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15 items found for " Stefan Schulz"

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  • AGPCR 24 Session VIII

    Attendees Authors & Affiliations "Yin Kwan Chung, Leipzig University Falko Nagel, 7TM Antibodies GmbH Stefan Schulz, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena and 7TM Antibodies GmbH" About Tobias Langenhan "1997-2004

  • Increased protease-activated receptor 1 autoantibodies are associated with severe COVID-19

    Gaede , Howard Amital , Philip Rosenstiel , Yehuda Shoenfeld , Gilad Halpert , Avi Z Rosenberg , Kai Schulze-Forster , Harald Heidecke , Gabriela Riemekasten , Stefan Schreiber .

  • Ep 46 with Dr Gunnar Schulte

    Gunnar Schulte About Dr. Gunnar Schulte Gunnar Schulte is a Professor in receptor pharmacology and research group leader for the Gunnar Schulte is also the scientific secretary of the Swedish Society for Medical Research (SSMF) and General Research Interest: The focus in the Schulte lab is on Frizzled signaling and pharmacology aiming Gunnar Schulte on the web Schulte Lab LinkedIn Google Scholar Orcid YouTube Dr.

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