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33 items found for "Alejandra Tomas"

Posts (13)

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  • Ep 155 with Endocrine Metabolic GPCR Organizers

    Alejandra Tomas "Dr. Alejandra Tomas is a molecular cell biologist and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Metabolism, Digestion Alejandra Tomas on the web Imperial College London Endocrine Metabolic GPCRs ResearchGate Google Scholar

  • News | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    Evi Kostenis, Carsten Hoffmann, Gunnar Schulte, Alejandra Tomas, Alejandra Tomas, and Jianming Han for

  • 24-06 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    Aylin Hanyaloglu , Caroline Gorvin , and Alejandra Tomas .

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