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101 items found for "Immune infiltration"

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  • PAXIP1-AS1 is associated with immune infiltration and predicts poor prognosis in ovarian cancer

    < GPCR News < GPCRs in Oncology and Immunology PAXIP1-AS1 is associated with immune infiltration and infiltration of OC patients and its regulatory network are unclear. 379 OC tissues were collected from regression, Kaplan-Meier method, Cox regression analysis, Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA), and immuno-infiltration The expression of PAXIP1-AS1 was associated with immune infiltration. low expression of PAXIP1-AS1 was Low expression of PAXIP1-AS1 was significantly associated with poor survival and immune infiltration

  • G protein-coupled receptors: A target for microbial metabolites and a mechanistic link to microbiome-immune-brain interactions

    protein-coupled receptors: A target for microbial metabolites and a mechanistic link to microbiome-immune-brain inferred the most predominant GPCR-mediated microbial metabolite-human cell interactions regulating gut-immune-brain interactions with specific human cell receptors, particularly expressed on human intestinal epithelial cells, immune and metabolite cataloging with mechanistic studies for an improved understanding of gut microbiota-immune-brain Troyer , Suzi Hong Tags G protein-coupled receptors , Gut microbiota , Human-microbiota interactions , Immune

  • The orphan G protein-coupled receptor 141 expressed in myeloid cells functions as an inflammation suppressor

    hormones, neurotransmitters, and odorants, some of which play critical roles in innate and adaptive immune Here, we demonstrate that GPR141, an orphan GPCR belonging to the class A receptor family, suppresses immune increased CD11b + Gr1+ neutrophils, CD11b + Gr1- monocytes, CD11c+ dendritic cells, and CD4+ T cell infiltration Lymphocytes enriched from Gpr141 -/- mice immunized with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 35-55 produced These findings suggest that GPR141 functions as a negative regulator of immune responses by controlling

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