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41 items found for " GRK"

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  • Ep 112 with Julia Gardner

    She recently led a project that demonstrated the GPCR kinases (GRKs) can translocate to endosomes, and that the subcellular localization of the GRKs affects a GPCR's biased signaling profile.

  • Ep 131 with Dr. Richard Premont

    initial project to identify and clone taste receptors was unsuccessful, but led to the identification of GRK5 and continued focus on GRKs (particularly GRKs 4,5,6) and arrestins as GPCR regulators and as mediators regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling particularly by the G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK

  • Ep 133 with Dr. Richard Premont

    initial project to identify and clone taste receptors was unsuccessful, but led to the identification of GRK5 and continued focus on GRKs (particularly GRKs 4,5,6) and arrestins as GPCR regulators and as mediators regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signaling particularly by the G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK

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