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835 items found for "Gorostiola González M"

Programs (4)

  • GPCRs in Pharmacology

    exploration of key concepts in pharmacology, offering a nuanced understanding of drug interactions and mechanisms The curriculum is divided into four modules, each focusing on essential aspects of pharmacological principles

  • Step 2

    Break down your content into manageable steps. Use videos, images, and text to explain your main points, and set clear expectations and goals.

  • Introduction to Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    In this video, you'll be walked through the history and milestones of the Dr. GPCR Ecosystem.

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Posts (559)

  • Disentangling bias between G q, GRK2, and arrestin3 recruitment to the M 3 muscarinic acetylcholine

    As activation and recruitment of effector proteins might influence each other, thorough analysis of bias acetylcholine receptor M3 by utilizing FRET-based assays. in the presence of inhibitors of Gi and Gq proteins and analyzed arrestin3 binding to prestimulated M3 We measured substantial differences in the agonist efficacies to induce M3R-arrestin3 versus M3R-GRK2 for arrestin3 binding to M3R are distinct.

  • Decoding GPCR Function: The Role of Mutagenesis in Rational Drug Discovery

    M., & Fields, S. (2014). Deep mutational scanning: a new style of protein science. Nature Methods , 11 (8), 801-807. Heydenreich, F. M., Marti-Solano, M., Sandhu, M., Kobilka, B. ., Bouvier, M., & Babu, M. M. (2023). M., Tomašević, N., ... & Carreira, E. M. (2024). D., Muñoz, L. L., Gregory, K. J., White, P. J., Sexton, P. M., Christopoulos, A., & May, L.

  • Unlocking Cell's Secrets: Spontaneous β-Arrestin-Membrane Preassociation Drives Receptor-Activation

    Based on an ingenious combination of multicolor single-molecule microscopy approach with molecular dynamics M., Medel-Lacruz, B., Baidya, M., Makarova, M., Mistry, R., Goulding, J., Drube, J., Hoffmann, C., Owen M., Shukla, A. K., Selent, J., Hill, S. J., & Calebiro, D. (2023). M., Kawakami, K., Masureel, M., Maeda, S., Garcia, K. C., von Zastrow, M., Inoue, A., & Kobilka, B. I., & von Zastrow, M. (2001).

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Other Pages (272)

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