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28 items found for " Megan Daisy Joseph"

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  • Purinergic GPCR-integrin interactions drive pancreatic cancer cell invasion

    cancer invasion, highlighting its potential for therapeutic targeting. " Authors Elena Tomas Bort , Megan Daisy Joseph , Qiaoying Wang , Edward Philip Carter , Nicolas Jaime Roth , Jessica Gibson , Ariana Samadi

  • Session IV

    signaling in the nervous system BAI1/ADGRB1-mediated Regulation of Mitochondrial Morphology in Axons Joseph Latrophilin/Cirl Anne Bormann BAI1/ADGRB1-mediated Regulation of Mitochondrial Morphology in Axons Joseph Neuroscience and Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030" About Joseph Duman "Joseph Duman is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Neuroscience at Baylor College of Joseph Duman on the web Baylor College of Medicine Kimberley Tolias Lab Bai1 Is A Novel Neuronal Substrate

  • Respiratory infections predominate after day 100 following B-cell maturation antigen-directed CAR T-cell therapy

    Authors Jessica S Little , Megha Tandon , Joseph Seungpyo Hong , Omar Nadeem , Adam S Sperling , Noopur

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