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272 items found for "Cell proliferation"

  • Deciphering the signaling mechanisms of β-arrestin1 and β-arrestin2 in regulation of cancer cell...

    August 2022 Deciphering the signaling mechanisms of β-arrestin1 and β-arrestin2 in regulation of cancer cell They have participated in various cellular processes such as cell proliferation, migration, apoptosis

  • Deciphering the signaling mechanisms of β-arrestin1 and β-arrestin2 in regulation of cancer cell...

    November 2022 Deciphering the signaling mechanisms of β-arrestin1 and β-arrestin2 in regulation of cancer cell They have participated in various cellular processes such as cell proliferation, migration, apoptosis

  • GASP1 enhances malignant phenotypes of breast cancer cells and decreases their response to...

    September 2022 GASP1 enhances malignant phenotypes of breast cancer cells and decreases their response , such as inhibition of cell proliferation, colony formation, migration, invasion and xenograft tumor growth in nude mice as well as induction of G1-phase cell cycle arrest, and vice versa. Besides, we found that GASP1 knockout obviously improved the response of breast cancer cells to paclitaxel Collectively, this study demonstrates that GASP1 enhances malignant behaviors of breast cancer cells

  • G protein-coupled receptor kinase type 2 and β-arrestin2: Key players in immune cell functions...

    August 2022 G protein-coupled receptor kinase type 2 and β-arrestin2: Key players in immune cell functions β-arrestin2 are key integrated signaling nodes in various biological processes, and both of them regulate cell proliferation and promote cell invasion and migration. This review summarizes the roles of GRK2/β-arrestin2 in immune cell function and focuses on the pathological

  • On-cell nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to probe cell surface interactions

    into studies focused on obtaining detailed molecular information in the intracellular context ("in-cell ") or those focused on characterizing molecules or events at the cell surface ("on-cell"). In this review, we outline some key NMR techniques applied for on-cell NMR studies through both solution with cell surface membrane proteins such as G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and receptor tyrosine We also provide a brief survey of the applicability of on-cell NMR approaches to other classes of cell

  • CCL25/CCR9 interaction promotes the malignant behavior of salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma via...

    ), an organ-specific chemokine receptor, interacts with its exclusive ligand CCL25 to promote tumor proliferation In vitro , SACC cell proliferation and apoptosis were evaluated using Cell Counting Kit-8 and colon formation , and cell migration and invasion were detected by wound healing and transwell assays.

  • The Impact of CB1 Receptor on Nuclear Receptors in Skeletal Muscle Cells

    One suggested theory is that cannabinoids regulate a variety of physiological processes within the cells Murine L6 skeletal muscle cells were used in order to clarify additional possible molecular signaling Skeletal muscle cells have often been used; it is well-documented that they express cannabinoid receptors In the current work, it is demonstrated that skeletal muscle cells exhibit functional expression of CB1 Thus, in skeletal muscle cells, a possible physiological expression of CB1 receptors was identified.

  • Induced Human Regulatory T Cells Express the Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor

    Here, we provide evidence that activated human T cells express GLP-1R. Analysis of CD4+ T cells activated under T helper (Th) 1, Th2, Th17 and regulatory T (Treg) cell differentiation FoxP3+CD25+CD127- iTreg cells. GLP-1R in human CD4+ T cells. Given the high induction of GLP-1R in human iTreg cells, we hypothesize that GLP-1R+ iTreg cells play

  • TAS2R supports odontoblastic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells in the inflammatory...

    August 2022 TAS2R supports odontoblastic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells in the inflammatory Background: Inflammatory microenvironment promotes odontoblastic differentiation in human dental pulp stem cells

  • Feeder or trigger – CCR2 as a scavenger and regulator of cell migration

    Canonical chemokine receptors – scavenging “decoys” Chemokine receptors coordinate cell migration upon class of heterotrimeric G proteins, which, in turn, activate signaling pathways that ultimately lead to cell CCR2 is an example of a dual-function receptor that directly regulates both cell migration and scavenging and almost completely lost in the GRK2/3/5/6 KO cells, whereas constitutive receptor internalization Scavenging may allow cells to continuously migrate by remaining responsive to chemokines (S.

