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20 items found for "Caroline Gorvin"

  • Ep 155 with Endocrine Metabolic GPCR Organizers

    Caroline Gorvin "Dr. Caroline Gorvin is a Wellcome Trust & Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Fellow at the Institute of Metabolism Caroline continued to undertake postdoctoral research in Oxford, investigating the signalling and trafficking Caroline moved to the University of Birmingham in 2018 to establish her research group investigating Caroline Gorvin on the web University of Birmingham Endocrine Metabolic GPCRs Society of Endocrinology

  • 24-06 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    Aylin Hanyaloglu , Caroline Gorvin , and Alejandra Tomas .

  • Ep 41 with Dr. Terry Kenakin

    His next stop took him to Burroughs-Wellcome (BW) in Research Triangle Park (RTP) in North Carolina USA Since 2011, Terry works at the Department of Pharmacology at the University of North Carolina School

  • Ep 14 with Dr. Bryan Roth

    Bryan Roth is the Michael Hooker Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology at the University of North Carolina

  • Ep 93 with Dr. Sri Kosuri

    Sri is originally from New Jersey, Philadelphia, and Kansas and was born in North Carolina.

  • Increased protease-activated receptor 1 autoantibodies are associated with severe COVID-19

    Guggeis , Alexander Ossysek , Andre Küller , Derk Frank , Christoph Lange , Jan Rupp , Jan Heyckendorf , Karoline

  • A journey from Duke to McGill along the dopamine circuit

    From 91 to 94, he was an assistant professor at Duke University in North Carolina, working with Marc Caron on the characterization of several neurotransmitter transporters and kinases and establishing the

  • Ep 103 with Dr Kathleen Caron

    Kathleen Caron About Kathleen M. Caron Kathleen M. Caron, Ph.D. is the Frederik L. Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Cell Biology & Physiology at The University of North Carolina Caron received a BS in Biology and BA in Philosophy at Emory University and a PhD at Duke University Caron has received numerous awards including a Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award in the Biomedical Caron on the web Lab Website Twitter Pubmed Google Scholar Orcid Thanks for listening to this podcast

  • Applying Pharmacology to Drug Discovery

    I then moved to the University of North Carolina School of Medicine where currently I am a Professor

  • Ep 106 with Dr. Bruno Giros

    From 91 to 94, he was an assistant professor at Duke University in North Carolina, working with Marc Caron and Robert Lefkowitz (2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry) to characterize several neurotransmitter transporters

  • "Have a nice weekend, and I'll see you tomorrow!": RAMP-interacting GPCR Pathways

    Pathways Date & Time Thursday, November 2nd / 4:30 PM Keynote Talk Abstract Coming Soon About Kathleen Caron Caron, Ph.D. is the Frederik L. Caron received a BS in Biology and BA in Philosophy at Emory University and a PhD at Duke University Caron has received numerous awards including a Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award in the Biomedical Caron currently holds multiple scientific advisory roles in academia, industry and the National Institutes

  • Ep 54 with Dr. JoAnn Trejo

    Trejo joined the faculty in the Department of Pharmacology at the University of North Carolina in 2000

  • 22-09 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    Our speakers include: Andrew Tobin , University of Glasgow Bryan Roth , University of North Carolina ) A walk through GPCRdb et al. with David Gloriam , Albert Kooistra , Gaspar Pandy-Szekeres & Jimmy Caroli scientists on trainee day, October 12th, 2022: Hannes Schihada , The Philipp University of Marburg Carole Louis Exscientia Welcomes Caroline Rowland as Chief People Officer Integral Molecular's off-target protein

  • A disturbed metabolite-GPCR axis is associated with microbial dysbiosis in IBD patients: Potential role of GPR109A in macrophages

    Cristina Bauset, Miguel Carda-Diéguez, Andrea Cejudo-Garcés, Elena Buetas, Marta Seco-Cervera, Dulce Carolina

  • GPCR Retreat 2023 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    lived up to the expectations by putting together an outstanding program with a special thought for Marc Caron Kathleen Caron of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, unquestionably one of the pioneers Caron keynote lecture on November 2nd. Additionally, there will be a Marc G. Caron Honorary Symposium by Caron Lab alumni to honor his memory. We have also confirmed Dr.

  • 23-08 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    Director of Clinical Development at GPCR Therapeutics Terry Kenakin , Professor at the University of North Carolina

  • 23-09 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    speakers includes the following: Richa Tyagi , Mercer University Terry Kenakin , University of North Carolina Caron , J. Silvio Gutkind , and Eleonora Comeo .

  • Ep 151 with Dr GPCR Board

    Trejo joined the faculty in the Department of Pharmacology at the University of North Carolina in 2000

  • 22-08 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    Albert Kooistra , Gaspar Pandy Szekeres , and Jimmy Caroli The deadline for both pre-recorded talks and

  • 22-07 Dr GPCR Newsletter

    Jimmy Caroli , Gáspár Pándy-Szekeres & Dr.

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