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169 items found for " Nicolas Jaime Roth"

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  • Purinergic GPCR-integrin interactions drive pancreatic cancer cell invasion

    targeting. " Authors Elena Tomas Bort , Megan Daisy Joseph , Qiaoying Wang , Edward Philip Carter , Nicolas Jaime Roth , Jessica Gibson , Ariana Samadi , Hemant M Kocher , Sabrina Simoncelli , Peter J McCormick

  • Ep 122 with Dr. Nicolas Gilles

    Nicolas Gilles About Dr. Nicolas Gilles "Dr. Nicolas Gilles is an expert in the study of animal toxins. Nicolas Gilles on the web Google Scholar LinkedIn Dr.

  • Ep 59 with Dr. Nicola J. Smith

    Nicola J. Smith About Dr. Nicola J. Smith Dr. Nicola J Smith is an expert in molecular pharmacology with a track record in exploring GPCR structure-function Smith’s team has made advances in the understanding of how an orphan GPCR exerts its effects both in Nicola J. Smith on the web UNSW Sydney LinkedIn Retraction Watch Twitter Dr.

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