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10 items found for " Sara Marsango"

Posts (4)

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Other Pages (6)

  • Ep 113 with Dr. Prasenjit Saha

    Prasenjit Saha About Dr. Prasenjit Saha I conducted my doctoral research at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, Prasenjit Saha on the web Google Scholar Pubmed LinkedIn Dr.

  • Ep 119 with Tanishka S. Saraf

    Saraf About Tanishka S. Saraf " My research focuses on evaluating and targeting serotonin 1A receptors for therapeutic outcomes Saraf on the web FRAXA Research Foundation Google Scholar ResearchGate LinkedIn Dr.

  • Student Flash Presentations

    fat Vasiliki Karagiannakou GAIN Domain Dynamics And Its Relevance For Adhesion GPCR Signaling In Vivo Lara-Sophie Affiliations "Srivastava, Swati1; Singh, Abhishek Kumar1; Gunawan, Felix2; Gentile, Alessandra2; Petersen, Sarah Helmholtz Centre Munich GAIN Domain Dynamics And Its Relevance For Adhesion GPCR Signaling In Vivo Lara-Sophie Authors & Affiliations "Brodmerkel Lara-Sophie 1, Bormann Anne 1, Seufert Florian 2, Hildebrand Peter Lara-Sophie Brodmerkel on the web University of Leipzig Novel isoforms of adhesion GPCR B1 (ADGRB1/BAI1

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