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245 items found for "Lumpy skin disease"

Posts (171)

  • Keratinocyte-derived defensins activate neutrophil-specific receptors Mrgpra2a/b to prevent skin...

    October 2022 Keratinocyte-derived defensins activate neutrophil-specific receptors Mrgpra2a/b to prevent skin dysbiosis and bacterial infection "Healthy skin maintains a diverse microbiome and a potent immune system This signaling axis was required for effective neutrophil-mediated skin immunity and microbiome homeostasis Def and Mrgpra2 mutant animals both exhibited skin dysbiosis, with reduced microbial diversity and expansion importance of epithelial-neutrophil signaling via the defensin-Mrgpra2 axis in maintaining healthy skin

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News, November 20 to 26, 2023

    Portal Venous Blood as a Possible Mechanism for Microbiota Effects on the Immune System, and Western Diseases neurosteroid concept to metabolomics: New insights into pregnenolone function Molecular characterization of lumpy skin disease virus from recent outbreaks in Pakistan Structural and Molecular Insights into GPCR Function

  • 📰 GPCR Weekly News, May 27 to June 2, 2024

    knockdown regulates the expression and alternative splicing of genes associated with aphasia-related diseases Aspergillus ochraceus quorum sensing through the GprC-AcyA pathway Deciphering the genetic landscape of lumpy skin disease: Unraveling variable virulence through comprehensive genome sequence analysis in India

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