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275 items found for "Gutiérrez-de-Terán H"

  • Ep 53 with Dr. Timo De Groof

    Timo De Groof About Dr. Timo De Groof Dr. Timo De Groof studied Biochemistry and Biotechnology at the University of Ghent where he graduated in During his master's studies, he specialized in Biomedical Biotechnology and Structural Biology/Biochemistry In the near future, Timo hopes to combine his previous GPCR experience with his current focus to set Timo De Groof on the web LinkedIn Researchgate Twitter Medical Imaging Group Google Scholar Dr.

  • Distinct sub-cellular signal propagation as a component of functional selectivity

    Following his Ph.D. in Neurological Sciences at the same university in 1985, he completed a post-doctoral Council of Canada at the Faculty of Medicine of the Université de Montréal. Since 2001, he holds the Canada Research Chair in Signal Transduction and Molecular Pharmacology. His work received more than 30,000 citations yielding an h-index of 95. He has supervised the research work of 75 graduate students and 40 post-doctoral fellows.

  • Interaction with the cell adhesion molecule NEGR1 affects mGluR5 cell signalling

    Ribeiro is an Associate Professor at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Ribeiro H factor is 28, according to Web of Science, and she is an affiliated member of the Brazilian She was able to have several grants approved in Brazil and abroad, which have granted her research group GPCR Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec

  • Regulation and role of mitochondria delta opioid receptors

    , PhD is tenured Professor and Chair of the Department of Pharmacology-Physiology at the Université de He has 20+ years of experience in in vitro and in vivo GPCR pharmacology and has published seminal papers where he used various approaches to describe the role of opioid receptors in pain and anagesia as well Recently, his group reported the first in vivo GPCR interactome, revealing an important number of new Louis Gendron on the web Université de Sherbrooke Neurosciences Sherbrooke RQRD Pubmed Google Scholar

  • Ep 66 with Dr. Antony A. Boucard Jr

    Gaetan Guillemette in the Pharmacology department at the Université de Sherbrooke. of Cell Biology at the Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politécnico Nacional He also actively volunteers as an Associate Professor of the non-governmental organization Institut des Sciences, des Technologies et des Etudes Avancées d’Haïti (ISTEAH) to help consolidate higher education in Haiti.

  • Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 | Dr. GPCR Ecosystem

    Register for the AGPCR24 Welcome to the Adhesion GPCR Workshop 2024 , hosted in the vibrant heart of Mexico City at the prestigious venue, CINVESTAV - Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del About the venue Cinvestav: Centro de investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional no 2508 Mexico City, C.P. 07360 ​ Room: Auditorium Arturo Rosenblueth *Have Up About the venue Discover Cinvestav, the host venue for the upcoming workshop.

  • Structure-based discovery of functionally selective 5-HT1A receptor agonists

    Peter Gmeiner received his Ph.D. from the University of Munich. Upon receiving his Dr. Habilitus, he was appointed at the University of Bonn as a Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry declining GPCR Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec

  • Unveiling Non-Canonical Functions for Gαq Signaling Pathways

    Catalina Ribas, located in the Centro de Biología Molecular “Severo Ochoa” (UAM/CSIC) and belongs also to the Health Research Institute La Princesa, has extensive experience in the field of GPCR. that act at the level of G proteins and which are part of a multimolecular signaling complex (AGS, de GPCR Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec

  • Dopamine-Mediated Motor Recovery after Ischemic Stroke

    molecular pharmacology of opioid receptors (Ph.D.) in the Department of Pharmacology at the Université de My addiction for dopamine led me to the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (then the Moses and Rose Loeb We hope our research will aid in the development of new therapeutic interventions for the alleviation GPCR Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec

  • Illuminating Functional Selectivity and Allosterism at GPCRs.

