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5 results found for "Badr Sokrat"
Posts (3)
- Exploring the Breakthroughs in GPCR Research
Badr Sokrat, Michel Bouvier, et al. for their study on the Role of the V2R-βarrestin-Gβγ complex in promoting
- 📰 GPCR Weekly News, May 27 to June 2, 2024
Badr Sokrat is live! You can now watch podcast episodes in video format on our website.
- Viral G Protein-Coupled Receptors Encoded by β- and γ-Herpesviruses
vGPCRs: US27, US28, UL33, and UL78; human herpesvirus 6 and 7 with two receptors: U12 and U51; Epstein-Barr
Other Pages (2)
- Ep 154 with Dr Badr Sokrat
Ep 154 with Dr Badr Sokrat Dr. Badr Sokrat About Dr. Badr Sokrat " After completing my undergraduate studies with an internship in the laboratory of Dr. Badr Sokrat on the web PubMed ResearchGate LinkedIn Dr. Badr recounted Badr's Journey, Multiplexing Assays, and Collaboration Badr shared his learning process
- Trademark Policy | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem
Buttons And Badges The Dr. GPCR Badge and Follow button This button is a means for Publishers to enable Dr. GPCR Buttons and Badges guidelines, the Dr. GPCR buttons and badges. GPCR badge, share and follow button branding guidelines Adding a Dr.