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207 items found for "Bryan L Roth"

Posts (131)

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Other Pages (76)

  • Ep 14 with Dr. Bryan Roth

    Bryan Roth About this episode Dr. Bryan Roth is the Michael Hooker Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology at the University of North Carolina Join me and learn more about Bryan and his work. Dr. Bryan Roth on the web UNC School of Medicine / Pharmacology Roth Lab Roth Leads $26.9 Million Project to Create Better Psychiatric Medications LinkedIn Bryan Roth on Twitter Roth Lab on Twitter Google Scholar

  • Ep 74 with Dr. Daniel Wacker

    Bryan Roth where I established GPCR structural biology and learned the ins and outs of molecular pharmacology

  • Ep 102 with Dr Caron Tribute Part 3

    Bryan Roth (current) Dr. Ali Salahpour (2007) Dr. Lauren Sloksy (2020) Dr. Josh C Snyder (2012) Dr.

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