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139 items found for "Bryan S Yung"

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  • The GPCR-Gαs-PKA signaling axis promotes T cell dysfunction and cancer immunotherapy failure

    The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature America, Inc." Authors Victoria H Wu , Bryan S Yung , Farhoud Faraji , Robert Saddawi-Konefka , Zhiyong Wang , Alexander T Wenzel , Miranda J Song , Meghana S Pagadala , Lauren M Clubb , Joshua Chiou , Sanju Sinha , Marin Matic , Francesco Raimondi , Thomas S Hoang , Rebecca Berdeaux , Dario A A Vignali , Ramiro Iglesias-Bartolome

  • Ep 14 with Dr. Bryan Roth

    Bryan Roth About this episode Dr. Bryan Roth is the Michael Hooker Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology at the University of North Carolina Bryan leads a $26.9 Million project to create better psychiatric medications, among other things. Join me and learn more about Bryan and his work. Dr. Bryan Roth on the web UNC School of Medicine / Pharmacology Roth Lab Roth Leads $26.9 Million Project

  • Dr. GPCR Summit 2021 Live Talks

    Pandy-Szekeres September 13, 2021 at 2:00:00 PM Learn More >> CXCR4 heteromers as novel cancer targets Juan José Fung Phosphorylation Barcode as a Mechanism of Biased β-arrestin 2 Recruitment and Conformation at CXCR3 Dylan S. Brian Arey, Dr. Samuel Hoare, Dr. Ajay Yekkirala, Dr. Bryan Roth September 17, 2021 at 7:00:00 PM Learn More >> Nanobody tethering to dissect GPCR pharmacology

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