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3 items found for "Enterococcus"

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  • Enterococcus-derived tyramine hijacks α2A-adrenergic receptor in intestinal stem cells to exacerbate colitis

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology Enterococcus-derived tyramine hijacks α2A-adrenergic receptor Through PRESTO-Tango screening, we demonstrate that tyramine, primarily produced by Enterococcus via Using an engineered tyrDC-deficient Enterococcus faecalis strain and intestinal epithelial cell-specific Adra2a knockout mice, we show that Enterococcus-derived tyramine suppresses ISC proliferation, thereby Wei , Kaiguang Zhang , Dan Cao , Rongbin Zhou , Sheng Wang , Xinyang Song , Shu Zhu , Wen Pan Tags Enterococcus

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