  • Luciferase-based GloSensor™ cAMP assay: Temperature optimization and application to cell-based kinet

    August 2022 Luciferase-based GloSensor™ cAMP assay: Temperature optimization and application to cell-based Monitoring intracellular cAMP levels can help identify orthosteric agonists and antagonists, as well As well, it has not been reported whether the effects of temperature on biosensor activity are reversible We also present a detailed protocol for monitoring cAMP levels in live cells expressing endogenous or Temperature optimization studies were carried out using HEK293H cells transiently transfected with the

  • Label-free LC-MS based assay to characterize small molecule compound binding to cells

    October 2022 "Study of small molecule binding to live cells provides important information on the characterization Here we developed and validated a label-free, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) based cell This versatile method allows quantitative characterization of ligand binding to cell surface expressed

  • β2-Adrenergic Receptor Expression and Intracellular Signaling in B Cells Are Highly Dynamic during..

    September 2022 β2-Adrenergic Receptor Expression and Intracellular Signaling in B Cells Are Highly Dynamic In the past, treatment of arthritic B cells with a β2-adrenergic receptor (β2-ADR) agonist has been shown In this study, the expression and signaling of β2-ADR in B cells during collagen-induced arthritis (CIA ) were investigated to provide an explanation of why only B cells from arthritic mice are able to improve Splenic B cells were isolated via magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS).

  • MSX-122: Is an effective small molecule CXCR4 antagonist in cancer therapy?

    that the ligation of SDF-1 to CXCR4 initiates several intracellular signaling pathways, regulating cell proliferation, survival, chemotaxis, migration, angiogenesis, adhesion, as well as bone marrow (BM)- resident cells homing and mobilization. Additionally, CXCR4 is expressed by tumor cells in blood malignancies and solid tumors."

  • Cell-Type-Specific Effects of the Ovarian Cancer G-Protein Coupled Receptor (OGR1) on Inflammation..

    September 2022 Cell-Type-Specific Effects of the Ovarian Cancer G-Protein Coupled Receptor (OGR1) on However, in epithelial cells, OGR1 promotes epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and inflammation localization and alternative signaling pathways may be responsible for the differential effect of OGR1 in each cell

  • Cell Surface Calcium-Sensing Receptor Heterodimers: Mutant Gene Dosage Affects Ca 2+ Sensing but...

    September 2022 Cell Surface Calcium-Sensing Receptor Heterodimers: Mutant Gene Dosage Affects Ca 2+ Sensing chimeras subject to GABAB -dependent endoplasmic reticulum sorting to traffic mutant heterodimers to the cell Transfected HEK-293 cells were assessed for Ca2+o -stimulated Ca2+i mobilization using mutations in either

  • Identification of A2BAR as a potential target in colorectal cancer using novel fluorescent GPCR...

    We selected the adenosine receptor 2B (A2BAR), specifically expressed in cancer cell lines compared with stromal cells, to explore the use of fluorescent ligands that can be used for target visualization. Fluorescent probes allowed semi-quantitative receptor mapping in living cells and validated the specific expression of A2BAR in CRC cell lines. proliferation.

  • Exploiting Dependence of Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer on the Arginine Vasopressin ...

    Stimulation of AVPR2 with a selective agonist desmopressin promoted CRPC cell proliferation through cAMP In contrast, blocking AVPR2 with a selective FDA-approved antagonist, tolvaptan, reduced cell growth. Combinatorial use of AVPR1A and AVPR2 antagonists promoted apoptosis synergistically in CRPC cells. Furthermore, we found that castration-resistant cells produced AVP, the endogenous ligand for arginine vasopressin receptors, and knockout of AVP in CRPC cells significantly reduced proliferation suggesting

  • Unlocking Cell's Secrets: Spontaneous β-Arrestin-Membrane Preassociation Drives Receptor-Activation

    At the cellular level, the plasmatic membrane is a thin layer of lipids that surrounds the entire cell interplay between GPCRs and β-arrestins and how this complex operates on the plasma membrane of living cells dissected the sequence of events in receptor-β-arrestin interactions at the plasma membrane of living cells Cell, 186(10), 2238–2255.e20. Janetzko, J., Kise, R., Barsi-Rhyne Cell, 185(24), 4560–4573.e19. Latorraca, N.R., Wang, J.K.,

  • Lack of Oestrogen Receptor Expression in Breast Cancer Cells Does Not Correlate with Kisspeptin...

