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80 items found for " Freddie Bray"

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  • Esophageal and gastric cancer incidence trends in Golestan, Iran: An age-period-cohort analysis 2004 to 2018

    Hamideh Sadeghzadeh , Mahnaz Akbari , Mahshid Mehrjerdian , Elisabete Weiderpass , Gholamreza Roshandel , Freddie Bray , Reza Malekzadeh Source Contribute to the GPCR News Coming soon Become a Contributor Classified

  • G protein-coupled receptors: A target for microbial metabolites and a mechanistic link to microbiome-immune-brain interactions

    protein-coupled receptors: A target for microbial metabolites and a mechanistic link to microbiome-immune-brain the most predominant GPCR-mediated microbial metabolite-human cell interactions regulating gut-immune-brain Furthermore, by evaluating the intestinal absorption properties and blood-brain barrier permeability metabolite cataloging with mechanistic studies for an improved understanding of gut microbiota-immune-brain

  • AGPCR 24 Session IV

    in the Department of Neuroscience at Baylor College of Medicine, where he studies BAI1's role in the brain and the radiobiology of treatments for brain cancer. R.2, Sampedro-Castaneda, Marisol1, Claxton, Suzanne1, Skehel, Mark2, Ultanir, Sila K.1 1Kinases and Brain Mihaylov " I am a postdoctoral researcher in the kinases and brain development laboratory led by Dr Sila I then moved to King's College London, where my interest and passion for kinases in brain health and

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