    He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Réseau québécois de recherche sur les médicaments. his findings in high-impact journals. The Canadian Institutes for Health Research and March of Dimes currently support his research." GPCR Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec

  • Coffee Break 4

    Date & Time Friday, November 3rd / 3:00 PM Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs

  • Dinner 1

    & Time Thursday, November 2nd / 8:00 PM Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs

  • Lunch 1

    & Time Friday, November 3rd / 12:10 PM Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs

  • Breakfast 2

    & Time Saturday, November 4th / 7:30 AM Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs

  • Welcome Remarks

    & Time Thursday, November 2nd / 1:30 PM Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs

  • Coffee Break 5

    & Time Saturday, November 4th / 9:55 AM Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs

  • Registration

    Thursday, November 2nd / 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs

  • "Have a nice weekend, and I'll see you tomorrow!": RAMP-interacting GPCR Pathways

    About Program Registration Logo Contest Committee Sponsors GPCR Retreat Program < Back to schedule "Have Chair of the Department of Cell Biology & Physiology at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill—a of Health." GPCR Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec

  • Atypical Structure and Function of Typical Chemokine Receptors

    Our laboratory has a long-standing interest in the way that NMDA receptors contribute to the symptoms Recently, we have focused our efforts on GRIN disorder. This is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder caused by de novo mutations in the GRIN genes that encode Our laboratory is working to help patients by developing genetically-modified mice that have disease-causing du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec

  • Ep 87 with Dr. Bianca Plouffe

    Bianca Plouffe obtained her B.Sc. in Biochemistry in 2003 from Université de Sherbrooke (Qc, Canada). After obtaining a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research in 2012, Bianca joined the research group of Prof Michel Bouvier at Université de Montréal. Her subsequent work has focused on understanding the role of compartmentalized Gq signaling by the cytomegalovirus-encoded GPCR Ecosystem Thanks for listening to this podcast episode This short survey will help us understand

  • Using food perception and bioamine signaling networks to slow aging

    Miller 1, Shijiao Huang 1, Elizabeth S. Dean 1, and Scott F. Leiser 1 1. Recent research in his laboratory focuses on how organisms perceive and respond to environmental stress though cell non autonomous signaling mechanisms, and how these signals affect the health and longevity GPCR Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec

  • Cannabinoid compounds to augment L-DOPA treatment in Parkinson's Disease

    His PhD work was under the supervision of Dr. In November of 2002, he joined the lab of Dr. In April 2009, he joined the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at University of Toronto and has GPCR Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec

  • G Proteins and GPCRs in Cancer: Novel Precision Targeted and Immunotherapies

    He served as Branch Chief at NIDCR, NIH, since 1998 until his recruitment to UCSD in 2015. His research team has pioneered the study of G proteins and G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) in human He is exploiting the emerging information on dysregulated signaling circuitries and individual genomic GPCR Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec

  • Developing a PROTAC to Degrade the Constitutively Active Onco-GPCR in Uveal Melanoma

    She completed her undergraduate education at Providence College, receiving a B.S. in Biology and a B.A During her time at Providence College, she received the Walsh Grant Fellowship to develop novel methods Victoria started her Ph.D. at the Tri-Institutional Ph.D. program in Chemical Biology, where she joined She is currently working to understand the signaling and degradation of GPCRs in disease states to help du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec

  • Biased agonism at the GLP-1 receptor: from structure to animal models of disease

    He is a leader in the study of GPCRs. Recently, his team has applied cryo-EM to elucidation of the structure and dynamics of GPCRs. Prof. Sexton has published over 335 peer reviewed journal articles and has been cited >29,000 times (Google He is a 2022 Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher in two disciplines: Pharmacology & Toxicology du Québec Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des Récepteurs à Sept Domaines Transmembranaires du Québec

  • Molecular characterization of breast cancer cell pools with normal or reduced ability to respond to progesterone: a study based on RNA-seq

    New evidence has shown that progesterone (P4) has an anti-proliferative effect in ERα-positive breast However, the role of PR in breast cancer is only poorly understood. Differentially expressed (DE) genes between experimental groups were characterized based on RNA-seq and More than 6000 genes were DE in control T-47D cells upon stimulation with P4 or P4 plus E2. We identified more than 3000 genes that were DE between hormone-treated PR-low and control T-47D cells

  • Board Meeting

    Date & Time Friday, November 3rd / 9:30 PM Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des

  • Welcome Reception and Poster Session 1

    & Time Thursday, November 2nd / 5:30 PM Previous Event Next Event Great Lakes GPCR Retreat and Club des

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