    September 2022 Lack of Oestrogen Receptor Expression in Breast Cancer Cells Does Not Correlate with Kisspeptin In KISS1R overexpressing triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells, stimulation has been associated MDA-MB-231 cells are metastatic when implanted in mice while BT-20 are not and remain epithelial-like However, KP-10 stimulation induced migration of MDA-MB-231, but not BT-20 cells, in a calcium-dependent Interestingly, both cell lines displayed different complements of β-arrestin 1 and 2 expression.

  • Nuclear localization of histamine receptor 2 in primary human lymphatic endothelial cells

    histamine receptor 2 (H2R), a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), which is expressed in a wide variety of cell study, for the first time, we demonstrate the nuclear localization of H2R in lymphatic endothelial cells

  • GPR3 expression in retinal ganglion cells contributes to neuron survival and accelerates axonal...

    August 2022 GPR3 expression in retinal ganglion cells contributes to neuron survival and accelerates GPR3 was relatively highly expressed in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs).

  • Effect Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol on milk proteins and lipid levels in HC11 cells

    mammary gland (MG) undergoes remodeling, which involves alveolar differentiation of mammary epithelial cells and gene and protein expression of major milk protein and lipid synthesizing markers. using the HC11 cells hypothesized that THC and CBD will negatively impact the synthesis of milk proteins and lipids, as well as lipid markers in HC11 cells. In conclusion, 10μM THC and CBD altered the differentiation of HC11 cells, in part via the CB2 receptor

  • Opposite Effects of Src Family Kinases on YAP and ERK Activation in Pancreatic Cancer Cells...

    September 2022 Opposite Effects of Src Family Kinases on YAP and ERK Activation in Pancreatic Cancer Cells IGF-1 receptors and G protein-coupled (GPCR) signaling systems leading to mitogenic signaling in PDAC cells agonist neurotensin induced rapid activation of Src family of tyrosine kinases (SFKs) within PANC-1 cells by FAK phosphorylation at Tyr576/577 and Tyr861, sensitive biomarkers of SFK activity within intact cells and suppessed the growth of MiaPaCa-2 cells xenografted into the flank of nude mice.

  • Odorant receptors – a bit of smell for drug discovery

    OR function has been implicated in myelogenous leukemia where OR2AT4 activation leads to reduced proliferation proliferation via activation by β-ionone which initiates prostate cancer cell cycle arrest (Jones S. In non-small-cell lung cancer OR2J3 activation induced apoptosis and inhibited cell proliferation and Gelis L. et. al 2016) and the sandalore-activated receptor OR2AT4 shown to promote human keratinocyte proliferation The chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy could also be a way to target tumor cells expressing ectopic

  • Expression pattern and clinical significance of beta 2-adrenergic receptor in oral squamous cell...

    September 2022 Expression pattern and clinical significance of beta 2-adrenergic receptor in oral squamous cell However, the role of β2-AR in oral cancer is not well identified. significance in relation with the clinicopathological features and overall survival of oral squamous cell

  • Targeted Activation of G-Protein Coupled Receptor-Mediated Ca 2+ Signaling Drives Enhanced Cartilage

    processes that govern chondrocyte gene expression, protein synthesis, cytoskeletal remodeling, and cell investigate the effects that long-term CNO stimulatory culture have on hM3Dq [Ca2+]i signaling dynamics, proliferation proliferation, and enhanced matrix production in a CNO dose- and frequency-dependent manner, and triggered the formation of cell condensations that developed aligned, anisotropic neotissue structures rich in demonstrated Gαq-G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR)-mediated [Ca2+]i signaling involvement in chondroprogenitor proliferation

  • Delineation of GPR15 receptor-mediated Gα protein signaling profile in recombinant mammalian cell

    protein signalling using a G protein activation assay and second messenger assay conducted on living cells

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