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92 items found for "Filippo Prencipe"

Programs (1)

  • GPCRs in Pharmacology

    The curriculum is divided into four modules, each focusing on essential aspects of pharmacological principles

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Posts (75)

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Other Pages (16)

  • Principles of Pharmacology in Drug Discovery I

    Principles of Pharmacology in Drug Discovery I Techniques for Effective Lead Optimization of Candidate Principles of Pharmacology I $450 $ 450 ​ +$13.50 Transaction fee Techniques for Effective Lead Optimization Molecules Valid for 6 months Select Register today Become a Premium Member and enjoy Early-Bird pricing in Principles

  • G Proteins and GPCRs in Cancer: Novel Precision Targeted and Immunotherapies

    Contest Committee Sponsors GPCR Retreat Program < Back to schedule G Proteins and GPCRs in Cancer: Novel Precision dysregulated signaling circuitries and individual genomic and molecular alterations to develop new precision

  • Ep 58 with Dr. Juan José Fung

    Juan José Fung is a Principal Scientist at GPCR Therapeutics, Inc , a drug discovery company focused

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