatting with Bob, and I hope you’ll enjoy learning more about him as well. Dr.

  • Ep 129 with Dr. Kaavya Krishna Kumar

    I work on understanding the activation mechanism of different Families of GPCRs." Dr. understand your needs to bring you exciting and informative content; this short survey should take 5 minutes

  • Ep 139 with Dr Silvia Sposini

    I moved to London as a short experience (3 months) during my MSc but I ended up staying for a full year During my time in London I investigated regulatory mechanisms of GPCR action, namely dimerization and membrane trafficking, in Dr Aylin Hanyaloglu 's lab at Imperial College London. In 2018 I got married and moved to France, to join the Interdisciplinary Institute for Neurosciences In 2021 I became mum of a gorgeous baby girl, Elena.

  • Ep 45 with Dr Ralf Jockers

    He showed the formation of melatonin receptor heteromers in vitro and in vivo and their importance in He discovered multiple rare and loss-of-function variants of the MT2 melatonin receptors that are associated Many MT2 variants are biased and their defects are signaling pathway-specific opening new perspectives for T2D treatment and precision medicine. His lab was among the first to discover mitochondrial functions of GPCRs.

  • Ep 63 with Dr. Khaled Abdelrahman

    graduated in 2006 with a BSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Alexandria University (Egypt) followed by MSc William Cole at the University of Calgary in 2010 for his Ph.D. where he studied the molecular basis Stephen Ferguson’s laboratory in the Departments of Cellular & Molecular Medicine and Neuroscience at He has been also studying what aspects of GPCR signaling are regulated in a sex-selective manner and He is also a Registered Pharmacist in Canada and held two of the most prestigious Clinician Postdoctoral

  • Ep 46 with Dr Gunnar Schulte

    He has a background in biochemistry from the Free University in Berlin/Germany and a Ph.D. in molecular As a postdoc, he trained first with Ernest Arenas (Karolinska Institutet, Molecular Neurobiology; 2003 -2005) and later with Roger J Summers (Monash University, Melbourne Australia, GPCR pharmacology; 2006 a member of the editorial board/editorial advisory board of Molecular Pharmacology, British Journal Most importantly my research team tries to understand underlying mechanisms of WNT-receptor interaction

  • Ep 66 with Dr. Antony A. Boucard Jr

    Motivated by a new ambition to study the nervous system, Dr. Boucard pursued postdoctoral training at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas Boucard moved to Mexico City to establish himself as an independent investigator integrating the department Boucard´s lab focuses on molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the function of adhesion GPCRs the molecular code instructing adhesion events mediated by these GPCRs.

  • Donation Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    DONATIONS Adhesion GPCR workshop 2024 CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico October 23-25 Our Sponsors Sponsor

  • Ep 98 with Dr. GPCR Team

    Motivated by my scientific passion, I recently started a postdoctoral fellowship to study the role of GPCRs in the mechanisms of pain and its comorbidities. The mission of Dr. Berchiche obtained her Master’s and Ph.D. in Biochemistry at the University of Montreal in Canada before Her work focused on chemokine receptors, members of the GPCR family that control cell movement in the

  • Ep 47 with Dr Simone Promel Dr Ines Liebscher

    During this time, she discovered her love for Adhesion GPCRs and started delineating the molecular mechanisms These extraordinary receptors, about which there was not much known other than that they are huge and somehow play important roles in health and disease, fascinated her so much that she continued working level and how these are translated into physiological functions in various model organisms. of her MD thesis.

  • Ep 94 with Dr. Brian Shoichet

    Brian Shoichet BSc in Chemistry from MIT, Ph.D. with Tack Kuntz at UCSF; Postdoc with Brian Matthews in protein stability-activity tradeoffs, crystallography; started my independent lab at Northwestern University Medical School (1996) was recruited back to UCSF in 2003. understand your needs to bring you exciting and informative content; this short survey should take 5 minutes

  • Ep 125 with Dr. Gregory Tall

    , Ric-8 with Alfred Gilman, M.D. Tall moved to the University of Michigan in 2016 as an Associate Professor of Pharmacology and is a current active member of the department. Our current goals are to explore this mechanism in detail and to understand how it may happen for the He has continued funding at Michigan through the MIRA R35 program. Dr.

  • Ep 93 with Dr. Sri Kosuri

    He is passionate about developing more rational ways to understand and engineer biology. built numerous technologies in gene synthesis, DNA information storage, gene editing, and large-scale multiplexed He helped build Gen9, a gene synthesis company, as a member of the SAB and was the first employee of Searle Scholar (2015), NIH New Innovator (2014), and received his ScD in Biological Engineering at MIT understand your needs to bring you exciting and informative content; this short survey should take 5 minutes

  • Ep 80 with Dr. Andrew Tobin

    Andrew Tobin Andrew Tobin studied Biochemistry at Queen Mary College, the University of London obtaining Following a post-doctoral period at Bristol Myers Squibb in Princeton USA, Andrew returned to the UK rational design of novel drugs to treat the three global health challenges of dementia, asthma, and malaria understand your needs to bring you exciting and informative content; this short survey should take 5 minutes

  • Ep 20 with Dr. Jennifer Pluznick

    Pluznick discovered that olfactory receptors in mice are also expressed in their kidneys and blood vessels This work contributes to a better understanding of how the kidney helps maintain homeostasis in humans Jennifer is currently an assistant professor of physiology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. from Truman State University and earned her Ph.D. in renal physiology from the University of Nebraska Medical She then spent five years training as a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Michael Caplan at Yale

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