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10 items found for "Graeme Milligan"

  • Ep 79 with Dr. Graeme Milligan

    Graeme Milligan About Dr. Graeme Milligan Professor Graeme Milligan is Gardiner Professor of Biochemistry, Dean of Research, and Milligan has published more than 550 peer-reviewed articles and his research has been cited more than Milligan is the co-founder of both Caldan Therapeutics (2015) which discovers novel therapeutics for Graeme Milligan on the web University of Glasgow ResearchGate PubMed Orcid Google Scholar LinkedIn Dr

  • Ep 51 with Dr. Mark Connor

    Postdoc with Graeme Henderson (Bristol, opioids and Ca signaling) and Mac Christie (Sydney, opioids in

  • Using food perception and bioamine signaling networks to slow aging

    University of Michigan About Scott Leiser "Scott Leiser is an Assistant Professor in the Research in the Molecular & Integrative Physiology Department at the University of Michigan. Scott Leiser on the web University of Michigan Pubmed ResearchGate LinkedIn Dr.

  • Ep 110 with Dr. G. Aditya Kumar

    Aditya Kumar is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan Medical School. Aditya Kumar on the web University of Michigan Puthenveedu Lab Google Scholar NIH ORCID LinkedIn Twitter

  • Ep 125 with Dr. Gregory Tall

    Tall moved to the University of Michigan in 2016 as an Associate Professor of Pharmacology and is a current He has continued funding at Michigan through the MIRA R35 program. Dr. Gregory Tall on the web The Tall Lab University of Michigan Google Scholar Twitter Dr.

  • Ep 39 with Dr. Kathryn E Livingston

    from Carnegie Mellon University and went on to receive a Ph.D. in Pharmacology at the University of Michigan

  • Trainee Symposium II

    Meredith Skiba "Meredith completed her PhD in Biological Chemistry with Janet Smith at the University of Michigan Meredith Skiba on the web Harvard University University of Michigan Dr.

  • Ep 140 with Dr Alix A J Rouault

    This is, in part, why I ran for, and was elected Chair of International Affairs of the University of Michigan Rouault on the web University of Michigan Carver College of Medicine ResearchGate Google Scholar Dr.

  • Session I

    Tall Department of Pharmacology, University of Michigan "" About Frank Kwarcinski "I am research faculty within the department of Pharmacology at the University of Michigan.

  • Session II

    University of Michigan."

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