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139 items found for "Brian K Shoichet"

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  • Ep 94 with Dr. Brian Shoichet

    GPCR Podcast << Back to podcast list Brian Shoichet About Dr. Brian Shoichet BSc in Chemistry from MIT, Ph.D. with Tack Kuntz at UCSF; Postdoc with Brian Matthews Brian Shoichet on the web Google Scholar Shoichet Lab Twitter Dr.

  • Ep 40 with Dr. Brian Bender

    Brian Bender About Dr. Brian Bender Dr. Between undergraduate and graduate school Brian worked as a technician in an academic lab before moving Brian is involved in organizing the GRC/GRS Molecular Pharmacology meeting, which has been postponed Brian is one of the organizers of the upcoming Transatlantic ECI GPCR Symposium . Dr. Brian Bender on the web LinkedIn Twitter ResearchGate Dr.GPCR Member Google Scholar Dr.

  • Ep 34 with Dr. Brian Arey

    Brian Arey About this episode Brian Arey is Senior Director of Mechanistic Pharmacology within Leads Brian has contributed to the discovery or development of 5 marketed drugs through his work spanning molecular I sat down with Brian to chat about GPCRs, working in the industry, and being a leader. Brian Arey on the web LinkedIn ResearchGate Pubmed Dr.

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