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13 items found for "Hermany Munguba"

  • Session VI

    ., Institute of Molecular Physiology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany Zorin, Mark, Institute Physiology, Institute of Developmental Biology and Neurobiology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany Physiology, Institute of Developmental Biology and Neurobiology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany a full professorship for Zoology and Cell biology at the Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) Mainz, Germany After a fellowship of the German Research Council (DFG) at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, he obtained

  • Ep 127 with Dr. Evi Kostenis

    Juergen Wess - Postdoc and Group leader in Aventis, now Sanofi, Frankfurt, Germany - Head of in vitro

  • Session VII

    After my bachelors, I moved to Germany where I obtained my Master’s of Science and PhD degree in Dr. Institute of Cell Biology, Department of Biology, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany 2 Rudolf Schönheimer Institute of Biochemistry, Medical Faculty, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany USA 4 Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Medical Faculty, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany Post "Willem Berend Post is a PhD student in Cell Biology at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, Germany

  • Ep 142 with Dr Claudia Stäubert

    Claudia Stäubert "I received my degree in biochemistry from Leipzig University (Germany) being already Since 2014, I have led a research group at the Rudolf Schönheimer Institute of Biochemistry in Leipzig (Germany Claudia shared her experiences working in Sweden and Germany, and how she secured funding for her research

  • Session V

    Sträter1 1 Institute of Bioanalytical Chemistry, Leipzig University, Deutscher Platz 5, 04103 Leipzig, Germany , Peter Werner1 1 Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics, Medical Faculty, Leipzig University, Germany Schönheimer Institute of Biochemistry, Division of General Biochemistry, Medical Faculty, Leipzig University, Germany 3 Institute of Bioanalytical Chemistry, Leipzig University, Germany" About Florian Seufert "Florian

  • Ep 141 with Dr Tobi Langenhan

    After returning to Germany I set up my own lab at the Institute of Physiology at Würzburg, where I later

  • Ep 46 with Dr Gunnar Schulte

    He has a background in biochemistry from the Free University in Berlin/Germany and a Ph.D. in molecular

  • Ep 109 with Dr. Katarina Nemec

    I studied Pharmacy at the University in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and at the University of Bonn, Germany,

  • Ep 45 with Dr Ralf Jockers

    Cologne and received a Ph.D. in biotechnology and biochemistry from the University of Braunschweig, Germany

  • Ep 143 with Dr Davide Calebiro

    the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology and Rudolf Virchow Center of the University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Student Flash Presentations

    of Pathology, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Kussmaulallee 12, 91054 Erlangen, Germany 2Institute for Medical Physics and Biophysics, Medical Faculty, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany 3Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany belongs to the adhesion G-protein-coupled receptors, which exhibit large multi-domain extracellular N-termini as a receptor agonist, while the alternative transcripts generate BAI1 isoforms with extracellular N-termini

  • Ep 47 with Dr Simone Promel Dr Ines Liebscher

    Simone Prömel is currently a professor of cell biology at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany not only mediate classical G protein signals into cells but can also communicate solely via their N termini

  • Session III

    Institute of Biochemistry, Divison of General Biochemistry, Medical Faculty, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany Michael Schaefer’s group at Leipzig University, Germany, focusing on drug screening and utilizing electrophysiological

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