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3 items found for "GPR109A"
- A disturbed metabolite-GPCR axis is associated with microbial dysbiosis in IBD patients: Potential role of GPR109A in macrophages
disturbed metabolite-GPCR axis is associated with microbial dysbiosis in IBD patients: Potential role of GPR109A The role of GPR109A was studied in depth and increased expression of this receptor was detected in epithelial The treatment with β-hydroxybutyrate increased gene expression of GPR109A, CD86, IL1B and NOS2 in U937 Besides, when GPR109A was transiently silenced, the mRNA expression and secretion of IL-1β, IL-6 and A better understanding of metabolite-sensing GPCRs, such as GPR109A, could establish their potential
- Deletion of macrophage Gpr101 disrupts their phenotype and function dysregulating host immune responses in sterile and infectious inflammation
< GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology Deletion of macrophage Gpr101 disrupts their phenotype inflammation Published date January 1, 2023 Abstract We recently found that the G protein coupled receptor GPR101 The alterations in macrophage phenotype observed in Gpr101 deficient macrophages were maintained following This was linked with an increased inflammatory response in the Gpr101 deficient animals and a reduced Together these findings identify Gpr101 as a novel regulator of both macrophage phenotype and function
- Ep 153 with Dr Jacek Mokrosiński
variants identified in several GPCRs associated with obesity and other metabolic diseases, including GPR10